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Just now, jehurey said:

You literally proved that you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about by the time you started typing your second sentence in that post.


You really do need to stop and shut the fuck up. You are just parroting right-wing racist talking points.

And I think you are aware that you are making right-wing racist talking points.

I was wondering how long it would take before you'd label me as a racist. 


I love how you just keep repeating that I am ignorant but never cared enough to enlighten me on anything with tangible proof, you know, like you asked out of me earlier but failed to do at every opportunity.


Good job, Clownurey.

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You made no qualifications. You said he didn't need a defense. Period.   You only tried to add qualifications in once you realized how stupid your claim was.    Why do you suck so

Why are you bringing politics into this? You are deliberately trying to get this thread locked to save your own skin. You were wrong not once, but twice. Just own up to it and stop being a little bitc

Jederpey, always wrong never strong   Always wrong   Always -----> -> Wrong       HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *whispers softly* not  guilty

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"you know I have really been paying attention to what's been going on in America":grimaceleft:


[proceeds to make absolutely perfect right-wing talking points from American right-wing opinion outlets]


[gets challenged to prove something he claimed]


"well, gee I haven't been paying enough attention to be able to do that":grimaceright:


[goes back to making up-to-date right-wing talking points]

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Just now, Ramza said:

I was wondering how long it would take before you'd label me as a racist. 


probably when you said that black people don't have anything to protest about..........that's right about the time anybody would label you a racist.


I just wanted to verify by seeing if you would commit to a SECOND racist-created topic, and you did exactly that when you just happened to MAGICALLY KNOW about "critical race theory"


Its amazing you haven't kept up with anything happening in America...............but you MAGICALLY happen to know about "critical race theory" for some odd reason. LOL

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3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Did you actual listen to what he said?  Take a listen you might learn something. 



"I've read Carl Marx, I've read Lennon.. That doesn't make me a communist"   "what is wrong with having a situational understanding of what caused Jan 6th"



Not surprised he did.


He just wants to know more about ''white rage''... :pavarotti:


I've read Mein Kampf, that doesn't make me a nazi. Man, that wouldn't fly so well now would it?

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4 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Are you claiming the internet is more reliable than mainstream news? Well, you might be right, but I get my information both ways.

then find us a better source.




gee, its really weird the first thing you stumbled upon was.............breitbart.


and then you pretend to play stupid and don't know if breitbart is a good source or not.

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14 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Is it the law itself that is racist or some individuals being racists? It's a whole different thing.


It's bullshit, an employer cannot say he wouldn't hire you because your black, that's actually against the law. Same thing with selling you a house, health care or being judged in court.


I love how you just pulled quote from Wiki's definition, wow, good job kiddo, now you know what it means. It's exactly as I was saying, if the law does not discriminate based on race then it cannot be institutionally racist.


Educate yourself.   It's not just  about if it's a the law, it's about how it's applied is where the systemic racism manifests itself.... 


"data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission in 2017 found that when black men and white men commit the same crime, black men on average receive a sentence almost 20 percent longer. The research controlled for variables such as age and prior criminal history." 



" When it comes to federal gun crimes, black people are more likely to be arrested, more likely to get longer sentences for similar crimes and more likely to get sentencing “enhancements,” according to the U.S. Sentencing Commission.


"A 2015 study of first-time felons found that while black men overall received sentences of 270 days longer than white men for similar crimes, the discrepancy between whites and dark-skinned blacks was 400 days." 


"A 2017 study of about 48,000 criminal cases in Wisconsin showed that white defendants were 25 percent more likely than black defendants to have their most serious charge dismissed in a plea bargain. Among defendants facing misdemeanor charges that could carry a sentence of incarceration, whites were 75 percent more likely to have those charges dropped, dismissed or reduced to a charge that did not include such a punishment."


See that's what actual proof looks like... Try it sometime. 


Edited by Goukosan
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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

probably when you said that black people don't have anything to protest about..........that's right about the time anybody would label you a racist.


I just wanted to verify by seeing if you would commit to a SECOND racist-created topic, and you did exactly that when you just happened to MAGICALLY KNOW about "critical race theory"


Its amazing you haven't kept up with anything happening in America...............but you MAGICALLY happen to know about "critical race theory" for some odd reason. LOL

If to claim that the US isn't systematically racist, or that I don't agree with violent protests destroying private properties of innocent people, or that I don't agree with leftist teaching of judging everything based on race and gender actually makes me racist, then sure, call me a racist. I love it.



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4 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Not surprised he did.


