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The RE3 remake has sold 3.9 million copies

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7 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

It’s definitely not on the level of RE2 remake at all. Much shorter and shallower.

I didn’t love 2. I never even bothered with the second campaign. 

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21 minutes ago, Saucer said:

It was at 4.4m as of June 30th according to Capcom's Platinum list, and recent RE games have very long sales legs. RE7 sold slower than RE5 or 6 out of the gate but has now surpassed them.








The PS4/Xbox One port of RE6 outselling Dragon's Dogma. :ben:

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Good game, just a shame that a lot of the content from the original got cut, makes for a very short game, even by RE standards. Some replayability but still not enough.

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it's like 3 hours long and i imagine literally 99% recycled assets from RE2. Gameplay wise they are 99% similar.


Capcom made out like bandits with that game for sure. and that's actually quite a bit in terms of copies.


https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/finance/million.html #14 of all time for them.


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remember when RE was half dead on the table? I specifically remember 2 times where nobody really cared for the franchise anymore.


first was ~2003, with RE Zero on gamecube. check the reviews from that time. Every single review said how dated it was and how RE was a thing of the past. then RE4 came out and punched everyone of them in the mouth (i still laugh when i see the revisionist history from fake/nu-gen RE faux hardcore fans and faux Hardcore gamers trying to say they only like the originals. my ass - no one did back then, i was there).


Second was after RE 6. the franchise had lost all popularity. it was about to go the way of dino crisis or dead rising never to return.


then someone @ capcom had the bright idea to re-release REmake outside of gamecube. that re-release single handedly saved the franchise. when PC, PS4, and Xbox gamers saw what a real RE was, the tide had turned. then RE7 came out and was a bonafide hit. Everyone came rushing back.


But really, it was RE2 Remake where you could safely say capcom was back on top. what an absolute masterclass, legendary title for the modern era. that one game alone has propelled RE back to a top tier franchise and brought a new slew of fans just like RE4 did in 2005.


Capcom has really done the unthinkable with this series and kept it alive for a quarter of a century now. It used to be niche but now Its up there as one of gamings top tier franchises of all time.



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1 hour ago, Hot Sauce said:


The PS4/Xbox One port of RE6 outselling Dragon's Dogma. :ben:


I know but I'm hoping a sequel isn't entirely hopeless. :biggrin: Hey if you add up all the versions of DD, it's at 5.1m. Come on Capcom... 

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Just now, Saucer said:

BC, what did you think of RE8? 

i liked it but i'm kind of over that style of game tbh. 7 was spectacular but 8 didn't hit the same. Especially towards the end where they justified Ethan's superhuman power (LOL @ him re-attaching his arms and legs over and over), and the dumb, lazy allusions to Spencer and the old games. It just isn't RE proper. 7 is kind of an outlier because it was so fresh at the time, and manages to allude to/reference pretty much every horror movie worth a damn. It's a horror enthusiasts dream come true. 8 really doesn't do any of that.


Gameplay wise 8 just turns into a a run of the mill FPS by the end. 


i won't stand for a 3rd game in that style, and I think capcom knows that i'm not alone on that. 



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RE9 needs to be more like 7 and it will deliver even with the same gameplay style


Ditch the schizophrenic cast of comic book characters

Ditch the ridiculous werewolf shit and other overly supernatural stuff

Go back to smaller & simpler environments that are well designed and filled with interesting puzzles (like the castle and doll house, which were the strongest parts of 8 )

Focus on horror and the feeling of claustrophobia. Being chased by the Baker family in those small, cramped buildings was unnerving and what we needed to see more of in 8



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