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Returnal GS Review - TCHBK

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3 minutes ago, Ike said:

Game scores AAA


”What’s AAA about it?”



Game scores aren't only about gameplay...


What is AAA about the gameplay specifically?  lmfao...  What shooting, dash, and gun mechanics are there in this game that isn't in hundreds of other games?


LOL can't answer basic questions :rofls: 

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7 minutes ago, Remij said:

Game scores aren't only about gameplay...


What is AAA about the gameplay specifically?  lmfao...  What shooting, dash, and gun mechanics are there in this game that isn't in hundreds of other games?


LOL can't answer basic questions :rofls: 


My goodness you are getting dumber by the minute.  A game doesn't have to be ground breaking to be AAA.   If that were the case those generic Forza games wouldn't be AAA because it's just the same driving in circles that's in a million other games. 


LemiJ is getting fucking dumber and dumber in front our very eyes :lawl:

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5 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


My goodness you are getting dumber by the minute.  A game doesn't have to be ground breaking to be AAA.   If that were the case those generic Forza games wouldn't be AAA because it's just the same driving in circles that's in a million other games. 


LemiJ is getting fucking dumber and dumber in front our very eyes :lawl:

Yea, you're right... because 90% of Sony's games aren't breaking any new ground gameplay-wise.


So what's AAA about that gameplay Gouko? :lemming: 

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1 minute ago, Remij said:

Yea, you're right... because 90% of Sony's games aren't breaking any new ground gameplay-wise.


So what's AAA about that gameplay Gouko? :lemming: 


AAA = ground breaking, innovate and never been done before. 


Nice trap you've set up for yourself :lawl:

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2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


AAA = ground breaking, innovate and never been done before. 


Nice trap you've set up for yourself :lawl:

I never said that.


You said it was AAA gameplay.  I asked what's AAA about it?


Are you even able to explain what AAA gameplay is?  Is tha dodge cool?  Does it feel really nice and smooth?... is the shooting top notch?


LOL.. are you able to explain ANYTHING?


God you're losing your shit...all because you can't explain what AAA gameplay entails. :rofl: 


I can tell you what AAA visual production values entail, what AAA sound production entails...  I can actually do it with gameplay as well... But I'm having a hard time thinking about what's AAA about Returnal's gameplay.


So tell me, what does that mean?

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the gameplay reminds me of recore, except it's fast and fluid here. it actually looks like a total blast. i can't say if the gameplay is AAA until i play it, but it looks awesome. 

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1 minute ago, -GD-X said:

the gameplay reminds me of recore, except it's fast and fluid here. it actually looks like a total blast. i can't say if the gameplay is AAA until i play it, but it looks awesome. 

You managed to say more in a single post than Gouko could over multiple lmfao :fblike: 



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30 minutes ago, Remij said:

I never said that.


You said it was AAA gameplay.  I asked what's AAA about it?


Are you even able to explain what AAA gameplay is?  Is tha dodge cool?  Does it feel really nice and smooth?... is the shooting top notch?


LOL.. are you able to explain ANYTHING?


God you're losing your shit...all because you can't explain what AAA gameplay entails. :rofl: 


I can tell you what AAA visual production values entail, what AAA sound production entails...  I can actually do it with gameplay as well... But I'm having a hard time thinking about what's AAA about Returnal's gameplay.


So tell me, what does that mean?

"in this game that isn't in hundreds of other games?" 


Bbbbut I never said that :awww:



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8 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


"in this game that isn't in hundreds of other games?" 


LemiJ - "I never said what you just quoted me saying"   :feelsbadman:


I never said it had to be groundbreaking though... lmfao


I asked YOU to explain... but you couldn't.  If you can't explain what it does that others don't already... then at least explain how it does them better... :drake: 


but alas... nothing... again :feelsbadman:

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


"in this game that isn't in hundreds of other games?" 


LemiJ doesn't even know what his own words mean :lawl:


HOLY fuck you're completely retarded my dude :rofl: 

EXPLAIN HOW RETURNALS GAMEPLAY IS BETTER than other games that have the same mechanics...  Are those mechanics implemented better?  Are they more responsive and connect you to the character and the world better?


I'm asking you to do something very simple... I mean it's the basic job of a reviewer after all :lemming: 


And you can't :rofl: 

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13 minutes ago, Remij said:

HOLY fuck you're completely retarded my dude :rofl: 

EXPLAIN HOW RETURNALS GAMEPLAY IS BETTER than other games that have the same mechanics...  Are those mechanics implemented better?  Are they more responsive and connect you to the character and the world better?


I'm asking you to do something very simple... I mean it's the basic job of a reviewer after all :lemming: 


And you can't :rofl: 


"in this game that isn't in hundreds of other games?"  bbbbut I never said this I swearz it :awww:



AAA means it's better than other AAA games with similar mechanics? lmfao ....you're on a dumb roll today :drake:

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Just now, Goukosan said:


AAA means it's better than other AAA games with similar mechanics....you're on a dumb roll today :drake:

AAA means better than AAA with similar mechanics?


That's.... interesting. :drake: 


So... uh, what's better about it? :bena: 





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