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12 minutes - 9 at gs/8 at ign

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11 hours ago, jehurey said:

well, there's a brief 5 to 10 minute window near the end (which I'm presuming is near the end) in which you realize something, and all of a sudden you're thinking "holy shit, they're getting pretty SCANDALOUS with this story"


That thought and moment turns to 'this is so fucking stupid' pretty damn quickly though lol

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Man this is a tough one to explain. It does so much well and then so much so poorly.  Firstly the story nearly instantly gets it's hooks into you and the time loop mystery is super fun to un

Two AAA's for Xbox in a month  

https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/12-minutes-review-loop-anti-heroes/1900-6417713/ https://www.ign.com/articles/twelve-minutes-review   was expecting 7's, despite looking forward to it.

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4 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

That thought and moment turns to 'this is so fucking stupid' pretty damn quickly though lol

yeah, ultimately they end up reminding me of one particular character from Heavy Rain.


and when we get into story spoilers later, there's alot to talk about there. But ultimately, I see they end up making the same crucial error as they did in Heavy Rain.

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I knew this would be Shamepass before I even clicked on the thread. Microsoft must be throwing hundreds of these dollar store experiences on that platform. Just endless forgettable trash that wouldn’t find any success on XBLA so gets moved to Shamepass to pad out the library. 

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Ok, so I've been playing this game today all day long and it is very nice, however some of the game logic is beyond retarded and how things exactly have to be played out for the game to continue.



Like trying to find the Nanny's name and the exact way you have to do it.

This is where I realized the game has issues.



Edited by MalaXmaS
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I just beat the game and.



Well.. when I realized that the main protagonist was his bastard brother, it truly sickened me out.

However, the most stupid thing is that he just "forgot" he fucked his sister and they are both having a baby.

The ending part was a truly convoluted mess.

I triggered the last part with the Dahlia baby dress, which took me to another section and then I decided to pick the option (maybe she doesn't have to know) as in she will never know I am her brother.
And I thought this would mean the guy leaves for good. 

But no, the guy actually wanted to continue the relationship with his sister.

And then it took me back to the apartment.

I tried to get to the ending sequence again by triggering the baby dress sequence but the dialogue option was not there.
I had to look around for how to trigger the last sequence.

Turns out I had to retrieve the pocket watch again and finally I picked the option that I wanted, which was to leave her and the baby and never see them again.



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3 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:


I just beat the game and.

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Well.. when I realized that the main protagonist was his bastard brother, it truly sickened me out.

However, the most stupid thing is that he just "forgot" he fucked his sister and they are both having a baby.

The ending part was a truly convoluted mess.

I triggered the last part with the Dahlia baby dress, which took me to another section and then I decided to pick the option (maybe she doesn't have to know) as in she will never know I am her brother.
And I thought this would mean the guy leaves for good. 

But no, the guy actually wanted to continue the relationship with his sister.

And then it took me back to the apartment.

I tried to get to the ending sequence again by triggering the baby dress sequence but the dialogue option was not there.
I had to look around for how to trigger the last sequence.

Turns out I had to retrieve the pocket watch again and finally I picked the option that I wanted, which was to leave her and the baby and never see them again.




Wtf :D well im glad I skipped this

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5 minutes ago, madmaltese said:



I intentionally haven't talk about the story because I wanted ppl to experience how truly stupid it is but boy is it stupid.

Yup.  It's dumb.  That's the best way to describe it.


I think you got it right when you said "It's a failed experiment"


There's aspects to it which would make for a great game... But the story has to be worth the investment.. and in this case it simply wasn't.  I think there's plenty of potential for this style of game though, and if another dev team takes the general concept and improves on it where this game failed... then you're in for a fun experience.


I have no idea how it got a 9/10 from GS.  I'd say a 7 or 6.5 from me personally.  Good concept, flawed execution, and ultimately the story was a let down.

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1 minute ago, Remij said:

Yup.  It's dumb.  That's the best way to describe it.


I think you got it right when you said "It's a failed experiment"


There's aspects to it which would make for a great game... But the story has to be worth the investment.. and in this case it simply wasn't.  I think there's plenty of potential for this style of game though, and if another dev team takes the general concept and improves on it where this game failed... then you're in for a fun experience.


I have no idea how it got a 9/10 from GS.  I'd say a 7 or 6.5 from me personally.  Good concept, flawed execution, and ultimately the story was a let down.

Yeah, all the potential there but it ends up being a massive fail in both execution and the story it is trying to tell which doesn't leave it with much else to really praise outside of it's unrealised potential. Kojima said he was a big fan so would be really cool to see someone like him attempt something in a similar style.


Seriously, all the SW crap aside, I don't know who the hell GS is getting to review these games where Medium and 12 Minutes are a 9. Both probably like a 6-6.5 imo and with such huge faults that I can't even see how any critical take gets even beyond an 8.

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I only played about 12 minutes of 12 minutes but i will get into it at some point. I really like the medium tho. Opinions and all but its not too hard to see why some people enjoy games more than others.

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Yeah, this game definitely has a "plane didn't land on the runway smooth, at all" ending.


But not only that, it was such a low-energy, abrupt ending.  Like the gamemakers released it because there was nothing else they could do to improve upon it, and had just narratively painted themselves in a corner.



Also, what the fuck is going on with the Willem Dafoe character, or characters? The first "flashback" in which you are in the room with the father, I distinctly remember this guy has black hair on the top of his head. But he is being voiced by Willem Dafoe.

And then when you induce the flashback with the pocket watch, the "father" who clearly identifies himself as the father or you and your wife, his character model is clearly the "investigator" bald-headed character model. Also voiced by Willem Dafoe. We know this guy has his own daughter, Bumblebee.


Like, what is going on there? Could they not afford another voice actor to be the father?


All this makes me think is that James McAvoy's memories are not reliable. But it seems to just be lazy development.


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