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No Emo/Sad Do you feel you have wasted your life?? could have done more??

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:TCHBR:used to go clubbing in my 20's and then just worked alot,  lived in another country for a short time.

i used to live in low cost accommodation,  and never had a lot of people..had a few friends used to visit each other relationships got in the way.

Im thinking now as i live in a nice place..like i just need to do alot more.. but im not 20 anymore, want to go out and have a dance til l late..


just dont want to be a sad C&NT who just goes to work and sleeps and repeats... i also have no kids and am single alot lol

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Im in my 30s now. Crazy to think I was chatting with you guys when I was in high school. Where does the time go? Fuck.


Anyways, Im ok with where my life is at. I have an apartment about 20 minutes from the beach, and a career in 3D animation and even worked on a VR app that was unfortunately scrapped. But it pays good working for my current company. Better than Home Depot. But I do miss my home depot co workers.

i still see them. We went to a Barcade last night, then tacos and had a 12 pack while chilling on a bridge overlooking the city. Til’ 4am. So I can still kick it.


  As for my love life. Shit fell apart years ago. Im trying to get back in but the dating scene is so different now. I was never big on the tinder scene. Really wanna just meet a chick in her late 20s/early 30s. The pandemic was definitely a setback on my social life. Especially getting older and seeing my little brothers getting engaged. 

Edited by Chicano3000X
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I know it's a cliche to say "there's always someone worse off" but it's true and it's important to be thankful for what you do have.


Some people at 20 get locked up for 10-15 years, and there are some people I knew from school who didn't even live to their 20th birthday. Some people in poorer countries are stuck working in sweatshops for longer hours than you or I, some people end up losing their ability to walk or dress themselves. There are a lot of worse ways you could have spent your life. Be grateful for what you do have and the freedom you've had.

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15 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

Why do you think I play VRChat so much, because you can party with a bunch of people, have a great time and it's an ageless experience. You can get shit-faced with a bunch of friends in a virtual nightclub or stripclub in your living room.



Had a good conversation with a 2008 Dodge Challenger on VR chat once.

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there are some investment opportunities i have missed out on, and i wish i had traveled more when i was younger. other than that, i feel ok/good about my decisions. even the ones that ended up in failure (they were good learning lessons). 

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just do what you wanna do. jimbo likes to quote gandalf and he's not wrong :ben: 


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." 

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51 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

Why do you think I play VRChat so much, because you can party with a bunch of people, have a great time and it's an ageless experience. You can get shit-faced with a bunch of friends in a virtual nightclub or stripclub in your living room.




this has to be one of the saddest things i ever read :mjcry: 

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1 hour ago, kaz said:


this has to be one of the saddest things i ever read :mjcry: 

Not really, we're all in our 30's and still enjoy many things which aren't socially acceptable anymore, and it allows you to experience these things to a convincingly enough degree.


There's also COVID so it's a great outlet to meet people and have a good time. I wouldn't hate on what you can't seem to understand.

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Just now, bhytre said:

I wish I did something about my depression sooner, it stole a lot of years and opportunities out of my life and I pushed away a lot of people because of it

damn, sorry to hear that bro. what ended up fixing it? 

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If I hadn't followed my family's history of accounting and got into computer science my first time through college then I would have bought a condo at the start of the Toronto housing market getting ridiculous, would have had way more disposable income to toss into the first BitCoin surge a few years ago, and would have a decade plus of experience under my belt in my early 30s instead of only a couple of years. Kinda sucks to think about, but I don't dwell on it. I have a great life and I just focus on making it better, not wallowing in what could have been.

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6 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:

If I hadn't followed my family's history of accounting and got into computer science my first time through college then I would have bought a condo at the start of the Toronto housing market getting ridiculous, would have had way more disposable income to toss into the first BitCoin surge a few years ago, and would have a decade plus of experience under my belt in my early 30s instead of only a couple of years. Kinda sucks to think about, but I don't dwell on it. I have a great life and I just focus on making it better, not wallowing in what could have been.

that's the perfect mindset. shiiiii there are a million things i could have done differently/better. however, i'm in a great place. so, i mainly focus on the present/future. occasionally, i get nostalgic, though. however, it's usually temporary. 

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13 hours ago, kaz said:

it got even worse. :mjcry: 

Oh do you think I do this because I'm sad or something LOL? That's not it at all, I actually have a really great life and everything is very put together. I just do this for fun, I miss my younger days and this kind of lets me relive them a bit.

Edited by DynamiteCop
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3 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

i mean, how is a VR chat any worse than bullshitting on a forum or on some chat? i think it's fine.  what's it like @DynamiteCop? VR makes me nauseas, so i don't think can ever do it, but it sounds cool. 

It's a lot of fun and I've got a core group of friends in there. Honestly some of friendships that I've built in there have been more meaningful than ones I've had in the real world. Hell, about 15 of us took a trip to Las Vegas for a week, it was great.


VR is one of those things you just have to adapt to. The coolest part of the experience is there is full-body tracking. So everything you're doing is animating in the game. There's legit dance clubs, there's people that do hip hop dancing, there are strip clubs with people dancing on poles, there's drinking servers with bowling, pool and other drinking games.


It's fun, and there's no risk of getting a DUI or dealing with a bunch of dumb bullshit.

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Just now, DynamiteCop said:

It's a lot of fun and I've got a core group of friends in there. Honestly some of friendships that I've built in there have been more meaningful than ones I've had in the real world. Hell, about 15 of us took a trip to Las Vegas for a week, it was great.


VR is one of those things you just have to adapt to. The coolest part of the experience is there is full-body tracking. So everything you're doing is animating in the game. There's legit dance clubs, there's people that do hip hop dancing, there are strip clubs with people dancing on poles, there's drinking servers with bowling, pool and other drinking games.


It's fun, and there's no risk of getting a DUI or dealing with a bunch of dumb bullshit.

that's crazy! if i ever get a PC again, i'll give it a whirl. i get ya about the online friends thing. i met a woman in a cancer chat (needed support for dealing with a sick relative). anyhow, we got super close and even met in person. we would be a couple if she lived closer. but she's an amazing friend, regardless, and she knows more about me than most. 

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Just now, -GD-X said:

that's crazy! if i ever get a PC again, i'll give it a whirl. i get ya about the online friends thing. i met a woman in a cancer chat (needed support for dealing with a sick relative). anyhow, we got super close and even met in person. we would be a couple if she lived closer. but she's an amazing friend, regardless, and she knows more about me than most. 

I'm going to be getting on tonight, I'll record some clips for you just so you can get an idea of what it's like.

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