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Plagueface wrong as usual: First lawsuit filed against Alec Baldwin

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16 minutes ago, Ramza said:

No shit. I'm asking to see what those domestic terrorism incidents were. You can say there was 90 incidents in one year but if you can only demonstrate one or two, then it's hard to take seriously into account. Seems to me like someone wants to drive a right wing extremists narrative. I could just as easily point out to the left wing extremists incidents statistics and be like, there you go, that's the proof. Proof of what exactly? Other than extreme political views can lead to violence? Yeah, no shit.


I never said that, I'm asking what the incidents were. A black community church being assaulted is a tangible proof. But that's one incident. Either way, I fail to see how it's even relevant to the discussion. You have extremists on both sides and both are trash. I'd never defend this kind of behavior, nor does it justify BLM protests that only creates further division and hatred, they are not solving the issue, they're aggravating it.


My quotes feed is telling me I have 32 post that has been quoted, and this is from the past hour or so in this thread alone. I'm not like you, I won't debate for hours to no end on here like my life depended on it.

So how does one going about changing an issue when simply mentioning it is considered aggravating?


I haven't brought up CRT for various reasons before but people can't say "don't protest", "don't preach" and "don't teach" at the same time. That's pretty much telling people to shut up and deal with it. 


This is what I mean by disingenuous rhetoric. 

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You made no qualifications. You said he didn't need a defense. Period.   You only tried to add qualifications in once you realized how stupid your claim was.    Why do you suck so

Why are you bringing politics into this? You are deliberately trying to get this thread locked to save your own skin. You were wrong not once, but twice. Just own up to it and stop being a little bitc

Jederpey, always wrong never strong   Always wrong   Always -----> -> Wrong       HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *whispers softly* not  guilty

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22 minutes ago, Ramza said:

No shit. I'm asking to see what those domestic terrorism incidents were. You can say there was 90 incidents in one year but if you can only demonstrate one or two, then it's hard to take seriously into account. Seems to me like someone wants to drive a right wing extremists narrative. I could just as easily point out to the left wing extremists incidents statistics and be like, there you go, that's the proof. Proof of what exactly? Other than extreme political views can lead to violence? Yeah, no shit.


I never said that, I'm asking what the incidents were. A black community church being assaulted is a tangible proof. But that's one incident. Either way, I fail to see how it's even relevant to the discussion. You have extremists on both sides and both are trash. I'd never defend this kind of behavior, nor does it justify BLM protests that only creates further division and hatred, they are not solving the issue, they're aggravating it.


My quotes feed is telling me I have 32 post that has been quoted, and this is from the past hour or so in this thread alone. I'm not like you, I won't debate for hours to no end on here like my life depended on it.


The data includes both left and right wing extremism.  It's interesting that you assumed that white rage was only about right wing huh?  Lol


The point was about domestic terrorism as a whole. 


But since you want to see left vs right... Here you go. 


There have been 267 plots or attacks since 2015, most of which came from the far right.


Left-wing extremists made up 66 incidents. 


That means the other 201 incidents since 2015 have been right wing... 


There goes that pesky proof again.  :umad:



Funny how you haven't provided any as yet and I've provided multiple posts with data. 



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:kaz: he's literally complaining that's he's been "bombarded" with 32 posts the past couple of hours, when he's roughly made the same amount of more posts during that time.


He literally did not post in this thread until about a couple of hours ago, and he's almost got the most amount of posts typed in here.


Apparently, he is telling us that he READS slower than he READ & TYPES BACK. :drake:

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12 hours ago, jehurey said:



:kaz: he's literally complaining that's he's been "bombarded" with 32 posts the past couple of hours, when he's roughly made the same amount of more posts during that time.


He literally did not post in this thread until about a couple of hours ago, and he's almost got the most amount of posts typed in here.


Apparently, he is telling us that he READS slower than he READ & TYPES BACK. :drake:

I admit that I skimmed through the thread but as far as I am aware he's the one person who hasn't actually provided any sort of stat/info or any data to justify his world view. In fact he uses lack of knowledge of something as some sort of platform. 


"I'm from another country and haven't seen this stuff on the news so it doesn't exist" is a flex. Especially when he openly disregards people's personal experiences who actually live here on top of it. 


