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Have you ever experienced rapport with a woman?

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4 hours ago, TLHBO said:

I was walking through the local game store when I saw a pretty young lady, dressed in jeans, a red jacket and a t-shirt branded with the PlayStation logo. She was stood by herself looking bemused at the Xbox games on display.


Feeling like this was a good opening, I asked if she was looking for anything specific. She replied to me "I'm looking for an AAA exclusive released within the past 8 years".


I burst out into laughter, she burst out laughing too, we laughed Risitas style in the middle of the store obvlivious to all around us.


We had instant rapport after that :dreamy:


So basically, only in your fantasies. 

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7 hours ago, TLHBO said:

I was walking through the local game store when I saw a pretty young lady, dressed in jeans, a red jacket and a t-shirt branded with the PlayStation logo. She was stood by herself looking bemused at the Xbox games on display.


Feeling like this was a good opening, I asked if she was looking for anything specific. She replied to me "I'm looking for an AAA exclusive released within the past 8 years".


I burst out into laughter, she burst out laughing too, we laughed Risitas style in the middle of the store obvlivious to all around us.


We had instant rapport after that :dreamy:


wtf :kaz: 

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