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Heroic Patriot Angels helped honor the Lincoln Memorial yesterday.

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8 hours ago, Cooke said:

Treating everyone equally.. the new definition of white nationalist 😄


You're so fucking full of shit. You're against processes in place like Affirmative Action for marginalized groups put in place to offset legacy inequality. I've asked you multiple times how exactly would you version of equality work in the real world and you never have an answer past "I believe in equality". Yet you've never actually shown any distrust or contempt to anything outside of your mentality of "best-in-class" white men can't get jobs because they are white ideology.  


You see "woke" protest and you say shit like "we need to wipe these people out." and yet you see no problem with white nationalist marching at the Lincoln Memorial claiming "They were going to Reclaim the country." - Fun fact, this group participated in the Unite the Right rally where one of it's members killed a woman when he intentionally drove his car into protestors. Yet you're posting memes to detract and discredit any that looks negative for the right per usual.  Like I already know that you're a racist and would feel more comfortable with white power politics than see "Woke people" treated with dignity. 


Stop trying to fool yourself. The only people buying your shit is even dumber or weaker people like Twinblade. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You're so fucking full of shit. You're against processes in place like Affirmative Action for marginalized groups put in place to offset legacy inequality. I've asked you multiple times how exactly would you version of equality work in the real world and you never have an answer past "I believe in equality". Yet you've never actually shown any distrust or contempt to anything outside of your mentality of "best-in-class" white men can't get jobs because they are white ideology.  


You see "woke" protest and you say shit like "we need to wipe these people out." and yet you see no problem with white nationalist marching at the Lincoln Memorial claiming "They were going to Reclaim the country." - Fun fact, this group participated in the Unite the Right rally where one of it's members killed a woman when he intentionally drove his car into protestors. Yet you're posting memes to detract and discredit any that looks negative for the right per usual.  Like I already know that you're a racist and would feel more comfortable with white power politics than see "Woke people" treated with dignity. 


Stop trying to fool yourself. The only people buying your shit is even dumber or weaker people like Twinblade. 

Im so fucking full of shit? You're the racist that wants to divide everyone and use stereotypes to run society. You don't even realize how racist and biggoted you are.  You're a classic case study of not being able to see the trees through the forest. 


And there has been so many false flag scam shit from the left lately its hard to take any of these "protests" seriously now.  You ignored all the destruction and death caused by BLM riots sponsored by Antifa for months and then make a thread about some people marching with flags? How much damage did they cause? How many stores did they loot? How many Asians did they beat up in the streets? Probably nothing right? Because it was a nothing event.  The white supremacist boogie man has got you down.  You're not oppressed, you're just weak and looking for someone to blame for your failures like every other woke piece of shit. 

Edited by Cooke
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2 hours ago, Cooke said:

Im so fucking full of shit? You're the racist that wants to divide everyone and use stereotypes to run society. You don't even realize how racist and biggoted you are.  You're a classic case study of not being able to see the trees through the forest. 


And there has been so many false flag scam shit from the left lately its hard to take any of these "protests" seriously now.  You ignored all the destruction and death caused by BLM riots sponsored by Antifa for months and then make a thread about some people marching with flags? How much damage did they cause? How many stores did they loot? How many Asians did they beat up in the streets? Probably nothing right? Because it was a nothing event.  The white supremacist boogie man has got you down.  You're not oppressed, you're just weak and looking for someone to blame for your failures like every other woke piece of shit. 

Lol nice try, dummy. I've never once made a complaint about the system holding me down personally, but you have. This rant sounds more like projection. Nigga you think Trans people run the western world and shit like a fucking dotard. 


I'm still waiting for you to try to think for yourself for once and explain your comprehensive "I want equality" mandate. As yet again you avoid clarification on how this is something that can be implemented (well that's the easy part) but how in the world would it be measurable or even beneficial to "equality" in reality. 


It's easy to let pepe meme boards and alt right twitter form your world view. 


edit: It's also your soft defense of white nationalist is hilarious. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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