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PS5: 7.8m LTD, fastest selling console launch aligned (PS4 was 7.6M at the same time); PS4: 5.8m (115.9m LTD); Best Year ever for PlayStation

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40 minutes ago, Remij said:

Hey retard, they aren't going to lose 70% of their retail sales all at once because their games are offered on a subscription service day 1....  Maybe... jusssst maybe....the amount of new subs from people who otherwise wouldn't have bothered buying the game... would augment that and make them MORE money? :drake: 


10m sales x $70 = 700m

20m subs x $15 = $300M per month x 12months = 3.6B


The funny thing though... is if the amount of people that you are so concerned about Sony losing retail sales from, instead subscribed to their service to play their games day 1... Sony would be making WAYYYYYYYYYY more money than they ever could retail... LOL


They WILL have a sub model that copies MS' business model...


No this fool didn't just compare the sale of one game  to the  entire subscription user base and the entire sub of all games on the service..... that's dumber than some of DynamiteCop's dumbest comparisons 🤣


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Only 1.9m of those PS5 are from active users though. The other %80 is all scalpers hoarding them on Ebay.

so with covid hampering software development and hardware supply, and putting tons of people out of a job, they still had a record year?   damn

1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


No this fool didn't just compare the sale of one game  to the  entire subscription user base and the entire sub of all games on the service..... that's dumber than some of DynamiteCop's dumbest comparisons 🤣


How many 10M games is Sony releasing a year?  2? 3? :drake: 


And again... moron.. that's just to show the numbers...  They would still have massive amounts of retail sales PLUS the subs from people who wouldn't likely buy or try the game otherwise.


It's like you're PURPOSEFULLY fucking stupid to try to make arguments against what I'm saying :rofl: 

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9 minutes ago, Remij said:

God you're fucking dumb.  Adding an additional business model =/= abandoning the old one :drake: 


Abandoning the old one would be... No longer releasing games at retail to SOLELY do the subscription model... :lemming: 


God you're so stupid :rofl: 


First you thought I said abandon retail and now this... that abandon talk came from your butt buddy DynamiteCop :drake:


For the last time day 1 Sub and day 1 PC is not the same as Sub or PC months or years later. 

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5 minutes ago, Remij said:

How many 10M games is Sony releasing a year?  2? 3? :drake: 


And again... moron.. that's just to show the numbers...  They would still have massive amounts of retail sales PLUS the subs from people who wouldn't likely buy or try the game otherwise.


It's like you're PURPOSEFULLY fucking stupid to try to make arguments against what I'm saying :rofl: 


This fool compared an entire SUB USERBASE + THE ENTIRE PORTFOLIO OF the subscription model which has first and 3rd party games.... and compared it to ONE RETAIL RELEASE... how fucking stupid are you? :lawl:



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Just now, Goukosan said:


This fool compared an entire USERBASE + THE ENTIRE PORTFOLIO OF the subscription model which has first and 3rd party games.... and compared it to ONE RETAIL RELEASE... how fucking stupid are you? :lawl:



You're so fucking dumb.  Even taking 3rd party into account it doesn't mean shit.. they'll still make more money :tom: 


Ok let's compare it to 3 AAA $70 releases per year that each sell 10M in 1 year


30M x 70 = 2.1B (1 year)

30M subs x $15 x 12 = 5.4B (1 year)



Are you telling me that Sony's games wont be driving the service?  Are you telling me that 3rd parties are going to make the majority of the sales?  Sony could easily pay those 3rd parties..


KEEP IN MIND... this is AUGMENTING the retail market.  Now, Sony throws their weight behind it and gets 50M subs lets say..


50M x $15 x 12 = 9B in 1 year....


I mean you guys keep saying MS' games are trash and Game Pass is budget trash games... and yet they already have 23M subs.  Sony could demolish that number.... and EASILY pay the 3rd parties and make tons of money.

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Just now, Remij said:

You're so fucking dumb.  Even taking 3rd party into account it doesn't mean shit.. they'll still make more money :tom: 


Ok let's compare it to 3 AAA $70 releases per year that each sell 10M in 1 year


30M x 70 = 2.1B (1 year)

30M subs x $15 x 12 = 5.4B (1 year)



Are you telling me that Sony's games wont be driving the service?  Are you telling me that 3rd parties are going to make the majority of the sales?  Sony could easily pay those 3rd parties..


KEEP IN MIND... this is AUGMENTING the retail market.  Now, Sony throws their weight behind it and gets 50M subs lets say..


50M x $15 x 12 = 9B in 1 year....


I mean you guys keep saying MS' games are trash and Game Pass is budget trash games... and yet they already have 23M subs.  Sony could demolish that number.... and EASILY pay the 3rd parties and make tons of money.

and you continue to double down with the dumbass comparison of comparing individual retail releases releases (a subset of Sony's current model) with THE ENTIRE business model of the entire subscription userbase + entire subscription games portfolio x 12 months :drake:


You cannot make this shit up.  I wonder how long it will take his retarder ass to realize what the real comparison should be? ..... shhhhh no one tell him..


let's see how long it takes him to figure it out.. lmfao. 


