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EGS store database lists FF7 Remake.

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LOL more port begging and eating Cow sloppy seconds. The game was always a timed exclusive, no surprise here.


Cows are already playing Intergrade and getting ready for the sequel while you are combing databases for a hint of a port, pathetic.

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8 hours ago, FIREPOWER said:

LOL more port begging and eating Cow sloppy seconds. The game was always a timed exclusive, no surprise here.


Cows are already playing Intergrade and getting ready for the sequel while you are combing databases for a hint of a port, pathetic.

Posting news is hardly port begging. I played and finished the game the first month it came out and I wish I could get my money and time back. I don't even want to play the sequel. 


All your exclusives are basically timed exclusives from now on. lmfao

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4 hours ago, Ramza said:

Posting news is hardly port begging. I played and finished the game the first month it came out and I wish I could get my money and time back. I don't even want to play the sequel. 


These guys are fucking retarded.  It hilarious... because one post will be "LOL you own the PS games but willfully haven't played any of them since 2014".... and then in the next one it's "You're begging to play those PS games"


Begging for games I'm waiting to play... that I already own... and have played :drake: 




That's how desperate they are to try to downplay the fact that Sony went 3rd party and are losing their game exclusivity.  Me posting about, and making fun of them about these games coming to PC is what it is.


Acting like this isn't massive ownage in SW terms.. lmfao..  Actually there's precisely 2 cows not owned by this, and that's Aza and GD... because they can admit when PS fanboys are owned and have a laugh at a silly thread... while ironically the sheep are the most owned because they get so fucking butthurt about it every single time :hest: 

Edited by Remij
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5 hours ago, Ramza said:

Posting news is hardly port begging. I played and finished the game the first month it came out and I wish I could get my money and time back. I don't even want to play the sequel. 


All your exclusives are basically timed exclusives from now on. lmfao

Yea a more fancy way of saying you are port begging. How’s Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls on PC? 


Imagine waiting six to ten years later to play Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls, couldn’t be me. That’s why I own a PS5 in addition to my PC. Call it whatever you want you’re still a beggar begging for console scraps and waiting a decade for games to come to your preferred platform :mickeyj:

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12 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

Yea a more fancy way of saying you are port begging. How’s Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls on PC? 


Imagine waiting six to ten years later to play Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls, couldn’t be me. That’s why I own a PS5 in addition to my PC. Call it whatever you want you’re still a beggar begging for console scraps and waiting a decade for games to come to your preferred platform :mickeyj:

I beat Demon's Souls on PS3 like 8 times total, I don't even care for it's remaster. I also bought my PS4 with Bloodborne. I'm good, thanks.


I don't even want these games but I'm a beggar? Maybe if Elden Ring was exclusive you would have something to gloat about but alas, Elden Ring = best on PC.

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

I beat Demon's Souls on PS3 like 8 times total, I don't even care for it's remaster. I also bought my PS4 with Bloodborne. I'm good, thanks.


I don't even want these games but I'm a beggar? Maybe if Elden Ring was exclusive you would have something to gloat about but alas, Elden Ring = best on PC.

You’re a beggar. If you keep praying for Sony’s leftovers you’re a beggar, no two ways about it. You can use whatever mental gymnastics you want but you’re still a beggar. I don’t beg for games or wait for ports. I see a game I want, I buy the system it’s on, it’s that simple.

No waiting for Sony or 3rd party devs to have mercy on my system and port games 10 years later, I get them when they are brand new and if I want I get them on PC later if they eventually get ported. While you and your fellow beggars are combing through databases and looking for hints and rumors I already finish the games and move on to something else. Life is too short to be begging and waiting for ports and leftovers. In the time you are combing through databases Cows are finishing Intergrade and getting ready for the sequel. By the time you get the game cows would have probably finished the sequel. Imagine waiting that long, couldn’t be me :pavarotti:

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3 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

You’re a beggar. If you keep praying for Sony’s leftovers you’re a beggar, no two ways about it. You can use whatever mental gymnastics you want but you’re still a beggar. I don’t beg for games or wait for ports. I see a game I want, I buy the system it’s on, it’s that simple.

No waiting for Sony or 3rd party devs to have mercy on my system and port games 10 years later, I get them when they are brand new and if I want I get them on PC later if they eventually get ported. While you and your fellow beggars are combing through databases and looking for hints and rumors I already finish the games and move on to something else. Life is too short to be begging and waiting for ports and leftovers. In the time you are combing through databases Cows are finishing Intergrade and getting ready got the sequel. By the time you get the game cows would have probably finished the sequel. Imagine waiting that long, couldn’t be me :pavarotti:

This fucking clown takes this shit seriously :lawl: 

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1 minute ago, Remij said:

This fucking clown takes this shit seriously :lawl: 

:mickeyj: Imagine getting this emotional and resorting to petty insults because someone correctly identifies you as a beggar. Accept what you are and stop living in denial. Embrace the beggar you truly are.

