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This cop should be hanged and quartered

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So after shooting a wheelchair bound man 9 times, he proceeds to a regular arrest and put handcuffs on him? ...All this because he was supposedly slowly entering a store with a knife?


Jeff Goldblum What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden

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17 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

If only a concerned group of Americans would call for police reform and improved training dealing with people with various special needs. If only...


I'm all for making the police better. Properly trained with yearly reviews and physical testing.  Defunding is a flop and you know it 

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5 minutes ago, Cooke said:

I'm all for making the police better. Properly trained with yearly reviews and physical testing.  Defunding is a flop and you know it 

They do that now, and how exactly would this address anything? The problem isn't their physical fitness, it's preparedness. "Defunding" would mean routing money meant for expensive but pointless equipment or surplus military level equipment they dont need in order to create an apparatus for dealing with particular situations. Police are always willing to create task force for anything but that usually just means man hours and gear, not actually training in things like diffusing situations or how to deal with special needs citizens. 


The only flop about it is appeal to low information people like you. The biggest problem with messaging is that the conservatives can put there simple red meat issues into simple terms like drill, baby, drill, or build that wall.  The problem is the left trying to pack complex and layered solutions into mob chants and that doesn't work. At the same time chanting "Redirect funds from brute force budgets into specialized training and oversight." doesn't flow of the tongue during a protest. 


Where as conservatives can't also say "Frack in poorer communities, using incredible amounts of water to operate and potentially creating poisoned water supplies and unknown seismic changes!"  At the end of the day, they're not actually doing anything to improve society, it's just another money tap for investors and corporations. You shit on the left all of the time but where are the people on the right, genuinely addressing any topic whatsoever? I mean other than ones that involve vilifying non-white people? 


It's the eternal question you guys never actually address. Twinblade's retarded ass is still simping for fucking Trump. Like what core issues did that man even concern himself about other than himself? 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

They do that now, and how exactly would this address anything? The problem isn't their physical fitness, it's preparedness. "Defunding" would mean routing money meant for expensive but pointless equipment or surplus military level equipment they dont need in order to create an apparatus for dealing with particular situations. Police are always willing to create task force for anything but that usually just means man hours and gear, not actually training in things like diffusing situations or how to deal with special needs citizens. 


The only flop about it is appeal to low information people like you. The biggest problem with messaging is that the conservatives can put there simple red meat issues into simple terms like drill, baby, drill, or build that wall.  The problem is the left trying to pack complex and layered solutions into mob chants and that doesn't work. At the same time chanting "Redirect funds from brute force budgets into specialized training and oversight." doesn't flow of the tongue during a protest. 


Where as conservatives can't also say "Frack in poorer communities, using incredible amounts of water to operate and potentially creating poisoned water supplies and unknown seismic changes!"  At the end of the day, they're not actually doing anything to improve society, it's just another money tap for investors and corporations. You shit on the left all of the time but where are the people on the right, genuinely addressing any topic whatsoever? I mean other than ones that involve vilifying non-white people? 


It's the eternal question you guys never actually address. Twinblade's retarded ass is still simping for fucking Trump. Like what core issues did that man even concern himself about other than himself? 


How out of the loop are you? Minneapolis' city council straight up tried to ERADICATE their entire police force and replace them with social workers. Many liberal cities have tried a similar approach. Yet you're somehow trying to convince us that they really just wanted to allocate resources to training them better or remove their big surplus of guns and shiny armored vehicles? Lmao get out of here with that bullshit :D 


Defund the police is exactly what it means. And literally every single city that has slashed its police budget from Seattle and Oakland on the west coast to NYC on the East Coast has seen a significant increase in crime. That's not a coincidence, and progressives with your train of thought are the ones literally getting people killed (many of who are black, the same community of people that the defund the police advocates are trying to protect. How ironic :roll:).

