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New GT7 video - Game has over 400 cars

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Yamauchi says that they are "PS5-quality models" in the subtitles, and he also says "not only are they high quyality, but there is also 400 of them"


So that seems to imply that they have gone over all of the models.


I also wouldn't be surprised if they were already scanning them at a very high quality back when Gran Turismo Sport came out.


Looking at some of those classic cars in the video, it appears that they more detailed than before. Of course, no amount of detail is going to make me enjoy driving a 1996 Honda Del Sol any more than it already did in GT2.

Edited by jehurey
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Looks like they fucked up yet again. 

Also judging from their typical development tendencies and focus, they will give you many versions of the same car, like the Skyline, GTR, and MX-5.

So in reality, there will be close to 250 cars.

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