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And another big news story ends up being false. Hydroxychloriquine

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The Lancet fucking published a paper telling the world this treatment was deadly. Which in turn probably killed thousands of people because they didn't receive treatment, they got a ventilator instead which ACTUALLY killed the patients as it made their lungs weaker and dependent on the machine. 


This is what happens when you have one authority on medical advice rather than concensus and discussion. All decent was shutdown by social media companies and no one was allowed to question these methods. 


Same thing happened with Invermectin. WE HAVE prophylactic treatments that were written off because big pharma wanted their billions for vaccines. Theres no money in these drugs, there are no patents, it's too easy. Fuck this shit.  

Edited by Cooke
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'Follow the science' but only when it conveniently makes Trump look bad and simultaneously lets Big Pharma and their benefactors line their pockets with billions at the cost of millions of lives. This is disgraceful. And its too bad our media won't cover this kind of thing because they've made it their job to bury anything that paints Trump and his administration in a positive light.

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