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DF Retro: Ridge Racer - The Second Decade - RR6/RR7, Ridge Racers PSP and Beyond!

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Still my favorite racing franchise ever.


in winter 2004 i begged my mom for a PSP for christmas and got this game with it. PSP was only out in Japan at that time so we imported it.


needless to say i was the coolest cat in junior high when i came to school with a PSP before it even released in the western world. and this was 2004.


Ridge Racer PSP was the only game i had for the system for months and i played the shit out of it. As far as a handheld goes it was mindblowing. it's hard to describe coming off gameboy games and then going to PSP back then. RR looked so damn good.


Still one of my fondest gaming memories.

  • Haha 1
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