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So is Cyberpunk the overhyped disappointment of the gen?

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If you think CP2077 had a great story or it's fake future world was something worth exploring. 


Play Far Cry 6.    That game shits on CD Projects game on all aspects. 

CP2077 is a 2020 joke that a majority of people don't hype about.   It's only major caveat was Ray-Tracing and did Consoles ever get that feature?  If it did the game was already forgotten by many for it's botched bugger launch that drowned out the many holes the game had.

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5 minutes ago, The Mother Fucker said:

If you think CP2077 had a great story or it's fake future world was something worth exploring. 


Play Far Cry 6.  

:omglol: this has got to be a joke post.

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6 minutes ago, jehurey said:

:omglol: this has got to be a joke post.

Nope, I enjoyed exploring FC6,  CP2077 did nothing for me.  It was Overhyped garbage.


Story was forgettable.  Combat was atrocious.    The NPCs are still a walking zombie joke.

Glad I made you laugh.  😉 CP Sucks.

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