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U.S drone strike actually killed an aid worker transporting Jugs of water for children, not an ISIS-K affiliate

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Thats why 7 kids died in the attack. They came out to greet the guy because presumably the water was intended for them, and it wasn't explosives like this disingenuous administration claimed. If only the mainstream media actually did their job and called out the number of times Biden and his cronies have lied and been completely misleading to the public.  

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  • Twinblade★ changed the title to U.S drone strike actually killed an aid worker transporting Jugs of water for children, not an ISIS-K affiliate
  • 3 months later...
5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lmfao you never once complained about Trump drone strikes. You are so full of shit. 


Any civilians killed in Trump's strikes were the unfortunate results of collateral damage. This on the other hand was a complete intelligence failure resulting from Biden hastily trying to salvage his reputation after getting 13 marines killed as a direct result of his botched Afghanistan withdrawal. There is a big difference.

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14 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Any civilians killed in Trump's strikes were the unfortunate results of collateral damage. This on the other hand was a complete intelligence failure resulting from Biden hastily trying to salvage his reputation after getting 13 marines killed as a direct result of his botched Afghanistan withdrawal. There is a big difference.

Lol look at this dishonest bullshit you are pulling. You didn't even know Trump used drone strikes until I told you that last year. Now you are qualified to judge every drone strike he's done?


This is what is so frustrating about you and your ideology. If you're never right, you make shit up/ repeat something someone else made up and get bent out of shape about it, what is your agenda then? You have no real values because you only harbor judgment or feelings depending on who is doing it. 


Like when Limbaugh and all of the conservative media spent decades talking about how bad debt is then when massive corporate and high income taxes get slashed, causing greater debt they all said that debt doesn't mater anyway. 


It's just cruel entitlement on your parts. You don't like a certain group of people so you pretend to be offended by things you wouldn't if people you liked did them. You really think thousands of people truly believe that Democrats and only Democrats are alien vampires that eat children to stay young? Or they just want to cling to anything to feel their hatred is justified? 


Like I said, you were some how completely unaware of the number of Trump drone strikes (edit: that they even happened at all) and let me tell you, he did as many a year as Obama did his entire two terms. He ordered civilian causalities not be reported, and removed oversight for the program... I'm sure all to operate in strictly above board procedures. 


At the end of the day none of that matters to you, because you honestly don't give a shit about civilian casualties. Say what you will about the left, at least they are consistent. "the left" were the only ones worried about drone strikes when Bush was President, when Obama was President, and when Trump was president. 


You're just a petty, small person who wants to fit in somewhere. This disaffected rational independent act is absurd. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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Trump literally killed innocent people in a military raid in the Middle East.............on his second WEEKEND as president back in January 2017.


And he did it talking about it loudly with foreign dignitaries at a dinner, almost like as if they were boasting about it "What? Greenlight a military raid to capture a suspected major terrorist target? Sure let's do it!"


They literally did it over a dinner. 


The intelligence was a failure, there was no major terrorist target. Innocents were killed, and a Navy Seal was killed because their entire plan to take a village in silence failed from the very beginning, and the hostiles immediately got into fighting position to take them on.




Just after midnight on Jan. 29, the force swooped into the village. SEAL Team 6 landed five miles downhill from the objective. The SEALs would hike to the village in silence, and surprise the AQAP element there.


But as the SEALs neared the outskirts, there was trouble. Overhead drones and spy planes detected unusual activity indicating the mission might have been compromised.


"Overhead surveillance of the target revealed individuals moving to fighting positions," Naylor said.


The Special Operations Task Force headquarters in Djibouti and the command element still on board the Makin Island ships knew simultaneously that the element of surprise was lost. We may never know what the discussion was, nor who ultimately made the decision, but commanders discussed the risk versus the payoff and decided to proceed.



Entering the village, the SEALs met fierce and unexpected resistance. Land mines and defensive positions were prepared. Even women took up arms. Within the first five minutes of the firefight, Ryan Owens was mortally wounded, hit with a bullet just above his armored breast plate. A MEDEVAC element was immediately requested on the radio. In the next few minutes, at least two other SEALs were wounded.


Two Marine Corps CV-22 Osprey tilt rotor vertical take-off and landing aircraft were dispatched for the 15-minute flight from the Gulf of Aden. Additional Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier jump jets and attack helicopters followed to take on the AQAP force.


But then disaster struck again. One of the two Ospreys crashed on landing in Yemen. The Pentagon would later call it a "hard landing," but the crash was serious enough that one of Harrier fighter jets bombed the crash site to destroy the plane to avoid any sensitive equipment falling into al Qaeda hands.


On the ground, the SEALs continued to battle. Though 14 AQAP fighters were killed, including what the U.S. claims were two leaders, al-Rimi was not at the target. In addition to Owens' death and multiple American injuries, the unraveling of the mission also resulted in the death of at least 16 civilians, according to U.S. intelligence sources. Ten of those civilians were children under the age of 13, NBC News has determined from official documents verified by U.S. intelligence.


Within 50 minutes it was over. Ryan Owens was dead. At least five additional American servicemen were injured. The site exploitation was also compromised. Sources say because of the injuries, the destruction and the quick exit, the SEALs did not have enough time to collect documents and electronics.

Literally, Trump's second weekend as president.


Oh, and he immediately dragged out that dead Seal's emotionally shattered wife and placed her on TV during his first state of the Union address less than a MONTH later, she  was not even in remotely stable condition, and they used her as a propaganda tool.




This is the part where Twinblade gives up trying to make Biden look bad in this aspect, because there isn't a snowball's chance in hell of him succeeding.

Edited by jehurey
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On 2021-12-24 at 10:23 PM, Twinblade said:


Any civilians killed in Trump's strikes were the unfortunate results of collateral damage. This on the other hand was a complete intelligence failure resulting from Biden hastily trying to salvage his reputation after getting 13 marines killed as a direct result of his botched Afghanistan withdrawal. There is a big difference.


It was March 18, 2019. At the U.S. military’s busy Combined Air Operations Center at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, uniformed personnel watching the live drone footage looked on in stunned disbelief, according to one officer who was there.


“Who dropped that?” a confused analyst typed on a secure chat system being used by those monitoring the drone, two people who reviewed the chat log recalled. Another responded, “We just dropped on 50 women and children.”


An initial battle damage assessment quickly found that the number of dead was actually about 70.


70  innocent women and children killed in JUST ONE of Trump's drone strikes, unfortunate results of collateral damage huh?  🙁


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Lol imagine being so shameless that pretty much every point you make is proven wrong, yet taking time to reevaluate your points of view never occurs to you and you can still convince yourself that you're right. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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