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California might be getting a Republican Governor soon

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I know nothing about this guy but he has my full support :D The outrage from the Cali liberals would be quite the sight, the media is already doing their best to sink his chances. They even compared him to white supremacists even though he's black :| 

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23 hours ago, Twinblade said:



I know nothing about this guy but he has my full support :D The outrage from the Cali liberals would be quite the sight, the media is already doing their best to sink his chances. They even compared him to white supremacists even though he's black :| 

All non democrat blacks are white supremacists, haven't you heard? 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2021-08-26 at 8:51 AM, Twinblade said:



I know nothing about this guy but he has my full support :D The outrage from the Cali liberals would be quite the sight, the media is already doing their best to sink his chances. They even compared him to white supremacists even though he's black :| 


Gavin won... In a landslide :umad:

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8 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Yeah, he was done for when he basically admitted that he was going to throw every Covid precaution out the window and basically go Florida's route. Most people dont want that.


All trolling aside. There is a certain segment of the right that wants that.  Not sure why Republicans continue to solely target that base and that base alone. 


That's not a winning political strategy. Like you said, most people just want some sort of normalcy but also know some sort of Covid protocols are needed in these times. 

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45 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


All trolling aside. There is a certain segment of the right that wants that.  Not sure why Republicans continue to solely target that base and that base alone. 


That's not a winning political strategy. Like you said, most people just want some sort of normalcy but also know some sort of Covid protocols are needed in these times. 


Yeah, but lets be honest. California liberals are too ignorant to ever change their mindset and vote in a republican. Look at the state of things, even if Covid didn't exist they'd still be voting in democrats who continue to fail when it comes to their power grid, forest management, homelessness, crime, high taxes, etc. California is decaying at a rate unlike any other state and their voters keep on voting for the same type of politician. 

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5 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Yeah, but lets be honest. California liberals are too ignorant to ever change their mindset and vote in a republican. Look at the state of things, even if Covid didn't exist they'd still be voting in democrats who continue to fail when it comes to their power grid, forest management, homelessness, crime, high taxes, etc. California is decaying at a rate unlike any other state and their voters keep on voting for the same type of politician. 


How are you going to say let's be honest and then post a ton of Intellectually dishonest stuff 😂🤣

Edited by Goukosan
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1 minute ago, Twinblade said:


There is nothing dishonest about it, theres a reason people are moving out of the state in record numbers.


We hear that every election cycle or just after election cycle


People are moving out of NY and Cali in record numbers. 


The right has been saying that for 20 years.  NY and Cali should be desolate by now right? :drake:

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40 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


We hear that every election cycle or just after election cycle


People are moving out of NY and Cali in record numbers. 


The right has been saying that for 20 years.  NY and Cali should be desolate by now right? :drake:


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1 minute ago, Cooke said:

is that from the census.gov?  That appears to be estimates.  :sass1:


What you posted was the estimates as you own chart literally says at the bottom. 


If you bothered to source your chart, you would see it says this. 


The 2020 estimates will be superseded by the 2020 Census counts, which will be released in the near future.



What I posted was the actual counts, read the last two bullets.. Those are counts. 



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