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Gamepass is likely at 30 million subs

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3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Bargain bin gaming at bargain bin prices and consumers still don't want it :drake:

Every Bethesda game,


all Elder Scrolls,

all 3D Fallout,

all iD Software games,

all Arkane Studios games.


all Halo games,

all (recent) Forza games (btw, did people know that they're starting to pull older Forza games from GamePass?)


All of it cost just $5 a month for PC GamePass subscription, PC owners don't have to pay the additional $5 for get XBL Gold Online since they don't charge for online on the PC.


All of that cost less money than one cheap indie game that goes on sale.


So why haven't 20 to 40 million people on PC, just PC alone, signed up for this yet? Something is not right.

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Yeah. Now we know why Phil was nervously laughing.   he was doing one of these:

I’d feel more ethical sending money to the Taliban than to Microsoft. 

They started selling $1 promo passes again for PC.   And people are reporting that people who have previously used the $1 before are still eligible to use it again. So if you guys wa

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On 2021-10-27 at 8:31 PM, jehurey said:

Every Bethesda game,


all Elder Scrolls,

all 3D Fallout,

all iD Software games,

all Arkane Studios games.


all Halo games,

all (recent) Forza games (btw, did people know that they're starting to pull older Forza games from GamePass?)


All of it cost just $5 a month for PC GamePass subscription, PC owners don't have to pay the additional $5 for get XBL Gold Online since they don't charge for online on the PC.


All of that cost less money than one cheap indie game that goes on sale.


So why haven't 20 to 40 million people on PC, just PC alone, signed up for this yet? Something is not right.

Because people don't give a shit about old bargain bin Bathesda games and anyone who really cares about those games has already bought them and played them ages ago.


There's a reason why Bathesda went bankrupt in the first place. People weren't buying their shit and people aren't going to rush to spend $5/month to rent their shit along with Microsoft's mediocre first party games.


This whole "Netflix of games" is a terrible idea. Games aren't consumed the same way movies or TV shows are. Most casuals buy 2 or 3 games at most every year. They aren't interested in paying a sub fee for hundreds of games they couldn't give two shits about. Shows you how out of touch Phil and the MS are with the gaming industry. They didn't even bother to research how people consume games before they went on this foolish venture of creating the Netflix for games.

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I play a lot of games but even then I’d rather just buy them once and that’s it. These subscription services don’t appeal to me, and that’s also true of PSN+ and PS now. But at least those are supplementary services, Sony isn’t trying to push them as the main way they want to distribute their games and gaming content.

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3 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

Cows don't like a good deal.

That's why they bought a pos console that overheats to pay more to play the same games they played years ago.
Demons Souls for $70 :tom:

Miles Morales :kaz:

you're paying hundreds of dollars...............to own nothing.


are you're trying to lecture us on what is a good deal?


ultimately its going to end like a ponzi scheme, because you going to realize that you've put in HUNDREDS of dollars, as they almost assuredly will start raising the monthly subscriber price, and now you have to keep paying, or your Xbox game library goes down to zero.

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7 minutes ago, jehurey said:

you're paying hundreds of dollars...............to own nothing.


are you're trying to lecture us on what is a good deal?


ultimately its going to end like a ponzi scheme, because you going to realize that you've put in HUNDREDS of dollars, as they almost assuredly will start raising the monthly subscriber price, and now you have to keep paying, or your Xbox game library goes down to zero.

I paid hundreds of dollars for a service that I enjoy using it. 

I don't see a problem with that.

I played Flight Simulator, Mechwarrior, Project  Wingman, and next month I'll play Forza Horizon 5. 

Later this year, I'll play Halo Infinite.

Along with lots of backwards compatibility games.

I see my investment was worth it.


Don't come here and talk shit about raising the monthly subscription because as of now Nintendo is the one that just screwed you over with $50 increase  to play N64 roms. :tom:



Edited by MalaXmaS
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58 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

Cows don't like a good deal.

That's why they bought a pos console that overheats to pay more to play the same games they played years ago.
Demons Souls for $70 :tom:

Miles Morales :kaz:

You spent $500 on a POS console with zero games at launch and constantly delude yourself into thinking renting dollar tree bargain bin games somehow makes up for the lack of games of the LBox. Sit your delusional clown ass down lol.


