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Halo Subreddit Enters Lockdown After Toxic Backlash Against Halo Infinite Dev

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What a dumpster fire. Extreme levels of toxicity, developer doxing and death threats. I'm not even surprised at all.


Halo community is extremely toxic and I'm sure 343 is regretting the decision to go F2P even though they probably didn't have much of a choice in the matter. The shitty progression system and monetization are part of the consequences of going this F2P route. They are giving the game out piece by piece and taking out modes that have been popular in Halo for ages only to spoon feed them to the community over time. MS trying to chase the success of Fortnite and COD Warzone have pretty much shit on the Halo legacy with this beta.


How long before the game becomes abandoned? The player count is already dropping  and it hasn't even been a month yet. To compound matters Warzone is getting new maps in a few weeks and you know the player count for Halo will suffer more once those new Warzone maps are out. Shit is already looking rough a couple of weeks in and Halo infinite is supposed to last 10 years if we are to believe the words of 343 and MS 

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Goes to show that Microsoft has their own people running the subreddit, so its just a big marketing zone.


But, in Microsoft's infinite wisdom..........these idiots have now developed a business model in which if they piss off enough people about ONE GAME so much that they want to boycott the game and punish Microsoft, they now risk losing entire GamePass memberships.


Because all of those people saying "vote with your wallet" and implying that you shouldn't support Halo Infinite......the only way to do that is to CANCEL your GamePass membership.


Maybe the Xbox hardware-owning doofuses aren't willing to do that........but PC gamers? They'd absolutely drop the subscription.


So now ONE GAME risks hurting the growth of their GamePass service.


And the reason WHY people hate the current state of the game, is because they are stalling the features in order to spread them out over time........because they want people to keep on paying for GamePass.


Microsoft is just so stupid.

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It’s the same with the BF2042 subreddit. I get blown away by the amount of negativity and toxicity I see when browsing it. DICE devs actually used to post there from time to time but they’ve abandoned it altogether because of the hate they’ve been getting. 

but In regards to Halo, I think it’s multiplayer is definitely not going to be the showstopper people were hoping it would be. 343 made so many basic mistakes that all trace back to their F2P model, and it’s just not going to work in the long run.

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I don't even understand why Halo Infinite MP is F2P in the first place. They could have sold the multiplayer mode for a cheap entry price and make a fortune. Plus not to mention, no one is going to subscribe to Gamepass for a game that is free. Most Halo fanboys care more about the MP than the singleplayer long term, I think it's a huge mistake from Microsoft. How to potentially lose million of dollars and get nothing in return. 


No revenue from the game sales, and no significant increase in Gamepass subscriptions.


At this point Forza Horizon 5 is a far more successful first party game. It sold great and probably helped GP more than Halo will. Which was inconceivable just a few years ago.

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

I don't even understand why Halo Infinite MP is F2P in the first place. They could have sold the multiplayer mode for a cheap entry price and make a fortune. Plus not to mention, no one is going to subscribe to Gamepass for a game that is free. Most Halo fanboys care more about the MP than the singleplayer long term, I think it's a huge mistake from Microsoft. How to potentially lose million of dollars and get nothing in return. 


No revenue from the game sales, and no significant increase in Gamepass subscriptions.


At this point Forza Horizon 5 is a far more successful first party game. It sold great and probably helped GP more than Halo will. Which was inconceivable just a few years ago.

I think MS sacrificed Halo because they were hoping to get that sweet microtransaction money from selling armor plates and Battle Passes. It’s the reason the progression system and free unlocks are absolute trash. Now that decision is biting them in the ass big time. I agree FH5 did way more to sell GP than Halo.


I played Halo a bit and could see the shit they were trying to pull and abandoned ship immediately. It’s only a matter of time before they bleed most of the players. Their stupid business model with Halo is not sustainable. I don’t know how they could fuck Halo up so much considering the many other F2P games with successful business models they could have easily copied.

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

I don't even understand why Halo Infinite MP is F2P in the first place. They could have sold the multiplayer mode for a cheap entry price and make a fortune. Plus not to mention, no one is going to subscribe to Gamepass for a game that is free. Most Halo fanboys care more about the MP than the singleplayer long term, I think it's a huge mistake from Microsoft. How to potentially lose million of dollars and get nothing in return. 


