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I think people have forgotten just how incredible Dark Souls was

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The gameplay, the story/lore, the artwork/visuals, the level design, the bosses...


the OST...


When you first heard this and shit got real :aitch: 




This game has had such a massive influence on the industry.. and it solidified FROM SOFTWARE's legacy in gaming.  From a small, obscure Japanese studio with a tiny budget, to one of the most critically acclaimed game development studios in the entire world.

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5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

I think Demon's Souls deserves more credit. I know a lot of people prefer Dark Souls, but it only exists in the first place because of the template created by Demon's Souls.

Oh of course.  Demon's Souls is amazing and deserves a ton of credit.. but what REALLY made the masses take notice was Dark Souls.. and it proved that FROM could do it better.


It was so amazing playing through that game for the first time, finding new shit that wasn't all just common knowledge like it is nowadays.  There was this element of discovery with it.  Made the game so fun to play and explore, and then talk with friends about.


Elden Ring is basically probably going to be the culmination of everything they've learned since DeS, DaS, and BB/Sekiro.  I can't wait to full explore that world.  5 months away :whew: 

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Honestly Dark Souls was trash. Quite possibly the worst camera I’ve seen in any videogame after the PS1/N64 era and it gave rise to one of the most insufferable fanbases of all time where any criticism of the game = git gud.



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24 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

Honestly Dark Souls was trash. Quite possibly the worst camera I’ve seen in any videogame after the PS1/N64 era and it gave rise to one of the most insufferable fanbases of all time where any criticism of the game = git gud.



Pretty much this. Souls fans are the worst.

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4 hours ago, Twinblade said:

I think Demon's Souls deserves more credit. I know a lot of people prefer Dark Souls, but it only exists in the first place because of the template created by Demon's Souls.

yup demon's souls is the real souls, the beginning of an era. 


3 hours ago, Delita said:

Demons Souls, Bloodborne >

disqualified. you are now a non gamer. It's Demon's Souls, not Demons Souls. :reg: 


1 hour ago, TLHBO said:

Honestly Dark Souls was trash. Quite possibly the worst camera I’ve seen in any videogame after the PS1/N64 era and it gave rise to one of the most insufferable fanbases of all time where any criticism of the game = git gud.




a non gamer stumbled upon this game, I see........ 








you are all gay now reading my shit :reg: 

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Dark Souls 1 still has the best level design of any game in the series. 


I have more nostalgia for Demon's Souls and Bloodborne, but technically speaking, Dark Souls is probably the best in the series.


Either way, it's a worthless debate to be had. All the Souls games are great in their own way, except 2, which is a huge pile of trash.

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It's crazy to think how a small budget title like Demon's Souls created this massive genre, and has FROM games selling multiple millions on multiple devices.


Elden Ring will sell absolute tons on PC and PS.  Probably 6M in the first year I think.  It's got almost the entire year.. could do even more than that.


PC - 2.5M

PS4/5 - 3M

Xbox O/S/X - 500K



I was just looking and Steamspy has Dark Souls 3 at 5M - 10M... Obviously through multiple sales... but that is absolutely insane.  PC gamers LOVE their Souls games, and honestly I know a TON of players who buy both PS and PC versions of FROM games just to play with all of their friends on both networks.


Elden Ring will be massive.

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yea, the fact that "Souls" became a genre is insane tbh. I guess a lot of people were bored with the traditional gameplay difficulty.


and by that I mean it went from super hardcore during snes times etc (or older stuff) to kinda whatever. I think soul's difficulty was always fair, the games are challenging but you always have ways to make it easier. 


and souls to me isn't about the combat system (which is great because there is action interruption which makes it tactical etc) but the exploration and lore and atmosphere. 


these worlds really can draw you in. I know a lot of people who agree, they said the combat is just the cherry on top. 

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