PS5s overheating where? Don’t tell me you’re one of the clowns that still actually believes Austin Evans after he was publicly disgraced :sabu:



Demons Souls is better than every single game that has launched on Xbox in the past 10 years. Damn right it’s worth $70 to the people who bought it. You wouldn’t know this because MS hasn’t released anything worth shit since the 360 generation (primary reason why their games don’t sell and they are forced to give them away on Lamepass 🤣)

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

I play a lot of games but even then I’d rather just buy them once and that’s it. These subscription services don’t appeal to me, and that’s also true of PSN+ and PS now. But at least those are supplementary services, Sony isn’t trying to push them as the main way they want to distribute their games and gaming content.

Same here. I tried GamePass when MS Flight Sim launched on PC in 2020 and eventually decided to cancel my subscription because I figured I’d much rather own the game than waste my time renting it. I’m very picky with the games I play on PC and PS5 and the ones I like I’d rather just outright buy them than rent them. More power to the people that rent games if that’s how they choose to consume their games but it’s not for me and looking at how poorly it’s growing on the PC platform despite it being very cheap it’s clearly not for a lot of gamers either.

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20 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

You spent $500 on a POS console with zero games at launch and constantly delude yourself into thinking renting dollar tree bargain bin games somehow makes up for the lack of games of the LBox. Sit your delusional clown ass down lol.


PS5s overheating where? Don’t tell me you’re one of the clowns that still actually believes Austin Evans after he was publicly disgraced :sabu:



Demons Souls is better than every single game that has launched on Xbox in the past 10 years. Damn right it’s worth $70 to the people who bought it. You wouldn’t know this because MS hasn’t released anything worth shit since the 360 generation (primary reason why their games don’t sell and they are forced to give them away on Lamepass 🤣)

It had a ton of games at launch.

Series X is the perfect console that likes to play games, from every gen.

You got the old classics on Xbox, then some backward gens on 360, every game from last gen and upcoming titles.

It's not my fault that you cows are just posers that just like to gobble whatever Sony craps on your face.

You are almost as bad as the sheep.

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2 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

It had a ton of games at launch.

Series X is the perfect console that likes to play games, from every gen.

You got the old classics on Xbox, then some backward gens on 360, every game from last gen and upcoming titles.

It's not my fault that you cows are just posers that just like to gobble whatever Sony craps on your face.

You are almost as bad as the sheep.

no you haven't.


you've had like two AA games that didn't review well..........and indie games


indie games that I can buy........and OWN..........at the end of the year in some cheap Humble Bundle end of year sale.


OWN them, in my library forever


Oh, and they gave us Bethesda games...........we had already purchased throughout the last decade, well thats just fantastic!


Here's what you're not realizing, you end up paying close to $180 a year..........and they duped you into paying full price for Forza Horizon and a Halo game that should've came out last year, and isn't even feature-complete.


Why don't you just pay $60 to OWN the Forza Horizon game, and keep it forever.


And pay the $60 to OWN the Halo game, and keep it forever.


Psychonauts 2 is destined to become a $10 bargain bin game in about a couple of months.


And the rest of those moderately decent indie games you'll probably be able to get for a Humble Bundle sale for less than $40.


An d you get to KEEP them, there is no situation if you cancel a membership.........the games disappear and you have NOTHING.

Edited by jehurey
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8 hours ago, FIREPOWER said:

Because people don't give a shit about old bargain bin Bathesda games and anyone who really cares about those games has already bought them and played them ages ago.


There's a reason why Bathesda went bankrupt in the first place. People weren't buying their shit and people aren't going to rush to spend $5/month to rent their shit along with Microsoft's mediocre first party games.


This whole "Netflix of games" is a terrible idea. Games aren't consumed the same way movies or TV shows are. Most casuals buy 2 or 3 games at most every year. They aren't interested in paying a sub fee for hundreds of games they couldn't give two shits about. Shows you how out of touch Phil and the MS are with the gaming industry. They didn't even bother to research how people consume games before they went on this foolish venture of creating the Netflix for games.

2-3 games is 180 a year perhaps. That’s the same cost as gamepass. Who cares about owning games???

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I certainly wouldn’t touch a Microsoft subscription service but all I’ve seen of gamepass so far is that it’s full of junk. However in regards to subscription services in general, I don’t like the curated list of what I can and can’t play. You see it in the lemmings here where they only end up playing games because they’re on Gamepass. I’d rather look at a full game libray and pick what to buy and play rather than look at a very limited list and then have to pick from that. It was the same with Humble, I stopped caring about a lot of games they were offering so I unsubscribed but at least I still have those games whereas with Shamepass I’d lose access to everything now.


Same with ps+ I haven’t had a sub for a while now and all the games they gave me for free I can’t access. I’m not too bothered because there wasn’t that much I wanted to play but there was a few and I feel it would have been easier to buy them but at the time you dont because it doesnt feel worth it when its free, and if you want to any now you either buy them all or you’re forced to resub. It just feels simpler to carry on buying what I want.

