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Us vaccinated are driving more viralant strains of Covid19

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Once a disease is established in an animal population, it’s very hard to control it,” Han says, adding that she can’t name a disease we’ve been able to eradicate once it reaches that point. A future where scientists are playing whack-a-mink with these and potentially other species sickened by COVID-19—plus a vaccine that both doesn’t confer 100% immunity and isn’t accepted by 100% of the population—is a difficult one indeed.

Plus, any opportunity for a virus to evolve to fit a different environment presents an inherent risk because it could end up changing that virus in a dangerous way, making it more infectious, more deadly, or more able to jump from one species to another—like, for example, the variants that have emerged recently in the U.K., California, and elsewhere. “Once you introduce a different species that [the virus] can very easily jump to and spread in, as it has in minks, you’re giving it a different environment to adapt to, which triggers a different sort of evolutionary route,” Rodrigues says.

“The danger in having multiple animal hosts is you’re adding more players to the evolution games.”

That means the virus might adapt in ways that it wouldn’t inside the human body. “The danger in having multiple animal hosts is you’re adding more players to the evolution games,” he says. And yes, one of the risks of spillback—the virus traveling from humans to animals, then back to humans—is that a virus could change enough to “escape” our existing vaccines. That the mutated variants of SARS-CoV-2 coming out of mink farms seem to be mostly neutral thus far is pure luck, he says. 

In fact, Oglesbee’s major concern about mink COVID is actually not about the mink, or even about COVID. In his work leading OSU’s Infectious Diseases Institute, he and his colleagues have launched a wild animal surveillance program watching for infection in species like the deer mouse, which is ubiquitous in North America and has been shown to be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2. 

Some 60% of emergent viruses come from animal populations, he points out, so this is not just a hypothetical concern. A mink reservoir for COVID-19 could, down the road, give rise to an entirely different novel virus that sparks a pandemic. “Keep in mind this is the third coronavirus pandemic in the past 20 years,” he says, referring to SARS in 2003 and MERS in 2012. “That’s the ‘holy cow’ issue.” 




Keep playing stupid 

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3 minutes ago, Cooke said:




According to the World Organisation for Animal Health, there haven't been any reports of pets spreading COVID-19 to people. 


Apparently so, if you don't have any actual evidence.


Its funny how you want to take the "experts" concern about this.


But the experts are telling you other stuff like:


"Vaccinate everybody"


"Masks work"


And you don't want to listen to them on those other things.

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2 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Once a disease is established in an animal population, it’s very hard to control it,”

Good thing COVID isn't established in the animal population.


Animals have been surrounded by humans, many of whom have COVID, for about 18 straight months.........no actual signs of the virus being in animals.

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Good thing COVID isn't established in the animal population.


Animals have been surrounded by humans, many of whom have COVID, for about 18 straight months.........no actual signs of the virus being in animals.

Are you really this dumb or is it an act? 

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1 minute ago, Cooke said:

Are you really this dumb or is it an act? 

Sorry.........that's not going to work with me.


You already know that what I just typed is obviously correct.


Let me know when you can prove me wrong.


And no.............posting quotes of people who are "concerned" is not evidence.

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On 2021-09-01 at 1:28 PM, jehurey said:

Sorry.........that's not going to work with me.


You already know that what I just typed is obviously correct.


Let me know when you can prove me wrong.


And no.............posting quotes of people who are "concerned" is not evidence.

Jehurey. Dude. Vaccines that still allow transmission as such a high rate is not going to end the pandemic and new mutations. It's as simple as that. 

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3 hours ago, Cooke said:

Jehurey. Dude. Vaccines that still allow transmission as such a high rate is not going to end the pandemic and new mutations. It's as simple as that. 

uhhh.........yeah they will.


if everybody is vaccinated, there is no more mutation of the virus, and there is no one else left to pass the virus onto.


the vlirus will only continue to mutate among the unvaccinated.


and your theory about animals is already proven to be stupid.

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23 hours ago, jehurey said:

uhhh.........yeah they will.


if everybody is vaccinated, there is no more mutation of the virus, and there is no one else left to pass the virus onto.


the vlirus will only continue to mutate among the unvaccinated.


and your theory about animals is already proven to be stupid.

So explain Israel which is now giving booster shots and is having its biggest wave yet.

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

So explain Israel which is now giving booster shots and is having its biggest wave yet.

Their vaccination rate is 60.8%.


You really don't research alot of shit ahead of time, don't you?

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On 2021-09-03 at 7:38 PM, jehurey said:

Their vaccination rate is 60.8%.


You really don't research alot of shit ahead of time, don't you?

So with less than 40 percent unvaccinated explain as to why they are having their biggest wave yet. Please explain smart guy. Does the vax stop the spread or no?

