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So I take it the new Ratchet actually sucks?

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Everytime I scroll systemwars these days all I see is Remij waving his collection plate hoping for some AAA Sony leftovers.  

Remji just trying to convince himself that his $2k+ setup was so totally worth it to play emulators and beg for ports.  

I actually just finished it. Game was seriously fantastic. If it wasn’t for Returnal it would be my GOTY. I’m hoping they make an expansion with Rivet and Kit.   Insomniac is one of my top 3

1 hour ago, jehurey said:

Which makes you a more obvious HATEboy.


Did you honestly think you were giving a good answer?


What you are telling us is that you hate the Playstation so much that you are going out of your way to not buy it.


Yeah, that's called being a hateboy. Which is even more pathetic than any fanboy.


And you are even MORE PATHETIC than the average hateboy............because you are also BEGGING for Playstation games, at the same time going out of your way to avoid buying a Playstation.


:kaz:That last sentence is so unbelievably pathetic, I can't believe that I typed it, yet its 100% accurate.

Yea, your entire response is unbelievably pathetic.. and you can't believe you typed it... because you know it's bullshit.


People don't buy things they don't want... and that's it.




"You hate Playstation so THAT's why you're not buying one"

"You're GOING OUT OF YOUR WAY to not buy one" :drake: 


OMFG :lawl: 


Me not owning a PS5 is literally pissing off these cows (sheep) :ovolol: 

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1 hour ago, Remij said:

Yea, your entire response is unbelievably pathetic.. and you can't believe you typed it... because you know it's bullshit.


People don't buy things they don't want... and that's it.




"You hate Playstation so THAT's why you're not buying one"

"You're GOING OUT OF YOUR WAY to not buy one" :drake: 


OMFG :lawl: 


Me not owning a PS5 is literally pissing off these cows (sheep) :ovolol: 

You clearly want Playstation games...........did you not read my entire post?:tom:


Man, that was easy. He even attempted to copy my post, and completely tripped over himself.

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15 hours ago, Remij said:

That's alright man, we don't need to agree on everything.


I think in the end, the negative stuff press reviewers speak about Playstation aren't integral to people liking/wanting the system/games.  Like negative press about cross-play stuff, or not having a gamepass equivalent isn't really as negative as it's portrayed to be.. because the userbase is massive, and they've already proven that they buy games.  Those things are "nice to haves"... and Sony is iffy on them... but those issues aren't going to move the needle at all on their own.  And I feel that negative Sony stuff is always balanced out with positive stuff and of course reiterating that Sony's games are amazing.  I feel like Sony's games are overrated because they are pretty and well produced.  If they weren't as pretty as they are, things would be different.  But by being pretty, and having sky high production values, sites and reviewers often overlook issues with the games.


Ratchet to me is a fine example.. because it's by far the buggiest Ratchet game that has ever existed, and hardly anyone acknowledges it in their Reviews, and even if they do, the scores don't reflect it.  It might be like "I had some issues with the character falling through the world or not loading at the right spawn point, but with the PS5's incredible storage it only took 2 seconds to reload and fix the issue" type stuff.  I feel the Spider-man games are overrated, because they are based on a beloved character and are extremely flashy.  Those games aren't doing anything that many other games haven't done before... but they certainly are doing them more flashily and cinematically than ever before.  Take Spider-man, remove Peter Parker, remove the Marvel from it, and you're left with Infamous... which is an 80 meta game. I'm going to count Final Fantasy 7 Remake in this as well.. There's NO WAY imo, that FF7R is a 10/10 game.


Naughty Dog has been making the same type of game since Uncharted 1.  They've been refining it and improving it by changing up certain things... but it's a very tried and true formula.  I'd like to see something out of left field from them... but hearing that they're working on TLOU1 again... as much as I love that game... I don't care.


Like, if you're a person who doesn't care about cinematic flashy stuff.. a lot of these high 80's/low 90's games become more average.  Not everyone is convinced by them.  Some people like more experimental, varied type experiences which try something different, and visuals don't really matter to them.  And that's fine, but man, sometimes Sony fans get really worked up when you don't see things the same way as they do.  And they see it that way because they spent $500 on a box specifically for that.