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52 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

I certainly wouldn’t touch a Microsoft subscription service but all I’ve seen of gamepass so far is that it’s full of junk. However in regards to subscription services in general, I don’t like the curated list of what I can and can’t play. You see it in the lemmings here where they only end up playing games because they’re on Gamepass. I’d rather look at a full game libray and pick what to buy and play rather than look at a very limited list and then have to pick from that. It was the same with Humble, I stopped caring about a lot of games they were offering so I unsubscribed but at least I still have those games whereas with Shamepass I’d lose access to everything now.


Same with ps+ I haven’t had a sub for a while now and all the games they gave me for free I can’t access. I’m not too bothered because there wasn’t that much I wanted to play but there was a few and I feel it would have been easier to buy them but at the time you dont because it doesnt feel worth it when its free, and if you want to any now you either buy them all or you’re forced to resub. It just feels simpler to carry on buying what I want.

Because PS+ 12 month codes have been selling for about $30 for a while now, I've probably spent a little under $200 for the past FIVE YEARS of PS+


And that comes with me getting 2-4 games a month for the past 60 months now.


So, if I were to go through my transaction history and post all of the games that have been given me a $0 license to play them and compared them to the current 100 to 120 game list that's on GamePass, my list of PS+ would probably be a better list of non-indie games.


We're talking about PS3, Vita, PS4, PSVR, and PS5 games.

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5 hours ago, jehurey said:

no you haven't.


you've had like two AA games that didn't review well..........and indie games


indie games that I can buy........and OWN..........at the end of the year in some cheap Humble Bundle end of year sale.


OWN them, in my library forever


Oh, and they gave us Bethesda games...........we had already purchased throughout the last decade, well thats just fantastic!


Here's what you're not realizing, you end up paying close to $180 a year..........and they duped you into paying full price for Forza Horizon and a Halo game that should've came out last year, and isn't even feature-complete.


Why don't you just pay $60 to OWN the Forza Horizon game, and keep it forever.


And pay the $60 to OWN the Halo game, and keep it forever.


Psychonauts 2 is destined to become a $10 bargain bin game in about a couple of months.


And the rest of those moderately decent indie games you'll probably be able to get for a Humble Bundle sale for less than $40.


An d you get to KEEP them, there is no situation if you cancel a membership.........the games disappear and you have NOTHING.

Owning games is overrated nowadays.

You boast about owning a game, when a few years later the servers for that game, get shut down and you end up with a piece of software that loses about 50% of its features.

So Psychonauts 2 will eventually become $10.

Yeah, and by that time there will be other and newer games on the service.

Gamepass is a good subscription service because there is a constant supply of games for the people that take games casually and that is about a good 75% of today's people that buy games.

I will pay about $180 a year for the service and with just 3 games, I have already paid fully the service.

Let's not forget you can play more than 150 games a year.

That is a deal.


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16 hours ago, ghostz said:

2-3 games is 180 a year perhaps. That’s the same cost as gamepass. Who cares about owning games???

So by that logic you'd rather pay the same amount to own nothing? Make this make sense.


Why would anyone pay $180 to rent as opposed to paying the same amount to own games forever? You've just proven exactly my point.


This is why GamePass isn't growing at the pace one would expect it to because no one with a brain will pay $180 to rent games instead of paying the same amount to own them forever. At least with games you own they have value since you can resell them if you get bored of them or they can rot in your library. With rental games you own absolutely nothing for the same amount.

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5 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

So by that logic you'd rather pay the same amount to own nothing? Make this make sense.


Why would anyone pay $180 to rent as opposed to paying the same amount to own games forever? You've just proven exactly my point.


This is why GamePass isn't growing at the pace one would expect it to because no one with a brain will pay $180 to rent games instead of paying the same amount to own them forever. At least with games you own they have value since you can resell them if you get bored of them or they can rot in your library. With rental games you own absolutely nothing for the same amount.

I play a lot more than 2-3 games. I also couldn’t care less about owning a game. 

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6 minutes ago, ghostz said:

I play a lot more than 2-3 games. I also couldn’t care less about owning a game. 

But this isn't about you though I was talking about casuals that Microsoft is targeting that only buy 2 to 3 games a year. What is the value of GamePass to them? They only spend $120-180 a year on games anyway, and the games they buy like COD and Madden aren't on GP. Why would they spend the same amount of money on GP for games they couldn't give two shits about, and on top of that not own anything?

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