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Anyone else playing the Diablo 2 Resurrected beta?

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Just now, Substatic said:

It's pretty good, but the last minute nerfing of Ultra-Wide support (which worked in Alpha) is disappointing. 

Yeah I noticed that.  Did they mention why they decided to do that somewhere?

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6 minutes ago, Substatic said:


Could just be experimental since it's just beta. Maybe later on only for pvp. No clue yet tbh.

Yea, there's a couple other things which aren't available in the beta, so it's probably just to control and gather feedback based on that alone.

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2 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Thought it was coming out for Christmas 

Nah, never was.  They confirmed a while back that it wasn't 2021 when  people were speculating that it was.


It was always still a long way off.  D2R always felt like a release to tide people over until D4, because it was going to take a while... and now that the director of D4 has been fired from Blizzard for all the bullshit that has been going on there for years and years... it could possibly be pushed out even further than we had ever anticipated.


I'm alright with it.  Even if it is 2023 by the time we get D4... D2R is a nice compromise.

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I didn't know that this remake would have a beta.


On my next trip to visit family in Mexico, I am giving my Switch to my brother and am hoping to give him a copy of Diablo 2. He has never really played any video games, but I remember him playing the everloving shit out of Diablo 2 way back in 2002. Like seriously addicted.

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10 hours ago, Voidler said:

No :hest: Blizzard is a dead company like every company who tried to do PC exclusive 

That's not how the industry works. They don't die, they end up seeing PC isn't competing with N/MS/Sony and just put their games on those systems for easy profit. On the flip-side, the opposite happens.  With MS/Sony exclusives going to PC due to the same reason.


Since neither of us are CEO's this is a net win for PC gamers over others.

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Was out of town for a wedding this weekend so didn't get to play too much but I cleared the available content/got to 20 with a Fissure Druid and Zealot and started on a Sorc a bit. Didn't really do much farming. Probably gonna finish up the Sorc and do a Barb/Amazon next weekend, maybe try to push 30 and do some MFing on something. Gotta rememeber to do the Andy bug on my sorc.


Overall super impressed with how it seems to be turning out. As someone who still plays D2 almost every day I'm really looking forward to being able to move over to a modern but accurate remake of it. The few QOL things they've done seem to be great compromises and don't impact the spirit of the game. The graphics are a nice upgrade but not over the top. Everything about the gameplay, outside of a handful of minor bugs (ctrl+click doesn't seem to work consistently, Cain doesn't identify items in your cube, etc.) was great. I did get a decent amount of rubber banding and ping seemed high but ill assume that's just beta being beta.


Not sure what I'll do on release yet, probably just start with a Blizzard Sorc and transition to a Hammerdin when I've accumulated the items I need. Not sure if I'll start in HC or SC ladder yet.

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3 hours ago, Cooke said:

Playing the beta. I forgot how much more challenging d2 is compared to d3. D3 was a cake walk, way too many good items dropped too early etc. 

D3 was such a shame. 

Going through the main story on D2 is actually tough solo, especially when resists really come into play in hell. 

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