He just wants to know more about ''white rage''... :pavarotti:


I've read Mein Kampf, that doesn't make me a nazi. Man, that wouldn't fly so well now would it?


White rage doesn't mean all white people are raging dumbass lmfao... Talk about a snowflake. 


Do you know what is the number one threat on America as far as killings? Domestic terrorism. 


And do you know who are the ones committing these crimes? White men. 


So yes, the military etc needs to understand what causes this in order to help stop it from getting worse. 


They can't be ignorant to it genius. 

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5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

then find us a better source.




gee, its really weird the first thing you stumbled upon was.............breitbart.


and then you pretend to play stupid and don't know if breitbart is a good source or not.

You surely seem to know more about breitbart than I do.

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1 minute ago, Ramza said:

If to claim that the US isn't systematically racist, or that I don't agree with violent protests destroying private properties of innocent people, or that I don't agree with leftist teaching of judging everything based on race and gender actually makes me racist, then sure, call me a racist. I love it.



no...........you're racist because you support the talking points of racists.


the United States is and has systematically been racist, and its not a "theory" its actually provable.


hell, John Oliver literally had a segment proving the single greatest "systemic" program we implemented in the United States during the last century specifically benefitted the white population, and held back the black population.


Its not a theory........he was literally repeating history that is 100% documented.



The chances of you not watching this video is going to be very high, and you will plead ignorance again.

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1 minute ago, Ramza said:

You surely seem to know more about breitbart than I do.

i love how you think that's a clever response...........when all you just did was admit to me that I am more educated on the subject than you are.


..........and, if you thought you were going to perform mis-direction on me, and make me forget what I just told you to do, you're wrong.


Go find a second source outside of breitbart.


i'm waiting.

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Just now, Goukosan said:


White rage doesn't mean all white people are raging dumbass lmfao... Talk about a snowflake. 


Do you know what is the number one threat on America as far as killings? Domestic terrorism. 


And do you know who are the ones committing these crimes? White men. 


So yes, the military etc needs to understand what causes this in order to help stop it from getting worse. 


They can't be ignorant to it genius. 

Where did I ever said that? It's a statement from the General, he said and I quote ''I want to understand white rage''.


Black people commit more crimes based on population %. 


Also, concerned parents about what is being taught to their kids were threated as domestic terrorists and the Feds sent the FBI to silent them out so let me doubt you on that.


You guys are speaking like the US was seeing KKK uprisings in public at every corner, what an absolute joke. Domestic terrorism my ass.

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1 minute ago, Ramza said:

You surely seem to know more about breitbart than I do.


I mean like Liquid says... We all have access to the internet. If you really don't know who or what they are you're just too lazy to actually take a few minutes to verify what sources your using to form your ignorant opinions. 

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

no...........you're racist because you support the talking points of racists.


the United States is and has systematically been racist, and its not a "theory" its actually provable.


hell, John Oliver literally had a segment proving the single greatest "systemic" program we implemented in the United States during the last century specifically benefitted the white population, and held back the black population.


Its not a theory........he was literally repeating history that is 100% documented.



The chances of you not watching this video is going to be very high, and you will plead ignorance again.

You bring me John Oliver after you said I need better sources? :kaz: 


Of course I ain't watching it. Jesus christ.

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


I mean like Liquid says... We all have access to the internet. If you really don't know who or what they are you're just too lazy to actually take a few minutes to verify what sources your using to form your ignorant opinions. 

I never been on their site until now, big fucking deal, people. Geez.

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Just now, Ramza said:

You bring me John Oliver after you said I need better sources? :kaz: 


Of course I ain't watching it. Jesus christ.

Yeah I am.


Please..............try to debunk that John Oliver piece, or try to debunk John Oliver in general.


I'll wait while you do so.

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1 minute ago, Ramza said:

Where did I ever said that? It's a statement from the General, he said and I quote ''I want to understand white rage''.


Black people commit more crimes based on population %. 


Also, concerned parents about what is being taught to their kids were threated as domestic terrorists and the Feds sent the FBI to silent them out so let me doubt you on that.


You guys are speaking like the US was seeing KKK uprisings in public at every corner, what an absolute joke. Domestic terrorism my ass.


The military doesn't go after regular crime dumbass that's the police.  


He is talking about one of the causes of domestic terrorism and attacks on the government like Jan 6th.

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Just now, jehurey said:

Yet you magically bring up critical race theory.


Where'd you learn that?

Because it isn't one of the most talked about topic right now. :pavarotti: Must be a Breitbart exclusive thing. Wow.

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