Nigga is legit just making shit up in his head and demanding to be proven wrong. Lol 


Which he has, multiple times yet won't give any ground. Talk about entitled. 


Edited by Mr. Impossible
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12 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

So how does one going about changing an issue when simply mentioning it is considered aggravating?


I haven't brought up CRT for various reasons before but people can't say "don't protest", "don't preach" and "don't teach" at the same time. That's pretty much telling people to shut up and deal with it. 


This is what I mean by disingenuous rhetoric. 

Debating about issues in a civilized manner and looting/burning private properties of innocent people are not the same thing at all.


And you can't deny that the progressive left has an unhealthy obsession with gender, sex, sexual orientation and race identities. It's literally the opposite of judging people by the content of their character. 


I really think they are doing more damage than good, furthering the divisions and hatred, even if they have good intentions deep down. It's not the way to do it.

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21 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Debating about issues in a civilized manner and looting/burning private properties of innocent people are not the same thing at all.


And you can't deny that the progressive left has an unhealthy obsession with gender, sex, sexual orientation and race identities. It's literally the opposite of judging people by the content of their character. 


I really think they are doing more damage than good, furthering the divisions and hatred, even if they have good intentions deep down. It's not the way to do it.

Well, that's straight white male apathy or priveledge or entitlement or whatever. You're not gay, trans, black, or female so those issues don't affect you, nor do you care about them, and you find other people who do care to be going on about nothing. 


I call that a priveledge because white conservatives and right wingers have absolutely no chill when they perceive their own liberties are being trampled upon. They are also historically the first ones to tell any group that they are over reacting and everything is fine. 


James Baldwin was on the Dick Cavet show back in the early 70s. Almost 50 years ago, and Cavet asked him about the black power movement and why was it important since blacks had it better at that time than any in history. It hadn't even been 10 years after the Civil Rights marches, and the assassination of MLK. 


That's what it always comes down to, your type is never willing to cede anything at anytime in history in real time. Everyone who isn't a part of your group is just being hysterical and needs to shut up. 


The left has been crowing about the war on drugs and prison reform for fucking 40 years and your type always made it about black people not wanting to pay for their crimes. Now after the opioid crisis hit so many red states and rural populations started to suffer from those same laws, right wingers finally began to begrudgingly agreed that steps needed to be taken make them less destructive. 


In every social reform issue in the history of this country the right was proven to be WRONG over time. All OF THEM. That's because by design they are all for conserving the status quo. For retaining the original power structure of the county which was white male land owners. This is where you claim you're not right wing, but everything you've said in this and every other thread is in line with right wing rhetoric. 

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4 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Well, that's straight white male apathy or priveledge or entitlement or whatever. You're not gay, trans, black, or female so those issues don't affect you, nor do you care about them, and you find other people who do care to be going on about nothing. 


I call that a priveledge because white conservatives and right wingers have absolutely no chill when they perceive their own liberties are being trampled upon. They are also historically the first ones to tell any group that they are over reacting and everything is fine. 


James Baldwin was on the Dick Cavet show back in the early 70s. Almost 50 years ago, and Cavet asked him about the black power movement and why was it important since blacks had it better at that time than any in history. It hadn't even been 10 years after the Civil Rights marches, and the assassination of MLK. 


That's what it always comes down to, your type is never willing to cede anything at anytime in history in real time. Everyone who isn't a part of your group is just being hysterical and needs to shut up. 


The left has been crowing about the war on drugs and prison reform for fucking 40 years and your type always made it about black people not wanting to pay for their crimes. Now after the opioid crisis hit so many red states and rural populations started to suffer from those same laws, right wingers finally began to begrudgingly agreed that steps needed to be taken make them less destructive. 


In every social reform issue in the history of this country the right was proven to be WRONG over time. All OF THEM. That's because by design they are all for conserving the status quo. For retaining the original power structure of the county which was white male land owners. This is where you claim you're not right wing, but everything you've said in this and every other thread is in line with right wing rhetoric. 

Wow, I really love the personnel accusations here and shutting me out of the conversation because I'm a straight white male.


