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Possible Starfield leaks,

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Gigantic Starfield Leaks: Building, Gravity, Planets, Fractions (centrumher.eu)



Cows lose again.


All new information from Starfield:

  • the game will give you a choice of the location where you start your story, it could be a planet, or a station
  • ships will be able to operate, fly with them and do not lack air battles (rockets, lasers, rotators)
  • adaptation of ships
  • the basic model of the ship will be selected and it will be possible to replace engines, weapons, cargo space and cosmetic things that will change the whole look of the ship. Ship modification is like modifying a Power Armor in Fallout 4
  • Nova Galactic is one of the ship manufacturers, offering three models – Exploration, Cargo, Gunboat
  • manufacturer Axion Energy offers two models of ships – Mining, Cargo
  • ship manufacturer Argos has one model of ship – Science & Exploration
  • weapons and armor can be piecetailed as in Fallout 4
  • armor in layers like in Fallout 4
  • the player is given the opportunity to establish a closer relationship with NPC characters
  • perky works similarly to the arguments in Cyberpunk/Prey
  • skill leveling works the same as in Skyrim
  • the game will be from the age of 18, brutality similar to that in Fallout games


Planets, discovery, building

  • gravity on different planets and stations will vary. Animals will be adapted to life on the planet – on planets with high gravity, animals will be smaller, stronger, on planets with lows will be higher, lighter
  • life on planets and game mechanics are supposed to "make sense" from a scientific point of view
  • gravity is a game mechanic, it can be switched off on the ship and everything that is not strapped starts to fly
  • artificial gravity exists in stations and ships
  • intelligent life exists, but it is a mystery in the main story, 99% of the animals in the game are only primitive forms
  • developers used procedurally generated environments to create planets
  • building bases similar to that in Fallout 4 will be improved and used to set up colonies on planets
  • refugees will be able to offer housing in a new colony, where they will start to set up shops, workshops, landing areas
  • colonies can be based on virtually every planet
  • ships use Helium 3 fuel in an internal combustion engine to manually fly in the environment and warp technology for flights between planets
  • Planet Earth is a hole and cannot land on it
  • on Mars is the city of Cydonia, one of the largest cities in the system since it was the first colony in the world of Starfield
  • two pirate organizations: Black Fleet and Crimson Fleet, fight each other and the player gets the opportunity to join one of them and help them to victory
  • the player can also join Vanguard, a faction of a kind of police force that resolves conflicts and destroys both pirate organizations
  • in the Kryx system there is a belt of asteroids, on one of the asteroids there is a city – neutral for all pirate organizations
  • there is also a faction in the game that believes that Jesus/God came from the stars and are looking for his true place of birth, you can join them
  • The story revolves around an alien structure we saw in the trailer. The aim is to find a way to activate it and to do so it will need to gain many clues and knowledge


New Engine

  • Creation Engine 2 brings new render technology
  • new animation system
  • raytracing support
  • Havok Engine is gone, physics developers have developed their own engine
  • new AI
  • new NPC character trace
  • new lighting

Liquor also mentioned that he is unsure of the release date of 11.11.2022 and it is possible that the game will be postponed again. ID Software, which creates an FPS battle system, also cooperates on the game.



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14 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Procedural generation :holeup:

That probably doesn't mean what you think. It doesn't sound like it's No Man's Sky where everything is just total randomness with trillions of worlds. They likely used it on a much smaller and higher quality scale to speed up development. You can't expect people to actually build planets. 

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4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

That probably doesn't mean what you think. It doesn't sound like it's No Man's Sky where everything is just total randomness with trillions of worlds. They likely used it on a much smaller and higher quality scale to speed up development. You can't expect people to actually build planets. 


Why would they have to build entire planets? Just do what games like Mass Effect Andromeda and Outer Worlds did and make a small but dense explorable area within the planet. I have a feeling this game is going to be filled with boring filler.

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Liquor also mentioned that he is unsure of the release date of 11.11.2022 and it is possible that the game will be postponed again. ID Software, which creates an FPS battle system, also cooperates on the game.

delayed to 2023, then delayed to 2024.


a decade with no games.


and to think, they have the nerve to pull a november 2022 release date out of their ass, in the summer of 2021, just to look like they have anything to compete with PS5.



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