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8 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

and you continue to double down with the dumbass comparison of comparing individual retail releases releases (a subset of Sony's current model) with THE ENTIRE business model of the entire subscription userbase + entire subscription games portfolio x 12 months :drake:


You cannot make this shit up.  I wonder how long it will take his retarder ass to realize what the real comparison should be? ..... shhhhh no one tell him..


let's see how long it takes him to figure it out.. lmfao. 



Sweetie... you can compare it any way you like.  Retail + Sub services > Retail :bena: 

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And don't think I've forgotten about the fact that what I said was that Sony will offer their games day and date on their own subscription service by the end of this gen... 


LMAO.. like as if that's even a controversial thing to say... Of fucking COURSE they are going to.


"bubu they're not going to abandon their current model" :tear2: 


I never said they would.


They're simply adding another model to the others... and they will build it up from there... just like MS.  Following them.

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30 minutes ago, Remij said:


Sweetie... you can compare it any way you like.  Retail + Sub services > Retail :bena: 


That's not what you did.  You compared one singular retail game to the entire Sub model. 


After you got called out for that dumb shit you started back tracking and changing what you initially said :drake:

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9 minutes ago, Remij said:

And don't think I've forgotten about the fact that what I said was that Sony will offer their games day and date on their own subscription service by the end of this gen... 


LMAO.. like as if that's even a controversial thing to say... Of fucking COURSE they are going to.


"bubu they're not going to abandon their current model" :tear2: 


I never said they would.


They're simply adding another model to the others... and they will build it up from there... just like MS.  Following them.


Another change.... stick by what you said.... Day 1 at retail, Day 1 on Sub and Day 1 on PC :tom5:

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Just now, Goukosan said:


That's not what you did.  You compared one singular retail game to the entire Sub model. 


After you got called out for that dumb shit you started back tracking and changing what you initially said :drake:

Nope.  I'm saying the same thing I always have.  Learn to fucking read.


And I compared 3 retail games selling 10 mill a piece.... to a sub model with ONLY 30M subs.....


Sony WILL have a game sub service and will launch their games there day and date by the end of this generation.  THAT is what I said... lmfao

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4 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Another change.... stick by what you said.... Day 1 at retail, Day 1 on Sub and Day 1 on PC :tom5:

I said day 1 retail and sub.


And day 1 digital on PC.  I never said the PC would have their subscription service.  Lrn 2 Reed

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10 minutes ago, Remij said:

I said day 1 retail and sub.


And day 1 digital on PC.  I never said the PC would have their subscription service.  Lrn 2 Reed


My goodness your comprehension is at an all time low.  Who said anything about PC having its own sub? 


Day 1 refers to the game releasing day 1 you dumb cunt.  Day 1 retail, Day 1 Sub and day 1 PC. 


How the fuck to you read that I get PC sub service? :lawl:

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9 minutes ago, Remij said:


And I compared 3 retail games selling 10 mill a piece.... to a sub model with ONLY 30M subs.....


and you did this dumb shit again... comparing a subset of one model to the entirety of another model..... you still haven't figured out how stupid that is as yet... my god :drake:

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


My goodness your comprehension is at an all time one low.  Who said anything about PC having its on sub? 


Day 1 refers to the game releasing day 1 you dumb cunt.  Day 1 retail, Day 1 Sub and day 1 PC. 


How the fuck to you read that I get PC sub service? :lawl:







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1 minute ago, Remij said:








Yes thanks for confirming your reading comprehension is at an all time low. 


"Don't forget day 1 on PC" meaning Day 1 release on PC. 








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2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Yes thanks for confirming your reading comprehension is at an all time low. 


"Don't forget day 1 on PC" meaning Day 1 release on PC. 








"day 1 on PC TOO"  fucking moron....


You're saying that what I JUST said... had to apply to PC TOO.. :lemming: 


Fucking retard :rofl: 

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2 minutes ago, Remij said:

"day 1 on PC TOO"  fucking moron....


You're saying that what I JUST said... had to apply to PC TOO.. :lemming: 


Fucking retard :rofl: 


I was quoting a post where you DID NOT mention day 1 release on PC.    Hence I said don't forget day 1 on PC too = Day 1 release as well as the other day 1 releases at retail etc. 


Thanks for again confirming you're getting 






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Just now, Goukosan said:


I was quoting a post where you DID NOT mention day 1 release on PC.    Hence I said don't forget day 1 on PC too = Day 1 release as well as the other day 1 releases at retail etc. 


Thanks for again confirming you're getting 






LMFAO... you didn't say "don't forget" you dumb fuck.



Walk that ass back son :tom: 



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5 minutes ago, Remij said:

LMFAO... you didn't say "don't forget" you dumb fuck.



Walk that ass back son :tom: 




3 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Don't forget it has to be day 1 on PC too... lmfao. 



It's the the screenshot of my post you quoted and I just quoted it for you and highlighted and underlined it for your retarded ass. 











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