I'm not the one shutting down people here, you are. I asked for civilized debates, which anyone can do regardless of color in your democratic country protected by the first amendment.


Yeah I want everything to stay the same and oppress the minorities because I'm so privileged. Despite being a poor ass student at the age of 36, living in a small apartment with nothing of value to my name.  :roll: Both you and Goukosan probably have it 10 times better than me.


Keep up eating that propaganda that you're systematically oppressed.  Now let's loot down some stores from small business owners who struggled the most during the pandemic, that'll show the privileged white oppressors what's what... :D 

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38 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Wow, I really love the personnel accusations here and shutting me out of the conversation because I'm a straight white male.


I'm not the one shutting down people here, you are. I asked for civilized debates, which anyone can do regardless of color in your democratic country protected by the first amendment.


Yeah I want everything to stay the same and oppress the minorities because I'm so privileged. Despite being a poor ass student at the age of 36, living in a small apartment with nothing of value to my name.  :roll: Both you and Goukosan probably have it 10 times better than me.


Keep up eating that propaganda that you're systematically oppressed.  Now let's loot down some stores from small business owners who struggled the most during the pandemic, that'll show the privileged white oppressors what's what... :D 

This isn't a debate. A debate is two informed parties combating contrasting points. You by your own admission aren't even informed, yet demand proof of what we are saying and then you question the validity of the information we give all the while not giving any evidence anecdotal or tangible for your points. 


Privilege isn't simply how much money someone has. This is what I mean about right wing propaganda. That isn't what the issue is, it's walking into a store and not being assumed you're there to steal and treated differently than white customers. Or not having cops stop you at the age of 13 for stupid reasons and requesting state proof of your identity, which most kids that age don't have, or other demeaning treatment other people don't have to endure for simply existing.


I've been ignored and treated rudely at jewelry counters at stores I was there to spend my money in. The very things someone like you take for granted. Motherfuckers are up in arms about having to wear a mask at Walmart. How do you think these same people would feel if they had store security following them around and questioning them? 


Priveledge is acting like any issues that don't affect you directly are less valid because you don't experience them or see them yourself. I'm not attacking you personally, I'm explaining how your apathy mixed with your lack of information, and lack of intellectual curiosity shape your world view. 


It's not a claim that all white people have it great, but that's also part of the power structure in place. For the past 40 years blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, gays, and trans have been the boogeyman for the right wing. The reason why poor white people exist is Mexicans stealing their jobs, black people lowering their property value, and Muslims making them unsafe. 


Calling a spade a spade here. You haven't given anything of weight for your beliefs other than how you feel in your own mind about things. 

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40 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

This isn't a debate. A debate is two informed parties combating contrasting points. You by your own admission aren't even informed, yet demand proof of what we are saying and then you question the validity of the information we give all the while not giving any evidence anecdotal or tangible for your points. 


Privilege isn't simply how much money someone has. This is what I mean about right wing propaganda. That isn't what the issue is, it's walking into a store and not being assumed you're there to steal and treated differently than white customers. Or not having cops stop you at the age of 13 for stupid reasons and requesting state proof of your identity, which most kids that age don't have, or other demeaning treatment other people don't have to endure for simply existing.


I've been ignored and treated rudely at jewelry counters at stores I was there to spend my money in. The very things someone like you take for granted. Motherfuckers are up in arms about having to wear a mask at Walmart. How do you think these same people would feel if they had store security following them around and questioning them? 


Priveledge is acting like any issues that don't affect you directly are less valid because you don't experience them or see them yourself. I'm not attacking you personally, I'm explaining how your apathy mixed with your lack of information, and lack of intellectual curiosity shape your world view. 


It's not a claim that all white people have it great, but that's also part of the power structure in place. For the past 40 years blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, gays, and trans have been the boogeyman for the right wing. The reason why poor white people exist is Mexicans stealing their jobs, black people lowering their property value, and Muslims making them unsafe. 


Calling a spade a spade here. You haven't given anything of weight for your beliefs other than how you feel in your own mind about things. 

As far as I'm concerned, I made plenty of good arguments in this thread. Which is why you're actually taking your time on a Saturday to write all this, explain yourself in details and your point of view. Don't insult my integrity or intelligence, nor yours.


