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Current gen versions of Cyberpunk might not be released until next year

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Being on next-gen consoles won't change anything, this game sucks at it's core. The story sucks, the quests sucks, the gameplay is fine but gets old fast.


It's almost hard to believe those same people made Witcher 3.

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

Being on next-gen consoles won't change anything, this game sucks at it's core. The story sucks, the quests sucks, the gameplay is fine but gets old fast.


It's almost hard to believe those same people made Witcher 3.

They're going to make more Cyberpunk sequels or expansions, so they need to advance their gameplay systems for everything. NPC A.I., police A.I., traffic.


They need to work on the railways transit system, flying automobiles. 


I think they will eventually get there and become masters at designing a futuristic openworld game. Which is different than a horse-travelling, non-shooting open world design.


What sucks is that Ubisoft and Rockstar are still making the same types of openworld games. Travelling by horse, or boat, or a regular city and travelling by car. None of them have still attempted a futuristic open world yet.

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7 hours ago, The Mother Fucker said:

So much to groan about with this post.   But who buys CP2077 on PC to play it on Low Settings?


well I did. It still looked pretty good on my PC. I also had to play at 30fps 1080p but I was okay with it. I just wanted to play the game. :happysad: 

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10 hours ago, The Mother Fucker said:

So much to groan about with this post.   But who buys CP2077 on PC to play it on Low Settings?

You buy a game to play the game... many don't give a shit about visuals past a point.


And the fact that on PC, your games are forward compatible with any upgrades you do in the future, means that you'll have the best version to scale with future hardware.

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The console versions being in a rough state and unfinished actually affects everyone including PC gamers if you think about it. Since CDPR has no choice but to focus on fixing and polishing them up that means they won't be able to commit to expanding the universe with story based expansions/DLC. This time in Witcher 3's life cycle we would have already gotten one major expansion (Hearts of Stone) with the 2nd one (Blood & Wine) coming out just a year later. If the PS5/Series X version doesn't release until Q1 2022 for example, then we likely won't see any meaningful DLC for the game until late 2022/2023 at the earliest.

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3 hours ago, Remij said:

You buy a game to play the game... many don't give a shit about visuals past a point.


And the fact that on PC, your games are forward compatible with any upgrades you do in the future, means that you'll have the best version to scale with future hardware.

That's a load of crock.   This site has always been about playing games with the best visuals.


The whole generation with this site was big the 8th gen between PS3 and 360, it was all about which console had the best AAAs and best graphics.


Fast forward to today that still applies, but Cyberpunk is not a AAA game, all it has is it's visuals, but if you are going to buy the PC version to play it at it's lowest quality setting. What is the point. 



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25 minutes ago, The Mother Fucker said:

That's a load of crock.   This site has always been about playing games with the best visuals.


The whole generation with this site was big the 8th gen between PS3 and 360, it was all about which console had the best AAAs and best graphics.


Fast forward to today that still applies, but Cyberpunk is not a AAA game, all it has is it's visuals, but if you are going to buy the PC version to play it at it's lowest quality setting. What is the point. 



That doesnt apply. Get over the decade old SW act. Its stupid. 

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1 hour ago, The Mother Fucker said:

That's a load of crock.   This site has always been about playing games with the best visuals.


The whole generation with this site was big the 8th gen between PS3 and 360, it was all about which console had the best AAAs and best graphics.


Fast forward to today that still applies, but Cyberpunk is not a AAA game, all it has is it's visuals, but if you are going to buy the PC version to play it at it's lowest quality setting. What is the point. 




34 minutes ago, JonbX said:

That doesnt apply. Get over the decade old SW act. Its stupid. 




lol for real. I was also late to SW, I joined this shit in 2011 or some shit. And while the whole sw act is fun and all, I also think it's okay and necessary to talk about games subjectively. 


And I am not a graphics whore at all, I just don't care. And nowadays games look INSANE even on low settings. I feel like people don't realize it when they just put shit to max and be like yea that looks cool. 


the jump in graphics has been HUGE. 😳

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1 hour ago, The Mother Fucker said:

That's a load of crock.   This site has always been about playing games with the best visuals.


The whole generation with this site was big the 8th gen between PS3 and 360, it was all about which console had the best AAAs and best graphics.


Fast forward to today that still applies, but Cyberpunk is not a AAA game, all it has is it's visuals, but if you are going to buy the PC version to play it at it's lowest quality setting. What is the point. 



also the point for me was to play the game, just like remij pointed out. I don't care about all the new fancy graphics trends right now. but definitely later when I get a new PC :shrug: 

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1 minute ago, JonbX said:

CyberPunk on low still probably looks pretty good.  


it looked like ass compared to maxed out graphics for sure, but not bad at all. Like I said the jump in graphics has been huge. Low doesn't mean it looks garbo. 

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I was pretty pissed when i found out buying new video cards was basically impossible. But now i dont even care. I bet my 2060 will be able to play most games coming out at med or high settings for most of this gen.


And really i cant tell much difference between medium and ultra.

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11 minutes ago, JonbX said:

I was pretty pissed when i found out buying new video cards was basically impossible. But now i dont even care. I bet my 2060 will be able to play most games coming out at med or high settings for most of this gen.


And really i cant tell much difference between medium and ultra.

of course a 2060 is capable.   This game was targeted for last gen GPU hardware.  NVIDIA event built a 2080 Ti Cyberpunk graphics cards stamping it.  But somehow companies tried to milk in the marketing of current PC hardware with CP2077 and people thought they needed to buy new rigs to play the game.


I played CP2077 between my GTX 1660 Ti (ray-tracing off) and RTX 2080 (ray-tracing on)   ,  don't use the presets for either, custom settings, there's plenty of guides online for tweaking the settings for achieving the best optimum results.  


The only thing I want to see is if they add FSR to this game because then I'll go back and see how far I can push my GTX 1660 Ti with maybe RT on, but I know it will probably still run like crap without RT cores.   

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2 hours ago, JonbX said:

I was pretty pissed when i found out buying new video cards was basically impossible. But now i dont even care. I bet my 2060 will be able to play most games coming out at med or high settings for most of this gen.


And really i cant tell much difference between medium and ultra.


Yeah.  I mean when you really think about it... the pandemic and chip shortage really fucked up the console market too.. with regards to next gen game development time, and console uptake (despite still obviously selling well) it's really extending this cross-gen period... so it's not like games have taken a dramatic turn upwards with regards "system requirements"... so the same GPUs are doing their job just as fine now as they were then.


And the benefit is that by the time you're ready to buy, and GPU prices and availability have come somewhat back to normal... the GPUs will be MUCH more powerful.  It's part of the reason why I didn't just buy a 3090 despite having multiple chances.  I figured that there was no pressing reason to buy one, so l decided to wait on the GPU, and instead started upgrading literally every other facet of my setup in the meantime,  like my Ultrawide monitor.. which makes a much bigger difference to my experience than some extra frames.


DLSS now being incorporated into almost all the engines out there means tons of games are coming out which support it too.. which extends the life of our GPUs as well.

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I dont think GPU prices are ever gonna come back down to MSRP. They know people will buy them for whatever.  Plus the illusion of being able to get something that isnt readily available will continue to sell consoles and GPUS for as long as they choose.


I mean its been almost a year and you cant go out and buy a new console. They still sell out immediately when they are put online. Its stupid but it is how it is. Its probably gonna be like that for at least another year. 


I dont see many devs choosing to make games only on next gen for quite some time.

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