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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:


How out of the loop are you? Minneapolis' city council straight up tried to ERADICATE their entire police force and replace them with social workers. Many liberal cities have tried a similar approach. Yet you're somehow trying to convince us that they really just wanted to allocate resources to training them better or remove their big surplus of guns and shiny armored vehicles? Lmao get out of here with that bullshit :D 


Defund the police is exactly what it means. And literally every single city that has slashed its police budget from Seattle and Oakland on the west coast to NYC on the East Coast has seen a significant increase in crime. That's not a coincidence, and progressives with your train of thought are the ones literally getting people killed (many of who are black, the same community of people that the defund the police advocates are trying to protect. How ironic :roll:).

First of all, fuckface. There are several ways of going about this. Just because one city attempted and never even got close to it in one way doesn't cement the entire concept. Crime has increased everywhere and red municipalities are still higher than bigger blue ones. There's also this thing were most places had record lows for 2020 (for some strange reason) and of course the change in 2021 meant an obvious increase crime. That's one of those pesky "facts" that your type hates. There's also the case of what police actually do. There are many cops who want there to be a support agency in place to ease the case loads for the cops.





The amount of money the United States spends on policing is staggering: According to a recent analysis, the sum is $115 billion, which is bigger than nearly every other country’s military budget. In most cities, the police budget dwarves those for education, housing, and other crucial services. For example, Los Angeles’s proposed police budget for 2021 is $1.8 billion — more than half of the city’s total spending for the year. New York City’s annual police budget is a whopping $6 billion, which is more than the city spends on health, homeless services, youth development, and workforce development combined. Defunding proposals would reallocate a fraction of that — for instance, activists and City Council candidates in New York City have proposed cutting the NYPD budget by $1 billion over the next four years.


White House’s Council of Economic Advisers found that “a 10 percent increase in wages for non-college educated men results in approximately a 10 to 20 percent reduction in crime rates.” 



 In 2015, the Washington Post found that one in four people killed by a police officer suffered from a serious mental illness at the time of their death.


I wont bother asking you to even consider the numbers because you're too fucking stupid and dishonest to admit investing in people can have a bigger impact that simply pumping money into foot soldiers because you petty wannabe libertarians are well....petty and mean spirited.  Like what if investing in mental health, youth outreach, and employment could actually lower crime? Those being 3 of the biggest factors for imprisonment, it sounds like a sound idea. Again, since you're a bow tie bootlicker please explain all of the conservative answers to these problems? I get heated because more than half of this country is fucking brain dead, cruel idiots who all feel so high and mighty. 


You can feel however you want to you feel. That's fine. But that doesn't make it the better option. Preventative measures always yield better responses than reactionary ones or even worse, non-action. How long will  we do the dance of mass shooting being a mental health issue, but then your people dont want to actually do anything about mental health either? This is like someone convincing you that you dont need car insurance while also trying to get you to drive drunk. 




But on top of that, those in favor of defunding also point out that police departments across the country consistently have low rates of solving crimes, even as their budgets have increased threefold in the past 40 years. In 2019, for instance, Minneapolis police only cleared 56 percent of cases in which a person was killed. That same year, Baltimore recorded at least 347 homicides, a record-breaking level of violence, but ended the year with a 32 percent clearance rate for homicides; in 2015, the rate was 56 percent.




So, this doesn't seem like the money is making things that much better. We're not talking about paying money for premium services and marquee talent. Remember your genius idea of showing kids prison documentaries to get them to avoid a life of crime? LMFAO imagine actual outreach programs instead? Or instead of sending jacked up cops to deal with someone under emotional distress, the could at least have someone the could also on site to mediate? 


So far I haven't seen any of you guys actually offer any suggestion. I mean I know Cocke, so it's probably "Don't shoot innocent people."  lmfao 200 IQ right there. 

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On 2021-12-21 at 3:10 AM, Mr. Impossible said:

First of all, fuckface. There are several ways of going about this. Just because one city attempted and never even got close to it in one way doesn't cement the entire concept. Crime has increased everywhere and red municipalities are still higher than bigger blue ones. There's also this thing were most places had record lows for 2020 (for some strange reason) and of course the change in 2021 meant an obvious increase crime. That's one of those pesky "facts" that your type hates. There's also the case of what police actually do. There are many cops who want there to be a support agency in place to ease the case loads for the cops.