A racist private business owner is a sad thing but that's not the system oppressing you. Racism and prejudices will always exist and you don't fix that by looting stores in protests and setting cars and private properties of random people on fire.

I can sympathize with you on your experience. Look, I'm Canadian and from Quebec city, it's a soft place where you don't really get to see serious racial injustices like that on public display and it's not because we're dominantly demographically white. I literally see people at school every day with people from all over the world, 3 from Tunisia, 1 from Mexico, two from Republic of Congo and 3 French (lol) just in my class. All fresh immigrants. Everything is chill as it should be among academics. So, I can't put myself in your shoes at the same time.


40 years of injustices but do you really think it still represents our current time in what you're saying?? Well, maybe for the Muslims but with the geo political situation and religion of today's world, it's inevitable and a whole another topic.


Well, I'm going to go smoke my legally bought weed and chill now. 


edit: Gay and trans people in 2021 are literally the least oppressed of any minorities in the west. They've won. But that's also another topic.




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8 hours ago, Ramza said:

As far as I'm concerned, I made plenty of good arguments in this thread. Which is why you're actually taking your time on a Saturday to write all this, explain yourself in details and your point of view. Don't insult my integrity or intelligence, nor yours.


A racist private business owner is a sad thing but that's not the system oppressing you. Racism and prejudices will always exist and you don't fix that by looting stores in protests and setting cars and private properties of random people on fire.

I can sympathize with you on your experience. Look, I'm Canadian and from Quebec city, it's a soft place where you don't really get to see serious racial injustices like that on public display and it's not because we're dominantly demographically white. I literally see people at school every day with people from all over the world, 3 from Tunisia, 1 from Mexico, two from Republic of Congo and 3 French (lol) just in my class. All fresh immigrants. Everything is chill as it should be among academics. So, I can't put myself in your shoes at the same time.


40 years of injustices but do you really think it still represents our current time in what you're saying?? Well, maybe for the Muslims but with the geo political situation and religion of today's world, it's inevitable and a whole another topic.


Well, I'm going to go smoke my legally bought weed and chill now. 


edit: Gay and trans people in 2021 are literally the least oppressed of any minorities in the west. They've won. But that's also another topic.




Actually, you are wrong. I'm not explaining in detail because you made any good points but because you haven't. You've been arguing in bad faith through out this entire thread. Expecting others to provide viable information while not doing so yourself. 


At best you've only offered perceived second hand anecdotal information. You know what it's like to be a person of color as much as you and I know what it's like to be a woman or trans, which isn't very much. Trans people being the least oppressed group in the world is some of the most fucking retarded bullshit I've seen your type say. "they have won"... Like what the actual fuck did they win? 


The fact that you believe being treated with respect and just live their lives in peace (which still hasn't happened) as some prize to be won rather than a right shows your mindset. 


Kaitlin Jenner, a life long republican and candidate for governor of our largest state wasn't even allowed to attend a conservative convention because she's trans. You know who hasn't been banned from conservative events? Matt Geatz the underage sex traffic addict or Gym Jones who took part in a sexual abuse cover up. So being a straight man who pays underage girls for sex is a higher quality human than someone who is trans. Got it. All that winning tho! 


I wasn't talking about some humble mom and pop shops. HMV, the GAP, and Blick are (were) very large, corporate owned chains. There had been numerous whistle blowers over the years who spoke of how many stores instructed employees to treat people differently based on "appearance". 


Yes, I do think things are better now than 40 years ago but like I said earlier, that's always the issue and some how things are still not equal. Just for the record, you literally did the "the things are better now" shit after I explained how it's been used historically as a form of white apathy. It must be awesome to be this oblivious and unself aware. 


I don't have any delusions or intention on changing your mind. You're far too narrow minded and self absorbed to see outside of yourself. Everything you've said in this thread is boilerplate right wing propaganda. The same shit Cooke and other idiots say based on what they've read or heard from Tim Pool, the daily mail, or Ben Shapiro. Hell, I've argued points multiple points before you even made them.


You think you've valid made points and I feel as if I've lapped you in this race. This is for public consumption. 

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  • 1 year later...

............aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Alec Baldwin won't need any such criminal defense.


