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First look: Windows 11

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I don't care about it's UI, I just want a robust and hopefully built from the ground up kernel.  With a tip top processor scheduler that can rival the best of Linux.

Microsoft is just window dressing with their OS these days, and for many of us who a serious PC users who care about performance, we don't give a shit about that.

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39 minutes ago, The Mother Fucker said:

I don't care about it's UI, I just want a robust and hopefully built from the ground up kernel.  With a tip top processor scheduler that can rival the best of Linux.

Microsoft is just window dressing with their OS these days, and for many of us who a serious PC users who care about performance, we don't give a shit about that.

Lol shut up, nigga. 

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17 hours ago, The Mother Fucker said:

I don't care about it's UI, I just want a robust and hopefully built from the ground up kernel.  With a tip top processor scheduler that can rival the best of Linux.

Microsoft is just window dressing with their OS these days, and for many of us who a serious PC users who care about performance, we don't give a shit about that.

Good luck. :reg:

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How the hell does Microsoft manage to lose a copy of Windows 11 mere days after they reveal it, and have it leak online?






That's like somebody stealing your underwear while you have them on.

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19 hours ago, Substatic said:

I gotta pay for this shit? Not a free upgrade? 

Lol MS only does that when they really shit the bed like with windows 8. MS is just one of those institutions that are still relevant only because it would be too inconvenient for general population to move on from them. 

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So I've been using this for a bit.  It's got a couple nice feature additions that make snapping windows much better... especially for ultrawide owners.  There's more options now than there was before.


It's prettier, and seems smoother in animations than Windows 10 did.


I like the centered taskbar, better for ultrawide monitors imo.


Obviously this build is older though, so I wonder what else has changed or been added/removed compared to what they'll show on the 24th?

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Windows is fucking cancer. 7 was the only one that was actually any good imo (didn't like XP), 10 is such a pile of shit. It's amazing how their OS is basically spyware now harvesting as much data as it can with no opt out, "it's telemetry to improve the produce and your experience!" they cry, well then how the fuck is my experience worse than ever? how do you collect more data than ever before yet end up with a worse product?


Seriously the last windows update uninstalled my graphics card :| how the fuck does a multi-billion dollar company fuck up that bad? and upon researching it seems they have put out updates this bad a number of times over the years!


Microsoft is just another shitty data harvesting ad company now. You don't get a product anymore, you get a service. That's why you end up with this Frankenstein beast of a system, where it's trying to connect you to 50 different services, wants you to sign in online which connects you to 50 other things, half wants to be a desktop and half wants to be a mobile device, resorts to fucking glorified phone apps over programs because it's easier to push your shitty ads this way. I get everyone is doing things this way now but the other experiences are much better at it, microsoft just took all their oldl shit and tried to slap it together and it's horrendous. Hey our updates fuck up your gpu but oh look we installed a new weather and news app on the task bar for you to compensate :ccruise:


Windows and Microsoft were always bad but now it's genuine fucking garbage. I'm not surprised one bit microsoft shits out the absolute worst products, xbox, zune, GFWL, windows mobile, all were trash and now all are fucking dead and irrelevant.


Lets be real people only put up with windows because they have to for things like gaming. I've been trialing Linux for general desktop use and aside from the steep learning curve, it's a much more pleasant experience. Hopefully Valve can keep improving gaming compatibility and one day we can ditch windows entirely.

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