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39 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

You’re a beggar. If you keep praying for Sony’s leftovers you’re a beggar, no two ways about it. You can use whatever mental gymnastics you want but you’re still a beggar. I don’t beg for games or wait for ports. I see a game I want, I buy the system it’s on, it’s that simple.

No waiting for Sony or 3rd party devs to have mercy on my system and port games 10 years later, I get them when they are brand new and if I want I get them on PC later if they eventually get ported. While you and your fellow beggars are combing through databases and looking for hints and rumors I already finish the games and move on to something else. Life is too short to be begging and waiting for ports and leftovers. In the time you are combing through databases Cows are finishing Intergrade and getting ready for the sequel. By the time you get the game cows would have probably finished the sequel. Imagine waiting that long, couldn’t be me :pavarotti:

Lol did you even read what I said? I didn't wait for anything, I've already played Demon's Souls, FF7R and Bloodborne at launch and I'm not asking for anything, I don't even want those games on PC, personally. I literally couldn't give two shits. 


And I didn't find that data myself, or ever did something like that, I just saw it on my gaming news site and posted it. What the fuck are you smoking? :D 

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5 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Lol did you even read what I said? I didn't wait for anything, I've already played Demon's Souls, FF7R and Bloodborne at launch and I'm not asking for anything, I don't even want those games on PC, personally. I literally couldn't give two shits. 


And I didn't find that data myself, or ever did something like that, I just saw it on my gaming news site and posted it. What the fuck are you smoking? :D 

Yep, me too.  They LOVE to try to change the narrative though.. like as if we haven't bought and played them and are just SOOO desperate for "their" games to play on PC :hest: 



It's the only thing they have left. "bubu I pwayed da gaem be4 yu" :tear2: 



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4 hours ago, Remij said:

Yep, me too.  They LOVE to try to change the narrative though.. like as if we haven't bought and played them and are just SOOO desperate for "their" games to play on PC :hest: 



It's the only thing they have left. "bubu I pwayed da gaem be4 yu" :tear2: 



And the only thing you have is waiting for Sony's table scraps and last gen ports.



Sony and cows thank you for funding future PS5 exclusives with the money they get from selling you 10 year old ports :rawf:


Keep begging for the old ass games that people have moved on from. You fools getting hyped for Uncharted 4 like we are back in 2015 again :qbad:


Keep begging, and with any luck you will be getting the port of Returnal in 2028 LMAO!

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1 minute ago, FIREPOWER said:

And the only thing you have is waiting for Sony's table scraps and last gen ports.



Sony and cows thank you for funding future PS5 exclusives with the money they get from selling you 10 year old ports :rawf:


Keep begging for the old ass games that people have moved on from. You fools getting hyped for Uncharted 4 like we are back in 2015 again :qbad:


Keep begging, and with any luck you will be getting the port of Returnal in 2028 LMAO!

I'm not hyped for UC4.  I'm hyped that cows are losing UC4 :juggle: 


This dumb fuck still doesn't get it :lawl: 

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1 minute ago, Remij said:

I'm not hyped for UC4.  I'm hyped that cows are losing UC4 :juggle: 


This dumb fuck still doesn't get it :lawl: 

You can't lose something you've already used and tossed out.


Rejoicing over getting an old ass game cows have already forgotten and moved on from LMAO.


It's like you rejoicing over getting my used Chevy Tahoe that I sold to a dealership after using heavily for 10 years when I've already graduated to a new 2021 Mercedes Benz AMG GT. Face it dude, you're still a beggar rejoicing over Cow table scraps and sloppy seconds and it doesn't matter how you try to sugarcoat it  :qbad:

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26 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

You can't lose something you've already used and tossed out.


Rejoicing over getting an old ass game cows have already forgotten and moved on from LMAO.


It's like you rejoicing over getting my used Chevy Tahoe that I sold to a dealership after using heavily for 10 years when I've already graduated to a new 2021 Mercedes Benz AMG GT. Face it dude, you're still a beggar rejoicing over Cow table scraps and sloppy seconds and it doesn't matter how you try to sugarcoat it  :qbad:

Yea you can.  You don't need to own a console to play them.


The latest Horizon game is on PC....and the latest numbered UC game is coming to PC.


Those franchises are no longer exclusive... and it's easy to assume the future games in those series will come as well..


No need to own a shitty PS console that would get no use outside of exclusives to begin with  :juggle: 

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