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Sony 3rd party

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PC is on the verge of having absolutely everything. While owning a console isn't pointless it's becoming very irrelevant. All Xbox games on PC, all Nintendo games on PC, Sony is on their way as well. PC has won the System Wars.

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28 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

PC is on the verge of having absolutely everything. While owning a console isn't pointless it's becoming very irrelevant. All Xbox games on PC, all Nintendo games on PC, Sony is on their way as well. PC has won the System Wars.

these port beggars are running so fast behind their PCs, its hilarious.

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Lmfao.. Nixxes is helping all their studios port their games.. This isn't just Nixxes porting game by game while the studios work on their PS5 games... this is Nixxes working alongside all of them helping them port their own games to PC. 


Portny going all in on PC :hest:

TCHBFR :juggle:


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34 minutes ago, Remij said:


Lmfao.. Nixxes is helping all their studios port their games.. This isn't just Nixxes porting game by game while the studios work on their PS5 games... this is Nixxes working alongside all of them helping them port their own games to PC. 


Portny going all in on PC :hest:

TCHBFR :juggle:


Is there no shame in your begging?

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1 hour ago, DynamiteCop said:

Informing you of what you're actively losing is not port begging.

but you being wrong about who's losing makes you both stupid AND a port-beggar.:tom:


good to see that you're lying to yourself about two things.

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Everyone knew this was coming. The funny part is still watching the mental patient sheep claim its not happening. Like why not just drop the act? So embarrassing.

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The MLB stuff is actually surprising. It shows the majoirty of people are really dedicated to their ecosystem. Sales on PS pretty much didn't show a single bit of impact with it being Day 1 on GP which i think is quite crazy. If Sony sees that that stuff isn't going to effect their main bottom line (PS ecosystem) and that it is just an extra form of revenue then we could defs see it more often for certain titles, which would be fucking awesome. 

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29 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

The MLB stuff is actually surprising. It shows the majoirty of people are really dedicated to their ecosystem. Sales on PS pretty much didn't show a single bit of impact with it being Day 1 on GP which i think is quite crazy. If Sony sees that that stuff isn't going to effect their main bottom line (PS ecosystem) and that it is just an extra form of revenue then we could defs see it more often for certain titles, which would be fucking awesome. 

Let's be real... it makes no sense these days to not release your games everywhere possible.  Games, and specifically the kind that Sony likes to make... take hundreds of millions of $$$ and 4-5 year to create.  Now, Sony's done a great job of building their franchises, and they're typically massive successes.. however they're always wanting more.  When you create franchises like that, as big as Sony's own ecosystem is... they want to expand outward.  It makes no sense for them not to release their games on other capable platforms.  The games (before services) is what really makes them their money.  It's always been about the games.  We're at a point now where people just want to be able to access the content they love across all their devices.  If you're not doing that... you're artificially limiting your potential userbase... and to shareholders, that makes no sense.


It USED to make sense that it could really affect your business... but the reality is.... where are you going to go?  You're not going to run to Xbox.... because Xbox's games are already everywhere now.  You're not going to run to Nintendo... because you likely already have one as a companion device and it doesn't serve your primary gaming interest like the other two do.  Basically... MS going 3rd party... and being successful on PC, gives Sony the ability to just follow along because that's what their competitors are doing.


It would obviously be a different story if MS had succeeded... but like I said ages ago on SS.net... through MS' failure with the traditional model, they're going to change the market to suit them better... and it's going to be either you follow along, or you get left behind.  Sony's shareholders looking at MS games finding big success on PC leads them to ask why Sony can't do the same.  And that's exactly what happened.  Now Sony is finding success on PC, and it's absolutely not hurting, nor is it going to hurt, their console business in the slightest.  And as time goes on... the releases will become closer and closer, until Sony is just releasing their games on all supported devices.


It's just smart.  The console war shit was fun... but it's on the way out.  Sony won the traditional war.  The battle is transitioning now to games and services, and Sony has a huge arsenal of games that they see generating tons of money on other devices in markets they haven't typically penetrated before.

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2 hours ago, Remij said:

Let's be real... it makes no sense these days to not release your games everywhere possible.  Games, and specifically the kind that Sony likes to make... take hundreds of millions of $$$ and 4-5 year to create.  Now, Sony's done a great job of building their franchises, and they're typically massive successes.. however they're always wanting more.  When you create franchises like that, as big as Sony's own ecosystem is... they want to expand outward.  It makes no sense for them not to release their games on other capable platforms.  The games (before services) is what really makes them their money.  It's always been about the games.  We're at a point now where people just want to be able to access the content they love across all their devices.  If you're not doing that... you're artificially limiting your potential userbase... and to shareholders, that makes no sense.


It USED to make sense that it could really affect your business... but the reality is.... where are you going to go?  You're not going to run to Xbox.... because Xbox's games are already everywhere now.  You're not going to run to Nintendo... because you likely already have one as a companion device and it doesn't serve your primary gaming interest like the other two do.  Basically... MS going 3rd party... and being successful on PC, gives Sony the ability to just follow along because that's what their competitors are doing.


It would obviously be a different story if MS had succeeded... but like I said ages ago on SS.net... through MS' failure with the traditional model, they're going to change the market to suit them better... and it's going to be either you follow along, or you get left behind.  Sony's shareholders looking at MS games finding big success on PC leads them to ask why Sony can't do the same.  And that's exactly what happened.  Now Sony is finding success on PC, and it's absolutely not hurting, nor is it going to hurt, their console business in the slightest.  And as time goes on... the releases will become closer and closer, until Sony is just releasing their games on all supported devices.


It's just smart.  The console war shit was fun... but it's on the way out.  Sony won the traditional war.  The battle is transitioning now to games and services, and Sony has a huge arsenal of games that they see generating tons of money on other devices in markets they haven't typically penetrated before.

I agree with pretty much everything however we still fundamentally disagree on their strategy and extent that Sony will go with this. MS is done because everything is there Day 1 and in nearly all cases better on PC, however Sony's majority of sales is still from PSN. That will remain their no.1 priority. I still don't think there is any chance first party games come Day 1 to PC, at least not in the next 5 years. Their current strategy is very smart though, games that have zero value to Playstation as a console anymore making their way there. Nearly all are already offered for free with PS Collection too. This is pure double dipping in a separate market. Going Day 1 loses too much for them because there is no doubt a large portion of ppl who have a PS simply for Day 1 exclusives, they would also lose the ppl who double dip on console day 1 then the PC version years later and most importantly they will lost user in their main ecosystem; PSN. But yeah with rising costs it makes a lot of sense for their old games to go to PC years later, especially to hype new sequels which are exclusive to their console. Extra $$ for those games while also marketing the new game. 


Another thing though is that very clearly Gamepass is having next to zero impact on Sony. Like none. PS5 fasting selling console, games on GP selling gangbusters on PS5. It could nearly be argued that GP is helping PS5 software sales. Take Outriders for eg; without GP that game would not have been a fraction as popular, yet with GP buzz and ppl playing it, it helped it chart on NPD through PS5 and PC sales. So that is something I didn't necessarily see coming, thought Xbox would definitely take a share of the market from them. So while MS is having success I don't see Sony at all being pressured into copying many MS moves like subs (outside of their clear bigger focus on PS Plus) and day 1 first party yet. 


Great times in gaming though atm. All 3 doing very different things and all succeeding. 

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