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New Yale study; vaccine risk to children is much higher than the virus itself

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Just now, Cooke said:




Not for polio.


Not for whooping cough


And the sad part is that while you are trying to insinuate LIES about "long term effects" of the vaccine.


You are absolutely ignorant of the LONG TERM EFFECTS of a respiratory virus, that you want people who are CURRENTLY UNVACCINATED.


............meaning children


to get a fucking respiratory novel coronavirus enter their system, and we have no idea of the long term effects.


But we clearly see X-rays of people lungs with ground-glass opacities that clearly indicate lung damage.




You really are fucking stupid, and a hypocrite.

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5 minutes ago, Cooke said:

What lie jehurey? I will back it up with facts. 

Vaccinated people have a lower rate of spread and shed less virons of the delta variant than unvaccinated people.


You are absolutely not going to back that up with facts, because you don't have any facts that back this up.

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3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Vaccinated people have a lower rate of spread and shed less virons of the delta variant than unvaccinated people.


You are absolutely not going to back that up with facts, because you don't have any facts that back this up.

i never said they didnt. Im saying IT DOES NOT STOP THE SPREAD. Do you not see the difference? Naturally immune people also spread the virus less than vaccinated people and that is ignored. Get what im saying? 


Heres the bottom line. If we can get everyone to have and recover from covid (hopefully just the people we know will have the lowest risk of dying) then we will reach HERD IMMUNITY. We cannot reach herd immunity with these vaccines, they are far too leaky.  Make sure everyone who has comorbidities and is old is vaccinated though, but leave the healthy population alone and we will have a much more robust immune response as a society to covid.  This is basic virology and it is being ignored for political reasons. 

Edited by Cooke
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Just now, Cooke said:

i never said they didnt.

Yes you did, you basically said that a vaccinated person spreads the virus the same as an unvaccinated person


Holy shit, look at the lies you post:


18 minutes ago, Cooke said:


i am not against vaccines whatsoever, i am against mandating and having people choosing between feeding their families and getting injections they are cautious about. I



The vaccine..................isn't costing any money from "families".


Its not taking any food from families.


This is the bullshit that you setup, complete strawman arguments.

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

Yes you did, you basically said that a vaccinated person spreads the virus the same as an unvaccinated person


Holy shit, look at the lies you post:


The vaccine..................isn't costing any money from "families".


Its not taking any food from families.


This is the bullshit that you setup, complete strawman arguments.

um what dont you understand? If someone refuses they can lose their job  and therefor not be able to feed their family. Again your obtuse mental deficiency shines through. Holy fuck. 

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Just now, Cooke said:

um what dont you understand? If someone refuses they can lose their job

and if we allow them unvaccinated............they can send somebody's mother or father.


........or son or daughter


........or baby


to the hospital.


And they could die.


Its amazing how you pretend to care..........but only up until a certain point.

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Just now, Cooke said:

you have very linear thought patterns and are unable to see bigger pictures eh? 

I just showed how YOU HAVE A LINEAR thought patterns because you literally didn't think of the unvaccinated person who keeps his job HURTING OTHER PEOPLE.


............literally hurting them. Not financially hurting them.

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4 minutes ago, jehurey said:

I just showed how YOU HAVE A LINEAR thought patterns because you literally didn't think of the unvaccinated person who keeps his job HURTING OTHER PEOPLE.


............literally hurting them. Not financially hurting them.

Not if everyone who wants to be vaccinated is vaccinated.. That's the point of the vaccine right?  


You have lost all perspective on who actually dies from covid and your absolute risk. Its extremely low for most people. If we just vaccinate the at risk then it will have the same effect as vaccinating everyone who wasn't going to die anyway, its better for everyone else to get a more robust antibody to covid than just the narrow response these vaccines create.  THEN we might see a light at the end of the tunnel, but covid has been so politicized that its just going to be populist responses instead of thoughtful ones.



If Trump were still president and he mandated vaccines im sure as hell you'd say it was a bad idea. 

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Just now, Cooke said:

Not if everyone who wants to be vaccinated is vaccinated.. Thats the point of the vaccine right? 

No, if its a national emergency and a PUBLIC safety issue..........then public mandates must occur.


By your logic..........cigarette smokers should have sued and successfully won their right to smoke wherever they want, because according to your logic..........they ONLY HARM themselves.


Except that's not true.


Second-hand smoke is a thing.


And that is why the REST OF SOCIETY has the right to force where smokers cannot smoke.


So, same logic applies.


You want unvaccinated? Sure.


You're just not allowed to be unvaccinated...........

........at work

.......at a public school.

.......at ballgames/concerts


There you go............sweetie, guess what? THAT IS FREEDOM.


Jacobsen v Massachussets, Supreme Court case from 1905. Go read it.


It literally says "if you move into a SOCIETY.........the individual does not have UNLIMITED INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM, you have to comprimise if you choose to live in a major city or town in close to proximity to other people"


You want unlimited freedom..............go move in a trailer in some unincorporated piece of land out in the middle of nowhere. You can do ANYTHING you want there.

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Great to put it in perspective. Children ages 1-14 equal 114 deaths out of the 643858. Parents need to chill, your kids are safe. 


And of course there's this bit of info people tend to forget. 

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Wow pre covid Fauci actually made medical sense. Now he has done a 180 on everything he used to say. Imagine how many lives wouldn't have been lost if there was messaging from the feds on losing weight, stop smoking, get vitamin D etc etc. Low tech effective methods. But government just likes to appear to be doing something for show. 

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While I dont agree with many of Cooke's points, theres a lot of shady stuff going on. Like why is the administration pushing booster shots when FDA higher ups are saying they're straight up not necessary?



