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Interesting Deathloop review/critique

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23 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

He lost me at his praise for bored of the wild 


Yeah thats the only part I really disagree with, but he makes a bunch of other good points. The one that stuck out to me was the analogy about Rube Goldberg machines, how its satisfying to see everything play out from beginning to end, but many moments in Deathloop are like Rube Goldberg machines where you only see the beginning and then the end, and thats it. Like when you trigger the fireworks in one timeline and you know thats going to kill one of the visionaries in another, but you don't see any of that play out so you feel detached from it all.


Im glad I was able to get Prey for free from EGS. Im interested in playing it and seeing how it compares, apparently some people still consider it to be Arkane's best game.

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4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Yeah thats the only part I really disagree with, but he makes a bunch of other good points. The one that stuck out to me was the analogy about Rube Goldberg machines, how its satisfying to see everything play out from beginning to end, but many moments in Deathloop are like Rube Goldberg machines where you only see the beginning and then the end, and thats it. Like when you trigger the fireworks in one timeline and you know thats going to kill one of the visionaries in another, but you don't see any of that play out so you feel detached from it all.


Im glad I was able to get Prey for free from EGS. Im interested in playing it and seeing how it compares, apparently some people still consider it to be Arkane's best game.

Let me know how it is. 

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5 hours ago, Twinblade said:


I played for nearly 5 straight hours tonight :wow2: Game is legit, its like a crazy hybrid of Deus Ex, Bioshock, and Dead Space.

Yeah, It looked sick. I’m curious as to how the DLC plays out.

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