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Knockout City GS review - 8.0

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The Good
Simple-to-understand mechanics with a surprising amount of depth for competitive play
Straight-forward control lets you focus on the frantic moment to moment gameplay without needing complex inputs
Great balance of attacking and defensive options creates a riveting flow to the action
Interesting blend of aesthetics and stylization lets you make eye-catching characters with great personality

The Bad
Only having one special ball type per game makes the less interesting options stand out more
The limited game modes outside of standard 3v3 battles are uninspired and boring
The glider oddly only makes sense on one map





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From what little I saw, I didn't seem to care for it.


However, I like the idea of someone at least attempting a comprehensive online multiplayer game that doesn't involve shooting.


You're attacking other people in a different manner other than just shooting a gun or projectile.

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