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4 hours ago, Twinblade said:

While I dont agree with many of Cooke's points, theres a lot of shady stuff going on. Like why is the administration pushing booster shots when FDA higher ups are saying they're straight up not necessary?



They keep doing what the majority wants, not following the science. 




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9 hours ago, Twinblade said:

While I dont agree with many of Cooke's points, theres a lot of shady stuff going on. Like why is the administration pushing booster shots when FDA higher ups are saying they're straight up not necessary?



Actually you're article is shady.


It is supposedly linking a report from a website that is not operating, and secondly if they are from FDA officials, they the report would be released by the FDA and its website.


Its not.


And secondly, that article says that they say that the booster shot could have adverse effects.............none of their quotes that they listed say about any such effects.


That looks like a trash article, through and through. But you already knew that.


UPDATE: Seems like I came across a USATODAY article that provides more information than that piece of shit website that you keep on using.


They are not 18 "FDA Senior Officials" but actually but rather the review was done by international scientists, including some that are members of the WHO.


And they're reasoning for not wanting to do booster shots is because of their view of a rich needing giving people a third vaccine shot, when in THEIR OPINION, that vaccine shot is better used for poor countries who do not have vaccines.


At no point are they saying that the booster shot is bad for you, in terms of your health. They are making a case for HOW TO USE THE SUPPLY.


So your article is definitely shit.


19 hours ago, Cooke said:
Great to put it in perspective. Children ages 1-14 equal 114 deaths out of the 643858. Parents need to chill, your kids are safe. 


No..........you are counting 16 months of the original Alpha strain of COVID, and barely 2 months of Delta becoming the dominant strain.


I already posted an article in which COVID pediatric deaths from one area has exceeded the past 17 months of pediatric deaths..


You are trying to lump in other data to try and make the death rate seem smaller. The Delta strain is a bigger threat to children.


This is simply not up for debate.


People are not going to tolerate kids dying because they went to school.


And you posted a video from one department of health official from the state of Illinois.............she's not an authority on the subject. And we're actually undercounting COVID deaths, because there is a huge spike in deaths that have been declared as pneumonia deaths in major states like Texas and Florida.


So you're wrong about that, as well. The death toll is definitely close to 1 million than it is to 150k-200k.

Edited by jehurey
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17 hours ago, Cooke said:



Wow pre covid Fauci actually made medical sense. Now he has done a 180 on everything he used to say. Imagine how many lives wouldn't have been lost if there was messaging from the feds on losing weight, stop smoking, get vitamin D etc etc. Low tech effective methods. But government just likes to appear to be doing something for show. 

I love how you just got duped with misleading video.


Here is the FULL 24 minute video from The David Rubenstein Show and their interview with Dr. Fauci from May of 2019.



That conversation is near the end, and the CONTEXT is how to stay in good shape to avoid COMMON INFECTIONS. That is at the 23:09 mark


It was not advice for a new threatening infection that would cause a pandemic.


Like how stupid do you have to be, when the things he is bringing up is having a good diet, and sleeping well and not smoking?


Since when is good diet, and sleeping and not smoking going to prevent you from catching a novel coronavirus?


Not only that, but Dr. Fauci advocates washing hands alot and he also mentions social distancing, even calling it "social distancing" in this 2019 interview before they gave that same exact advice back in March/April/May 2020.


They are also touching upon an earlier exchange in which they were talking about "do you wash your hands immediately after shaking somebody's hand." And Fauci said that he could, but he wouldn't make that obvious to that person.


This exchange at the end is referencing that again, about not being socially awkward or DISRESPECTFUL in front of people because you are afraid of getting an infection.


Like do you purposely pretend to play dumb, and think that is was smoking gun evidence?

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2 hours ago, Cooke said:



The new study, which was published on the MedRxiv website and has yet to be peer-reviewed, Dr. Høeg

You just posted another article that is referencing the SAME EXACT STUDY in your very first post of this thread.


...............that ALREADY got discredited.:lawl:


Hoeg......................your "Yale study" from somebody who didn't go to Yale?

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8 hours ago, jehurey said:

Actually you're article is shady.


It is supposedly linking a report from a website that is not operating, and secondly if they are from FDA officials, they the report would be released by the FDA and its website.


Its not.


And secondly, that article says that they say that the booster shot could have adverse effects.............none of their quotes that they listed say about any such effects.


That looks like a trash article, through and through. But you already knew that.


UPDATE: Seems like I came across a USATODAY article that provides more information than that piece of shit website that you keep on using.


They are not 18 "FDA Senior Officials" but actually but rather the review was done by international scientists, including some that are members of the WHO.


And they're reasoning for not wanting to do booster shots is because of their view of a rich needing giving people a third vaccine shot, when in THEIR OPINION, that vaccine shot is better used for poor countries who do not have vaccines.


At no point are they saying that the booster shot is bad for you, in terms of your health. They are making a case for HOW TO USE THE SUPPLY.


So your article is definitely shit.


No..........you are counting 16 months of the original Alpha strain of COVID, and barely 2 months of Delta becoming the dominant strain.


I already posted an article in which COVID pediatric deaths from one area has exceeded the past 17 months of pediatric deaths..


You are trying to lump in other data to try and make the death rate seem smaller. The Delta strain is a bigger threat to children.


This is simply not up for debate.


People are not going to tolerate kids dying because they went to school.


And you posted a video from one department of health official from the state of Illinois.............she's not an authority on the subject. And we're actually undercounting COVID deaths, because there is a huge spike in deaths that have been declared as pneumonia deaths in major states like Texas and Florida.


So you're wrong about that, as well. The death toll is definitely close to 1 million than it is to 150k-200k.

Even if it's an increase of 100% it's still an EXTREMELY small chance a child dies from Covid. Statically zero. It's math stupid. 

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