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SMTV reviews pouring in - 86 at MC so far

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87 now

He's a pathological liar.  He's so bad at everything that lying has become his main strategy. 

85 now

10 minutes ago, Goukosan said:



Edit*  the game isn’t out for another 8 days and reviews are already being posted?  That's confidence in your product. 

Yeah because Forza Horizon 5 which is sitting at a 92 didn't have confidence in its product. Embargo dates at this point are completely arbitrary.

Edited by DynamiteCop
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12 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

Yeah because Forza Horizon 5 which is sitting at a 92 didn't have confidence in its product. Embargo dates at this point are completely arbitrary.


My comment has nothing to do with Forza per se you autistic persecution complex lemming.   I'm taking about games in general. 


Most games review embargos are the same week of release or a day or two before as a standard practice.  That doesn't mean those publishers aren't confident in their product.. Its just a standard practice. 


This game doesn't release until the 12th... Today is only the 4th.   That's outside of the standard practice. 

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4 hours ago, Goukosan said:


My comment has nothing to do with Forza per se you autistic persecution complex lemming.   I'm taking about games in general. 


Most games review embargos are the same week of release or a day or two before as a standard practice.  That doesn't mean those publishers aren't confident in their product.. Its just a standard practice. 


This game doesn't release until the 12th... Today is only the 4th.   That's outside of the standard practice. 

Deeno sees everything though a Microsoft lens :D any comment good or bad, it MUST be about microsoft/xbox

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28 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

As expected its light on story. Not sure im in the mood for 50 hours of dungeon crawling and combat with minimal story sprinkled throughout.

yeah, i was hoping they were going to go stronger on the narrative front.

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2 hours ago, -GD-X said:

yeah, i was hoping they were going to go stronger on the narrative front.


I feel like 4 had a good amount of story and interesting characters. This one is definitely a step backwards if its not on that same level. I just find it hard to devote so much time to RPGs nowadays if they don't have anything to offer outside of battles and dungeon crawling, even if those aspects themselves are strong.


If I get it it'll probably be sometime next year during a period where theres not much coming out.

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Just now, Twinblade said:


I feel like 4 had a good amount of story and interesting characters. This one is definitely a step backwards if its not on that same level. I just find it hard to devote so much time to RPGs nowadays if they don't have anything to offer outside of battles and dungeon crawling, even if those aspects themselves are strong.


If I get it it'll probably be sometime next year during a period where theres not much coming out.

true. i think i will be spending my game time on fh5 until halo drops.

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9 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


I feel like 4 had a good amount of story and interesting characters. 



The game barely any story worth mentioning. You can play for chunk of 10 hours in SMTIV without getting any story at all, especially true during the second half of the game. It's like you have played a totally different game than the one I did. It was your typical grindy SMT dungeon crawling/monster taming experience.


And for the record, what was actually in the game as far as story and characters goes, it wasn't very good. Lame ass JRPG side characters tropes and there was the typical SMT ending routes which branched the story a bit but it happened really late in game. All very predictable and boring stuff.


Anyone who says SMTIV was good because of it's story is completely out of their minds. You should probably ask your doctor about getting some help.



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11 minutes ago, Ramza said:



The game barely any story worth mentioning. You can play for chunk of 10 hours in SMTIV without getting any story at all, especially true during the second half of the game. It's like you have played a totally different game than the one I did. It was your typical grindy SMT dungeon crawling/monster taming experience.


And for the record, what was actually in the game as far as story and characters goes, it wasn't very good. Lame ass JRPG side characters tropes and there was the typical SMT ending routes which branched the story a bit but it happened really late in game. All very predictable and boring stuff.


Anyone who says SMTIV was good because of it's story is completely out of their minds. You should probably ask your doctor about getting some help.



it had plenty of towns with NPCs and other aspects that fleshed out the world and lore. I haven’t seen any footage of towns in this game. The world seems way more dead, which could be the vibe they were going for but it doesn’t exactly make for an engaging experience. I also don’t recall any 10 hour gaps without any story in 4, but if you really want to go that route IGN straight up said in their review that there’s a 20 hour period where nothing happens in the story, and that’s ridiculous to me.

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43 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

it had plenty of towns with NPCs and other aspects that fleshed out the world and lore. I haven’t seen any footage of towns in this game. The world seems way more dead, which could be the vibe they were going for but it doesn’t exactly make for an engaging experience. I also don’t recall any 10 hour gaps without any story in 4, but if you really want to go that route IGN straight up said in their review that there’s a 20 hour period where nothing happens in the story, and that’s ridiculous to me.

A few corridors towns with NPC vendors... pretty typical SMT stuff. Still not what I'd call a story driven experience.


Maybe it's worse in this one though. I really can't say, I haven't seen anything from this game besides it's first real trailer a while back.

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39 minutes ago, Cooke said:

87 now

Wow, you guys are putting way too much importance in Metacritic when you care about a %1 difference.


It was 87 a few hours ago but now it's at 85........ Will Ferrell Crying GIF

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