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New PS5 model comes with a major downgrade. TCHBFAR

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There were plenty of lemmings back in the day that had RROD, but they were the more rational lems (at least by lemming standards) like bombfirst or nitric.


All we have left now are the loons and the fakeboys. JonB, spicoli etc the ones who do nothing but shill for Microsoft no matter what. Of course these ones would never admit to having the RROD.

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Yeah Sonys engineers (who are so much less intelligent than you btw) pulled out the heatsinks to save a few bucks and the bosses at Sony just decided fuck it, saving a bit of money on heatsinks will m

Damn... the cows are back in this thread since they're getting their asses handed to them in the PS Showcase related threads     bubu back to Austin Evans... Dyna wuz sayin!!  

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4 hours ago, TLHBO said:

Here’s the difference between these 2 companies


With Sony a PS1 controller stopped working. I sent it off and they fixed it. I can’t remember if it cost anything because it was so long ago. Zero issues with PS2, PS3, PS4.


With microflop the og xflop fisc drive started fucking up a couple of years after I bought it. You needed to use a pin to open it.


with 360 the GPU cooked itself a few months after I bought it. 2 red lights, 0 red lights, 3 red lights. This piece of shit couldn’t even determine how broken it was. I sent it off to them and a week later I was given someone elses 360 because it had a different serial number. Now I wasn’t allowed to play any games I had bought without being connected to XBL, microsoft was treating me like a thief through no point of my own. But I had a 360 and it was only gone a week….not too bad right?




less than 2 weeks later and this pile of shit is broken again. RROD this time. I send it off to Microsoft and now it takes 2 weeks to be returned to me. This time they give me the same 360 when its someone elses but wouldnt do it when it was my own.


Oh well surely they fixed it this time. I start listening to people on systemwars, I pop that shit up and plant it on its own in the middle of the room. It had 360 degree circulation, the best airflow a console could possibly have. Surely, surely it’s fine now right?


Nope. 2 months it lasted and then its off again. By now I shit you not the UPS driver is cracking jokes about how often he is turning up.


This time repair took 5 week! 5 FUCKING WEEKS!


I remember this vividly because at this point I had owned the console for 32 weeks and 8 of those weeks it had been out of my possession and in a repair centre. This was summer 2007 when reports came out about repair centers being overwhelmed.


So I’m suffering through the worst product I’ve ever owned and what does Microsoft say?


”y’know, things break”.


That’s the difference between Sony and Microsoft. One tries to make robust products in the first place, the other relies on its consumers to put up with any amount of shit they’re given, just like with windows, or just like not having any games for a decade.


So what alternate OS do you use to Windows?  If you hate Windows surely there are other options.  Apple? Linux?

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3 hours ago, Goukosan said:

Lemmings on SW have the be the luckiest set of lemmings in the entire universe.  None of them, not a single one experienced RROD with 360. 


But curiously every single one of them experienced YLOD with PS3.


What are the odds? :jordan3:


I actually owned 3 different 360's and not one RROD'd on me.  I had one for upstairs and downstairs.  Then bought an older model that was compatible for optical drive firmware update which allowed to play burnt games :kaz: 

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1 hour ago, Spicalicious said:


So what alternate OS do you use to Windows?  If you hate Windows surely there are other options.  Apple? Linux?

Yeah after a broken windows update earlier this year I got rid of windows for good, I always hated 10. I use Linux now and I don’t look back it’s so much more enjoyable.


I’m not against using a Mac but their hardware is fixed which isn’t ideal for gaming and I prefer the freedom of Linux over Apple’s control of their OS.

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16 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

Yeah after a broken windows update earlier this year I got rid of windows for good, I always hated 10. I use Linux now and I don’t look back it’s so much more enjoyable.


I’m not against using a Mac but their hardware is fixed which isn’t ideal for gaming and I prefer the freedom of Linux over Apple’s control of their OS.


Sure you do :kaz: 

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On 2021-09-01 at 6:36 PM, MalaXmaS said:

This will be the same as the RROD.

The chip is the same, but with less overhead.

Fan is also the same.

This console will overheat, unless Sony has also downclocked the chip speed.


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On 2021-09-01 at 12:36 PM, MalaXmaS said:

This will be the same as the RROD.

The chip is the same, but with less overhead.

Fan is also the same.

This console will overheat, unless Sony has also downclocked the chip speed.

Congrats, you showed your ass in this thread and how much of a retard you truly are :mj:

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On 2021-09-12 at 6:50 AM, Goukosan said:

Lemmings on SW have the be the luckiest set of lemmings in the entire universe.  None of them, not a single one experienced RROD with 360. 


But curiously every single one of them experienced YLOD with PS3.


What are the odds? :jordan3:


On 2021-09-12 at 10:37 AM, Spicalicious said:


I actually owned 3 different 360's and not one RROD'd on me.  I had one for upstairs and downstairs.  Then bought an older model that was compatible for optical drive firmware update which allowed to play burnt games :kaz: 


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50 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:



I shit you not I couldn't even sell my xbox 360 towards the end of that gen :D stores stopped taking the non-slim 360s because they had so many broken ones. I guess people were buying them and returning them with the RROD whilst under store warranty.

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3 hours ago, TLHBO said:

I shit you not I couldn't even sell my xbox 360 towards the end of that gen :D stores stopped taking the non-slim 360s because they had so many broken ones. I guess people were buying them and returning them with the RROD whilst under store warranty.

Lol when I sold my first 360 the gamestops here had a 15 minute rule before they bought them. So you had to wait around for an employee to hook it up and play it for at least 15 minutes to make sure it didn't crap out before they would accept it. 

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2 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol when I sold my first 360 the gamestops here had a 15 minute rule before they bought them. So you had to wait around for an employee to hook it up and play it for at least 15 minutes to make sure it didn't crap out before they would accept it. 

I had 2 360s shit out on me with the RROD.  I still have one of them sitting in storage.  I was thinking of trying to fix it some day.. but eh.


I do remember the EBGames here doing the same thing.  They really had to have them on for a while to make sure they wouldn't overheat.

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26 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

i have gotten lucky with my systems. i had two 360's and no rrods. the only issue i've ever had is with the switch's joycon drifting. 

Damn, that's almost unbelievable :D 


I also went through 2 PS2s as well with DRE errors.  Outside of the PS2 and 360 though, every other system I've ever bought never gave me issues.

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10 hours ago, Remij said:

Damn, that's almost unbelievable :D 


I also went through 2 PS2s as well with DRE errors.  Outside of the PS2 and 360 though, every other system I've ever bought never gave me issues.

:D I know. It’s bizarre luck, because I used the those consoles a lot. I don’t game nearly as much now, though. 

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