About The Medium.. yeah Gamespot's score is absolutely baffling.  I don't understand how it got that either.  It's a 6-7 at best.. and is full of bugs and issues as well.  Gamespot is fucked up :yeshrug: 

Having platinumed Ratchet, I can say I literally got stuck in a wall one single time in the whole game, so the 'buggiest ratchet ever' stuff doesn't resonate with me tbh. Even then, we live in a world where patches are endless. Nearly all those bugs are already fixed. None impact the core game. I mean Skyrim is widely renowned as one of the greatest rpgs of all time and has plethora of 9-10s and it is one of the buggiest games ever made to this day. A couple bugs are never going to make a 9/10 a 7. It needs to be Cyberpunk level of bad where it continually impacts gameplay. There isn't anything even close to that in Ratchet. If I didn't even hear about other ppl talk about how it's buggy I wouldn't have even thought of it as an issue.


Regarding Spiderman, I'm not sure that holds up either. We saw that the Marvel brand and popular characters mean nothing if the game isn't good with Avengers. Spiderman is an evolution on Infamous and Sunset Overdrive, both new IPs that are low 80s and Spiderman is a step up in every way from them so makes sense it is a mid/high 80s meta. That's what I mean about me not understanding the overrated stuff because it's not like Sony games are getting 95s and 96s like a Zelda or Mario 3d game instantly does. 


My fav genre is defs story driven cinematic games so I love their focus on that, especially since no one else does them anywhere near as well. I would have no problem if that was all they did because they are still so rare. I maybe get 1 or max 2 of those kind of games a year. I guess as a multiplat gamer I don't really care who makes the games I like. If Halo is superb why would I need Sony to make a rival shooter? If indies are doing experimental and different stuff, I have no problem with Sony focusing on an area that they do better than anyone else. If Sony doesn't focus on SP story driven games, who does? 



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4 minutes ago, jehurey said:

wait a minute, the guy who is boasting about an ENTIRE SLATE of future Bethesda games is trying to criticize a Ratchet & Clank game having a bug near launch?:tom:


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46 minutes ago, jehurey said:

wait a minute, the guy who is boasting about an ENTIRE SLATE of future Bethesda games is trying to criticize a Ratchet & Clank game having a bug near launch?:tom:


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24 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Having platinumed Ratchet, I can say I literally got stuck in a wall one single time in the whole game, so the 'buggiest ratchet ever' stuff doesn't resonate with me tbh. Even then, we live in a world where patches are endless. Nearly all those bugs are already fixed. None impact the core game. I mean Skyrim is widely renowned as one of the greatest rpgs of all time and has plethora of 9-10s and it is one of the buggiest games ever made to this day. A couple bugs are never going to make a 9/10 a 7. It needs to be Cyberpunk level of bad where it continually impacts gameplay. There isn't anything even close to that in Ratchet. If I didn't even hear about other ppl talk about how it's buggy I wouldn't have even thought of it as an issue.


Regarding Spiderman, I'm not sure that holds up either. We saw that the Marvel brand and popular characters mean nothing if the game isn't good with Avengers. Spiderman is an evolution on Infamous and Sunset Overdrive, both new IPs that are low 80s and Spiderman is a step up in every way from them so makes sense it is a mid/high 80s meta. That's what I mean about me not understanding the overrated stuff because it's not like Sony games are getting 95s and 96s like a Zelda or Mario 3d game instantly does. 


My fav genre is defs story driven cinematic games so I love their focus on that, especially since no one else does them anywhere near as well. I would have no problem if that was all they did because they are still so rare. I maybe get 1 or max 2 of those kind of games a year. I guess as a multiplat gamer I don't really care who makes the games I like. If Halo is superb why would I need Sony to make a rival shooter? If indies are doing experimental and different stuff, I have no problem with Sony focusing on an area that they do better than anyone else. If Sony doesn't focus on SP story driven games, who does? 



It's still the buggiest game Insomniac has probably ever released.  Not everyone will experience the same things, but there's plenty of examples of bugs in that game, which are easily repeatable.  Getting stuck on geometry, falling through the world, game loading into the wrong spot, t-pose animation glitches, the game dropping button inputs.. ect.


I feel there's no way Spider-man would have done as well if it wasn't Spider-man.  It would have been a low 80s game as well as the others.  The only step up with Spider-man from those games comes from production values.. which is essentially my point.


