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Maybe, quite possibly, Xbox E3 announcements have leaked.

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This is like fourth-hand information. From gaf, where they got it from other places.



Reddit and Klobrille ninjas are at it again. For quick context Klobrille has been leaking stuff since 2018 and has been very accurate for the last few years and tends to leak most of the E3 stuff for MS.

Note - Mods pls fix the spelling on title kthxbai ❤️


- Starfield
- Halo Infinite
- Wolfenstein 3
- Kojima Game
- Project Dragon RPG by IO Interactive (New IP)
- Project Omen (Dracula/Vampires New IP) by Arkane

- Forza Horizon 5 with this year release date and set in Mexico

- Awoved (Game is in great shape and is almost fully on schedule for release)


Bonus - Female Artist at Playground games also stated that we should be seeing the game/Fable soon (she's a outsourced artist) However, no word from Klobrille on this particular title. I would not hold my breath.

As a reminder, Avowed had a trailer last year. It was a RPG game from Obsidian.


Forgettable name, and the original trailer didn't reveal much. So many people may not remember this.




I'm to assume that an unnamed kojima game, and games that have the word "Project" in them are announcements that have zero chance of arriving within this year.

Edited by jehurey
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Could be a decent/good show.... depending on how well the games show.  If Halo has an improved and more better presentation than last time, that will go a long way to making the show great.


Forza Horizon 5 is the game that Klobrille said would show off the power of Series X... so I'm hoping against hope that it includes a lot of the improvements to the engine that they're making for the next Motorsport, and the car materials and shaders have been improved as well.  I would be insanely disappointed if it uses the same car models and materials/textures as before.  It's obviously going to look amazing though.


The new IPs could be interesting... hopefully they have something of actual substance to show and not fucking CGI trailers and a title.  (would be amazing if Project Omen was a remake of "Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain" and they somehow bought the IP from Square lol.. but I know that ain't it)


Kojima's project could be pretty massive for Xbox and the show, if it's exclusive to their platforms.


Avowed could be great as well, but last time we only say CG, and I was under the impression that game was far off.. so I'm not really expecting anything.



Sony was smart though... all they did was release a SOP about a single game... to which every game MS shows at their conference will be compared to visually and whether they are as "next-gen" or not... lmfao.

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