Because there will be no actual criminal charges brought up against him, since they're being dropped.




Just like I said.


Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the armorer, is still facing criminal charges.


Because she wanted to use the film's prop guns and borrow them for her own personal use. So she brought live rounds to the set, so that she could put them in the prop guns and she could do some firing practice.


And she left live rounds in the guns, which is mind-blowingly negligent.


Police actually found 9 more live rounds in the guns, mixed with fake rounds.


That's why she's facing charges, and Alec Baldwin isn't.

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And it turns out what Alec Baldwin was claiming in his very first interview days after the shooting.......was true.




Gun in fatal on-set 'Rust' shooting was mechanically improper, source says

Manslaughter charges against Baldwin were dropped on Thursday.

April 21, 2023, 1:15 PM
The special prosecutors' decision to drop the charges against Alec Baldwin over the fatal on-set "Rust" shooting was made, at least in part, because investigators found the gun that fired to be mechanically improper, a source familiar with the matter told ABC News.

Investigators effectively conducted an autopsy of the Colt .45 revolver and found that there were worn joints and that the trigger control was not functioning properly, according to the source.


It became evident to prosecutors the gun could fire without pressure on the trigger, according to the source.


On Thursday, the newly appointed special prosecutors in the case confirmed charges have been dropped against the actor, though noted their investigation remains "active and ongoing."


Baldwin told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview in the wake of the shooting that he had "no idea" how a live bullet got onto the set of his film, but that he "didn't pull the trigger" on the firearm that killed Hutchins.


"I would never point a gun at anyone and pull the trigger at them, never," Baldwin told Stephanopoulos.


Amid the yearlong investigation into the fatal shooting, an FBI forensic report found that the gun could not have been fired without pulling the trigger. Though Baldwin's attorney said at the time that the report was being "misconstrued."


"The gun fired in testing only one time -- without having to pull the trigger -- when the hammer was pulled back and the gun broke in two different places," the attorney, Luke Nikas, said. "The FBI was unable to fire the gun in any prior test, even when pulling the trigger, because it was in such poor condition."


They literally proved what he claimed. The gun can actually fire randomly without the trigger being pulled.


He was practicing "crossdrawing" which means he had the gun holstered, and he would reach across his waist to grab it and swing it outwards. That stress from whipping the gun out is what probably caused it to randomly fire.

The armorer left loaded bullets in the gun, BECAUSE she must've tried taking the gun out to a gun range, and tried to use the gun, and it didn't work when pulling the trigger. Which is why there were still live rounds in the chamber.

Baldwin is practicing whipping the gun out, and the hammer probably snaps forward randomly and the real bullet in the chamber (which the armorer stupidly left in there) fires.


Alec Baldwin was telling the truth when nobody believed him. People thought he was arrogantly lying and making up stuff.

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I don't know why people keep defending this guy. It was an accident but his reaction since the shooting has been tone deaf and awful. He has shown no real sympathy and just goes around constantly playing the victim card. He's more concerned about his image and reputation than the life of the woman he took or her family who now have to deal with that loss.

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Alec Baldwin is kind of a piece of shit. Resuming filing of this terrible movie? Lol now people will go see it because of all the free press it got and he will profit off the death of someone. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2023-04-26 at 7:47 AM, Twinblade said:

I don't know why people keep defending this guy. It was an accident but his reaction since the shooting has been tone deaf and awful. He has shown no real sympathy and just goes around constantly playing the victim card. He's more concerned about his image and reputation than the life of the woman he took or her family who now have to deal with that loss.

one of the first images we saw after this happened was of him on the phone outside crying.


when a state police and a district attorney are making statements that they want to charge you with something, and you also see that they are right-wingers who are getting pushed by right-wing media to declare you a murderer...........then you ARE a victim of their threats.


you know absolutely about what the proper "tone" should be after dealing with something like that. Very few people do.

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On 2023-04-26 at 1:25 PM, Cooke said:

Alec Baldwin is kind of a piece of shit. Resuming filing of this terrible movie? Lol now people will go see it because of all the free press it got and he will profit off the death of someone. 


Majority of movies resume filming after someone dies be it on set or off set. 

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