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Very late to Crysis 2 but is it me or does this game throws away everything that made the series good with Crysis 1?

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Everything good from Crysis 1, open environments with multiple ways to tackle objetives, cool suit powers that if used in accordance to the situation, or your way of playing, you could accomplish your objectives almost effortlessly; gone in Crysis 2.

Instead, you are treated with a very linear game and go from one scenario with soldiers, to another scenario with soldiers, then cutscene.

Oh, and forget about scouting the area for your targets and finish them fast with guns blazing, because the AI keeps respawning.

It is as if the game punishes you by using your guns.

Instead, you have to just escape from situations and go straight to the objective.

Very linear game, and bullet spongy enemies.

Didn't like what I played.

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I liked it but it’s definitely not a lot more linear and less interesting overall. 3 follows the same template too. 

if the rumored reboot is real then they definitely need to go back to the style of the first game. With the new consoles they have the power to make it large and gorgeous at the same time, so they shouldn’t have the same bottlenecks they did when developing the sequels.

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