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The Roblox craze

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This is probably the biggest game that no core gamer knows anything about. I remember watching my younger cousin play it and I assumed it was some shitty Minecraft clone, but realistically its actually a pretty advanced game creation tool kit that's simple enough for kids to make almost any type of game in it. The craziest part is that not only can you sell the games you make, but you can even add microtransactions to anything you make as well


Look at how much its exploded in popularity within the last few years, the numbers are just insane




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I get the point, the first game looks like trash though and nothing like BF1. Some assets and stuff reminds you of it because that one map looks like it but that's it. 


not interested at all, even if they get the graphics 1:1, there's still more to it. also the guy talking about loading assets, like the map won't be loaded because everything is already there; it's the same with any other game data. what an idiot. the only difference might be if it's cloud based. :snoop: 

Edited by kaz
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