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Instead of discriminatory and toxic curriculums based on CRT, why not educate kids on crime and its many consequences?

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I guarantee you that if you showed middle school or high school aged kids documentaries like these you would be swaying many from potentially getting into a life of crime, maybe even keep them out of the gangs that are responsible for the high murder rates that plague many of our inner cities. Maybe im crazy but I feel like this would be a far better use of time than teaching them about how bad white people are.

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  • Twinblade★ changed the title to Instead of discriminatory and toxic curriculums based on CRT, why not educate kids on crime and its many consequences?
  • 5 months later...

Of all your autistic rants, this might be your crown jewel. Like I'm trying to make sense of this stupidity, even from someone as stupid and selfish as you, this doesn't make sense. 


It's toxic for adult college students to have an educative and constructive discussion about CRT, but it's fine to make middle school kids watch documentaries about jail? Like how the fuck did this stupid idea even occur to you? What's the correlation of being taught CRT and being made to watch jail movies as some deterrent to going to jail? 


And lol at the people last year who thought you were baiting, even alone in this proud boy forum you have these fucking demented thoughts. This isn't even some article you read, this is the creation of your fucked up mind. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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8 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Of all your autistic rants, this might be your crown jewel. Like I'm trying to make sense of this stupidity, even from someone as stupid and selfish as you, this doesn't make sense. 


It's toxic for adult college students to have an educative and constructive discussion about CRT, but it's fine to make middle school kids watch documentaries about jail? Like how the fuck did this stupid idea even occur to you? What's the correlation of being taught CRT and being made to watch jail movies as some deterrent to going to jail? 


And lol at the people last year who thought you were baiting, even alone in this proud boy forum you have these fucking demented thoughts. This isn't even some article you read, this is the creation of your fucked up mind. 


The whole point of this thread went right over your head. All im saying is that the time and resources that school districts are dedicating to try and incorporate CRT into their curriculums (which has no benefit to anyone) could be better spent educating students on crime and its consequences. If you had bothered watching even snippets of the documentaries, you'd see that many of those perps were arrested while underage and then charged as adults in violent crimes including murder. Many had no idea what they were getting themselves into but now you see their remorse as they spend the rest of their lives in prison or end up on death row. Considering how many kids become gang members or other violent criminals while underage its obvious that our education system should be focused on deterring them from that lifestyle especially if they're living in crime ridden areas, not trying to invest in bullshit like CRT.

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4 hours ago, Twinblade said:


The whole point of this thread went right over your head. All im saying is that the time and resources that school districts are dedicating to try and incorporate CRT into their curriculums (which has no benefit to anyone) could be better spent educating students on crime and its consequences. If you had bothered watching even snippets of the documentaries, you'd see that many of those perps were arrested while underage and then charged as adults in violent crimes including murder. Many had no idea what they were getting themselves into but now you see their remorse as they spend the rest of their lives in prison or end up on death row. Considering how many kids become gang members or other violent criminals while underage its obvious that our education system should be focused on deterring them from that lifestyle especially if they're living in crime ridden areas, not trying to invest in bullshit like CRT.

The only person in over their head here is you. I got what your point was, it was just stupid and made no sense. If you were to say schools should phase out home ec and instead teach STEM. even if I agree or not, the idea makes some sense and they are sort of related. 


Comparing CRT to watching scared straight is comparing two completely different situations that are not at all connected at all.


Like what would that even be like? Every school day a kid watches a different jail documentary? This is why I say you're not actually able to think for yourself because your ideas sound completely retarded if you spend more than five seconds thinking about them and actually apply any actual process to them. 


I thank you, sheltered nerd from CT who cries about softcore videogames for informing me about inner city crime statistics that you don't understand or even really care about anyway. Again, this has nothing to do with school curriculums. 


The only reason we're even discussing CRT is because the right wing news you watch has weaponized it to fuel white aggrievement, as it's their only platform at the moment because they realize that a third of the country worships a sociopathic bigot. 


There are more states writing legislation about banning CRT than are even considering it. You speak of middle school kids when CRT is a college level elective and even then only in a few hundred universities and colleges. The youngest it may skew is in college prepatory institutions. There might possibly be some random middle/high schools that teach it or parts of it, but in small numbers and not part of a curriculum. So your actual point as dumb as it was, doesn't even apply here. But this is "over my head" some how. 


I'm not even going to bother with what your actual problem with CRT is, but given how reactionary and easily incited you can be I assume you're bothered because Fox News told you that CRT is simply teaching kids that white people are bad and of course you took it at face value. 


At some point even you might have to realize that you are nearly always wrong. Just about every post you make outside of GameSpot copy pasta is at a minimum stupid or factually incorrect. While on some level I do envy your carefree lack of self awareness that you can be proven wrong all of the time, yet never actually do any self assessment and just remain completely obtuse about any social issues whatsoever. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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LOL This is a fun watch about idiots whining and banning CRT despite not even knowing what's in it. Imagine being so dumb that you follow other dumb people. Notice how these people use the exact kind of language that Cooke uses. All this "I'm for equality, not equity." Again. I'm sure it's just a coincidence you guys think and talk like idiot right wingers. 

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So on the topic of CRT, here is what she has to say.


Rep. Lauren Boebert stated: “Democrats want to teach our children to hate each other. This radical critical race theory brings division, not unity, it advances hate, not love, and puts a person’s skin as more important than the content of their character. If we do not stop teaching critical race theory, then in the words of Ronald Reagan, ‘we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men and women were free.’”


This woman is an adult, mother of 4, who is an elected member of the house of reps. Standing in a room full of rich adult donors, law makers, and lobbyist... The power structure of our country. And she's "on stage" making disgusting, bigoted comments about people who haven't done anyone any harm to laughter and applause. You really think people who root and holler for "jihad squad" are not racist and judge people for the content of their character? 


Strictly because of their skin colors and choice of religion. And everyone is laughing and applauding. Not because she said something funny, she didnt. It wasn't even a punchline. These are the people who are against CRT, but yeah. Tell me more how destructive it is. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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