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Gran Turismo 7 gameplay on PS5.

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Looks okay, the car models are nice, no surprises there. Honestly, without VR I just don't care about flatscreen racing games anymore. 


It would be awesome on PSVR2. As long as it's not half assed like GT Sport VR mode was.




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The first thing that stands out is the lighting and shadow looks and move absolutely fantastic.


The coolest thing in when the car is already in the shadow of the tree, and then drives underneath a road sign that overhangs the track, you actually see a deeper shadow specifically over that area.  And then when driving through tunnels, they have their own lights in there, and seeing the A/C vents in the dashboard and it correctly renders multiple shadows really fast.


I think that's why they keep on showing videos of cockpit view, because that's where you can pick up alot of the cools things they're doing.


I think the cars still have real-time reflections, but I'm not certain if they are rendering the other nearby cars. I saw a car in front that was clearly rendering the red and white strip that's on the edge of the track, and the closer the car got to it, the closer the reflection.

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Shadows are soft, lighting is smoother and that's where everything positive about this video ends.

The negatives, tree lods loading in your face, still the same catch the rabbit on the lead gameplay from previous games, no sign of visual or mechanical damage, cockpit view takes nearly half of the screen (GT pros and competitive players just race on bumper cam view anyways).
This is just like a video of Polyphony Digital showing you a video of GT7 on PS5 and saying "YOU WANTED IT?, WELL HERE IT IS!"

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