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Do it for Phil!!!!!!!!! Microsoft is on their knees again, suckin' dick for three months for just one dollah!

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6 hours ago, jehurey said:

Of course lemmings aren't going to buy these games on Gamepass.


Let's take a look at the newest additions:



Who the hell would actually BUY this?


Do you think anybody working at Gamestop has had somebody walk into the store and say "Yes, I'd like a copy of The Forgotten City on Xbox, please."


Of course not, that's never happened. This game just came out in late July. Gamestop has no trade-in listing for it, whatsoever.


When 80% of your game library is shit you would never have bought anywhere near full-price begin with, yeah no shit you have no desire to own it.

Even the mighty Netflix is the same which is why I’ve never liked it. Its library is massively padded with low budget shit. I remember when they used to show ratings and most movies were like 1-2 stars so they had to hide it. All of these subscription services will be the same.


The worst part is you end up watching them because there’s nothing else. Just like you see JonB always talking about the trash he’s playing because there’s nothing else.


I’ll stick to taking my pick of games from the FULL list and not limiting myself to someone else’s curated list.

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The thing is that, after some minor hints within the past few months, we have pretty confirmed that the growth of GamePass is plateau'ing.   As of June 2020, they had 15 million subscription

LOL i love how these extremely stupid people who don't know about gamepass, are tech saavy enough to go around outside the windows store.   it really is funny watching you just stack more bu

Why not?   Is it because you dont own them in the first place?   or you just like owning and keeping them? Which goes against you shilling gamepass.

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7 hours ago, TLHBO said:

Even the mighty Netflix is the same which is why I’ve never liked it. Its library is massively padded with low budget shit. I remember when they used to show ratings and most movies were like 1-2 stars so they had to hide it. All of these subscription services will be the same.


The worst part is you end up watching them because there’s nothing else. Just like you see JonB always talking about the trash he’s playing because there’s nothing else.


I’ll stick to taking my pick of games from the FULL list and not limiting myself to someone else’s curated list.

So what games have you played this year? 

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yeah i resubbed the other week to play B4B with some friends. took a scroll through the games to see what was there and for such a big library there was surprisingly little i even wanted to bother installing.


netflix model for sure, lots of good old content but most of the day and date original stuff seems like a hard pass for me.


back in the day when i had more time than money this would have been sweet. i mean, it still is sweet, can't argue with a dollar, but there's a reason The Wire, Boardwalk Empire, Sopranos, etc. weren't Netflix originals.

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