You've got Sony making the style of games you love, and that's great.  I get it... but it's just my personal opinion that the reason why people think their games are soooo good, is mainly because of the production values.  When you say nobody else does them nearly as well, I think you're leaning heavily on the "cinematic" portion of story driven cinematic games.  There's lots of other smaller games out there that do much more innovative and interesting things than the big Sony games... just not nearly with the same level of polish.


If you take the open world action cinematic game template, change the setting and powers... and you have new Sony IP.  And like you said, you get 1 or 2 of those games per year... so I don't understand why you bring them up to me when gloating about how the console is so much better than the PC.  I don't feel I'm missing out at all.  The PS4 gen really opened my eyes to this.  I played most of the big Sony releases, and just thought it was a waste overall.


The best PS4 games are Bloodborne and God of War.  Those are the only two that I would admit I felt like I was missing out on, if I didn't already play them.  That's TWO games in an entire generation.

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53 minutes ago, jehurey said:

wait a minute, the guy who is boasting about an ENTIRE SLATE of future Bethesda games is trying to criticize a Ratchet & Clank game having a bug near launch?:tom:


49 minutes ago, lynux3 said:



6 minutes ago, Ike said:



1 minute ago, Goukosan said:




I'm criticizing Ratchet and Clank against Insominac's own standard... try to keep up :trump2: 

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2 hours ago, Remij said:





I'm criticizing Ratchet and Clank against Insominac's own standard... try to keep up :trump2: 

Did you just say that Sony-owned Insomniac is a higher quality studio than the entire $7.5 Billion dollar acquisition of Bethesda/Zenimax?


Good God, man.:kaz:

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14 hours ago, Remij said:

It's still the buggiest game Insomniac has probably ever released.  Not everyone will experience the same things, but there's plenty of examples of bugs in that game, which are easily repeatable.  Getting stuck on geometry, falling through the world, game loading into the wrong spot, t-pose animation glitches, the game dropping button inputs.. ect.


I feel there's no way Spider-man would have done as well if it wasn't Spider-man.  It would have been a low 80s game as well as the others.  The only step up with Spider-man from those games comes from production values.. which is essentially my point.


You've got Sony making the style of games you love, and that's great.  I get it... but it's just my personal opinion that the reason why people think their games are soooo good, is mainly because of the production values.  When you say nobody else does them nearly as well, I think you're leaning heavily on the "cinematic" portion of story driven cinematic games.  There's lots of other smaller games out there that do much more innovative and interesting things than the big Sony games... just not nearly with the same level of polish.


If you take the open world action cinematic game template, change the setting and powers... and you have new Sony IP.  And like you said, you get 1 or 2 of those games per year... so I don't understand why you bring them up to me when gloating about how the console is so much better than the PC.  I don't feel I'm missing out at all.  The PS4 gen really opened my eyes to this.  I played most of the big Sony releases, and just thought it was a waste overall.


The best PS4 games are Bloodborne and God of War.  Those are the only two that I would admit I felt like I was missing out on, if I didn't already play them.  That's TWO games in an entire generation.

Still fighting the good fight against Ratchet & Clank I see. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

lol "No one talks about R&C" 


200+ replies. 


All Remij does is talk about PlayStation games that he claims he doesn't want and he then turn around and beg and plead for a port :sabu:

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2 hours ago, Remij said:

This forum is retarded :roll:

No cap,  if Sony released their entire PSP 1 catalog for PC you'd be goose stepping in here like 90s Vince McMahon after a threesome with Madonna and Janet Jackson. 


Goodwill gaming ass pc players. :shake:

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5 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

No cap,  if Sony released their entire PSP 1 catalog for PC you'd be goose stepping in here like 90s Vince McMahon after a threesome with Madonna and Janet Jackson. 


Goodwill gaming ass pc players. :shake:

These are such dumb comments.


Of course the cows would be owned by that...  Only an entire forum of butthurt cows consoling each other would believe otherwise.  And that's exactly what this forum is now.


And no... I wouldn't give a shit in reality because I can literally play any single PS1 game on my PC right now.  It's actually the cows that WISH PS5 had PS1 and PS2 emulation :hest: 



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