No revenue from the game sales, and no significant increase in Gamepass subscriptions.


At this point Forza Horizon 5 is a far more successful first party game. It sold great and probably helped GP more than Halo will. Which was inconceivable just a few years ago.


They're banking hard on cosmetics, the game already has $1000 worth of microtransactions and most of those items can't be earned through normal progression. Halo 5 on the other hand had a $60 entry fee and was littered with cosmetics that you could earn through just playing the game, and not at the glacial pace as Infinite's progression.


F2P games in general are a bad deal and Infinite takes those ideas to the next level.

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58 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

It’s the same with the BF2042 subreddit. I get blown away by the amount of negativity and toxicity I see when browsing it. DICE devs actually used to post there from time to time but they’ve abandoned it altogether because of the hate they’ve been getting. 

but In regards to Halo, I think it’s multiplayer is definitely not going to be the showstopper people were hoping it would be. 343 made so many basic mistakes that all trace back to their F2P model, and it’s just not going to work in the long run.


It's everywhere on reddit. Game subreddits basically exist to bitch about the game the subreddit is for. FFXIV is probably the only gaming subreddit that isn't full of negativity and toxicity. 

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48 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

I think MS sacrificed Halo because they were hoping to get that sweet microtransaction money from selling armor plates and Battle Passes. It’s the reason the progression system and free unlocks are absolute trash. Now that decision is biting them in the ass big time. I agree FH5 did way more to sell GP than Halo.


I played Halo a bit and could see the shit they were trying to pull and abandoned ship immediately. It’s only a matter of time before they bleed most of the players. Their stupid business model with Halo is not sustainable. I don’t know how they could fuck Halo up so much considering the many other F2P games with successful business models they could have easily copied.

A F2P business model would make sense if their strategy for the future of Xbox wasn't based entirely on Gamepass. The two together makes no sense to me. Or they overestimate the importance of singleplayer campaigns in Halo games. Either way it cheapens out the product as a whole, who the fuck is going to buy the campaign only at full price now? Is Halo Infinite going to be a budget priced game on day one? lmfao Cheapens the product and cheapens the appeal of a Gamepass subscription.

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I was just reading the subreddit, at least at a glance it’s much less toxic than I was expecting and the people over there are not buying this narrative and now seem more pissed they’ve amplified the retarded 1% to paint in broad strokes and seemingly ignore the vast majority of the community there and there legitimate complaints by branding the whole thing as toxic. 

Some games just aren’t meant to be F2P, especially ones that have been going for 20 years and who’s fans have a certain level of expectation. If you want to milk people with the F2P shit maybe try it with a new IP and hope it catches on. 


Edited by Cell
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5 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:


It's everywhere on reddit. Game subreddits basically exist to bitch about the game the subreddit is for. FFXIV is probably the only gaming subreddit that isn't full of negativity and toxicity. 

The Witcher subreddit is pretty hunky dory. They all love the game.


They clearly love the shit out of Geralt, and Ciri. And all the memes that come from the game.


Some of them are CD Projekt Red defenders, so the Cyberpunk subreddit, considering all the bad publicity, has maintained a some sort of level-headedness.

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If the Halo brand takes a massive, and people don't trust the name anymore, and they don't trust the developer behind the IP anymore..........somebody in the Xbox gaming division is getting their ass fired.


At this point, the only way to fix the debacle is to plead with Bungie to come back and make a new sequel.

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Are people actually surprised? Reddit is awful, absolutely awful. In terms of toxicity it's like a mainstream 4chan but without the humour. The whole site is just one big echo chamber where you either follow the majority opinion or get downvoted out of existence. It's a cancer on the internet.


The only gaming subreddit I ever viewed for any length of time was Dead by Daylight. Now the rules are clear that being abusive towards others isn't allowed, but they never came into effect people were just trash talking each other all day and telling them to kill themselves etc but you'd see it time and time again where someone would use the word "gay" in the wrong context i.e. "I dont like this map, its gay" and it would be a swift and instant ban everytime. So clearly there was active moderation they were just as fucked as the rest of Reddit.

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45 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

It’s a technical shit show and a massive downgrade from previous trailers. Last generation games look better.


Bbbbut DynamiteCop and Remij said it's next gen technical Marvel.... What happened? :feelsbadman:

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