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7 hours ago, Cooke said:

So with less than 40 percent unvaccinated explain as to why they are having their biggest wave yet. Please explain smart guy. Does the vax stop the spread or no?

You do know that 60% unvaccinated means they don't have any herd immunity of any sort, right?


So you really don't know any basic knowledge of how viruses and pandemic and vaccines work, do you?


Its not really herd immunity, it would be a matter of "there's not many people left unvaccinated to get the full brunt of the Delta strain that they would require hospitalization."


Jesus, did you fail 6th grade math or something?

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5 hours ago, Cooke said:


They just told you that the average is 62.2%


So the "best" vaccination states are STILL LOW based on what is needed for herd immunity.............75% to 85%


Did you honestly think I wouldn't be able to read between those lines? Or are you too stupid to read between those lines.

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

They just told you that the average is 62.2%


So the "best" vaccination states are STILL LOW based on what is needed for herd immunity.............75% to 85%


Did you honestly think I wouldn't be able to read between those lines? Or are you too stupid to read between those lines.

We are at 77% here and cases are nearing our highest ever. 


B.C. COVID-19 pandemic update


Information Bulletin


Friday, September 3, 2021 2:10 PM

As of Friday, Sept. 3, 2021, 84.8% (3,929,089) of eligible people 12 and older in B.C. have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 77.1% (3,572,841) received their second dose.

In addition, 85.4% (3,694,070) of all eligible adults in B.C. have received their first dose and 78.1% (3,376,103) received their second dose.

B.C. is reporting 671 new cases of COVID-19, including four epi-linked cases, for a total of 168,325 cases in the province.

There are 5,872 active cases of COVID-19 in the province and 160,268 people who tested positive have recovered. Of the active cases, 215 individuals are in hospital and 118 are in intensive care. The remaining people are recovering at home in self-isolation.



What is not computing for you jehurey?  It's like you have this mental block that you just can't overcome. 

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

You do know that 60% unvaccinated means they don't have any herd immunity of any sort, right?


So you really don't know any basic knowledge of how viruses and pandemic and vaccines work, do you?


Its not really herd immunity, it would be a matter of "there's not many people left unvaccinated to get the full brunt of the Delta strain that they would require hospitalization."


Jesus, did you fail 6th grade math or something?

You mean 40.. 

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On 2021-09-05 at 8:42 AM, Cooke said:

We are at 77% here and cases are nearing our highest ever. 


B.C. COVID-19 pandemic update


Information Bulletin


Friday, September 3, 2021 2:10 PM

As of Friday, Sept. 3, 2021, 84.8% (3,929,089) of eligible people 12 and older in B.C. have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 77.1% (3,572,841) received their second dose.

In addition, 85.4% (3,694,070) of all eligible adults in B.C. have received their first dose and 78.1% (3,376,103) received their second dose.

B.C. is reporting 671 new cases of COVID-19, including four epi-linked cases, for a total of 168,325 cases in the province.

There are 5,872 active cases of COVID-19 in the province and 160,268 people who tested positive have recovered. Of the active cases, 215 individuals are in hospital and 118 are in intensive care. The remaining people are recovering at home in self-isolation.



What is not computing for you jehurey?  It's like you have this mental block that you just can't overcome. 

No, you are nearing 77% in ONE AREA, and not the entire nation.


You ever heard of people commuting between cities and states?


You can't have "herd immunity" in just one state, it has to be in all adjoining states, and you'd also have to have your borders locked down.

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On 2021-09-06 at 6:52 AM, jehurey said:

Sorry, 60% vaccinated means they haven't reached herd immunity yet.


40% unvaccinated is MORE THAN ENOUGH to overrun hospitals.

It's 100% unvaccinated didn't overrun hospitals to any large degree then 40% definitely won't. Do the math

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3 hours ago, Cooke said:

Good thing deer do a better job at social distancing from humans than dumbasses like you.


3 hours ago, Cooke said:

It's 100% unvaccinated didn't overrun hospitals to any large degree then 40% definitely won't. Do the math

No. I already did the math.


There are 1 million hospital beds in the United States, and that's assuming we had enough


a.) Medical Equipment

b.) Nurses and support personnell


to fully be able to treat patients in all one million beds.


Spoiler alert: we don't.


So..............you are quite wrong.


So here's the math.


1 million / 340 million Americans = 0.29% of the American population getting severely sick and needing immediate hospitalization would fill up every single bed in our nation's healthcare system, and it would be overrun.


What do you mean "100% unvaccinated people didn't overrun hospitals"????????????????????



25,000 people between late March and early May in the State of New York. They absolutely got overrun.  Everywhere where the virus STARTED its spread, it overrun the hospitals in that area.  You are quite wrong.

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