I wont bother asking you to even consider the numbers because you're too fucking stupid and dishonest to admit investing in people can have a bigger impact that simply pumping money into foot soldiers because you petty wannabe libertarians are well....petty and mean spirited.  Like what if investing in mental health, youth outreach, and employment could actually lower crime? Those being 3 of the biggest factors for imprisonment, it sounds like a sound idea. Again, since you're a bow tie bootlicker please explain all of the conservative answers to these problems? I get heated because more than half of this country is fucking brain dead, cruel idiots who all feel so high and mighty. 


You can feel however you want to you feel. That's fine. But that doesn't make it the better option. Preventative measures always yield better responses than reactionary ones or even worse, non-action. How long will  we do the dance of mass shooting being a mental health issue, but then your people dont want to actually do anything about mental health either? This is like someone convincing you that you dont need car insurance while also trying to get you to drive drunk. 




So, this doesn't seem like the money is making things that much better. We're not talking about paying money for premium services and marquee talent. Remember your genius idea of showing kids prison documentaries to get them to avoid a life of crime? LMFAO imagine actual outreach programs instead? Or instead of sending jacked up cops to deal with someone under emotional distress, the could at least have someone the could also on site to mediate? 


So far I haven't seen any of you guys actually offer any suggestion. I mean I know Cocke, so it's probably "Don't shoot innocent people."  lmfao 200 IQ right there. 


Mental Health is an issue but its not an easy problem to solve nor one that throwing money at would fix anytime soon. You mention employment, but there's more employment opportunities than ever now and that has had little effect on the current crime surge.


Fact of the matter is that so far defunding the police initiatives have done nothing but REMOVE officers from the streets. Not only does that mean less officers on patrol, less coverage of hotspots where crime is typically rampant, etc but it also means that the current forces become stretched and overworked leading to low morale, resignations, early retirement, etc. The evidence in support of that is overwhelming and becomes more so with every passing day. Even small towns that go that route are seeing sizeable spikes in crime 




Im not sure how you can continue to ignore these trends and stick to the idea that taking money and resources away from the police is somehow a good idea.

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30 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Mental Health is an issue but its not an easy problem to solve nor one that throwing money at would fix anytime soon. You mention employment, but there's more employment opportunities than ever now and that has had little effect on the current crime surge.


Fact of the matter is that so far defunding the police initiatives have done nothing but REMOVE officers from the streets. Not only does that mean less officers on patrol, less coverage of hotspots where crime is typically rampant, etc but it also means that the current forces become stretched and overworked leading to low morale, resignations, early retirement, etc. The evidence in support of that is overwhelming and becomes more so with every passing day. Even small towns that go that route are seeing sizeable spikes in crime 




Im not sure how you can continue to ignore these trends and stick to the idea that taking money and resources away from the police is somehow a good idea.

Did you even read the article or the headline? The plan was to slowly phase out certain parts while building new apparatuses. The reason they lost so many officers at once was police officers resigning in larger numbers than expected. 


They also talk about an 8 month stall on certain processes and this entire timeline is about 15 months? So it's still in a building stage. I know, context sucks you just want to feel your impotent rage right now. 


Even then:

I t’s hard to tell whether crime has risen in Burlington as officers have left the force, in part because there are no solid numbers yet. The best year-to-year comparisons would come from FBI data — which won’t be available until next year.

For now, the Burlington Police Department has incident data for 2021, which show that the total number of incidents fell by 11 percent in the first 11 months of the year compared to the same period last year. 


Certain types of incidents did become more common, however, including burglary, vehicle thefts and mental health issues and overdose. 




The program still in its infancy and behind schedule has seen some positive gains, while also leading to some other issues. Yes, they didn't completely end crime in a single year. I see why you and the junior Tuckers are so up in arms. 



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