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New leadership, same shit - NYC mayor Eric Adams endorses woke DA who won't prosecute many crimes and will downgrade felonies, including armed robbery

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You have got to be kidding me.....


Eric Adams promised to be harder on crime, yet he's pushing these policies mere hours after taking office? Guess NYC is going to continue being a crime ridden cesspool for the foreseeable future.


I feel bad for the people who voted for him, they probably feel completely betrayed at this point.



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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:



You have got to be kidding me.....


Eric Adams promised to be harder on crime, yet he's pushing these policies mere hours after taking office? Guess NYC is going to continue being a crime ridden cesspool for the foreseeable future.


I feel bad for the people who voted for him, they probably feel completely betrayed at this point.




Alvin Brag was Elected to that position doofus.  He wasn't appointed by the mayor.


At least pretend to know something about what you're posting about.. Lol

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Alvin Brag was Elected to that position doofus.  He wasn't appointed by the mayor.


At least pretend to know something about what you're posting about.. Lol


And? Eric Adams is in control and he publicly backed the DA's policies. Thats all anyone needs to hear when it comes to the direction he wants to take the city in.

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12 hours ago, Twinblade said:


And? Eric Adams is in control and he publicly backed the DA's policies. Thats all anyone needs to hear when it comes to the direction he wants to take the city in.


Can you point to where the New Mayor actually endorsed what Bragg said in his new memo? :umad:



Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat and retired police officer who was sworn in on New Year’s Eve, campaigned on a platform of addressing the crime problem and bail reform issues that have outraged many residents and said during a press conference Tuesday he has not seen Bragg’s memo.


"I have not communicated with the DA," Adams said. "I have not looked over and analyzed exactly what he’s calling for."


This is his only comments about the Braggs new memo, where did he endorse the memo Singleblade? 



They're going to butt heads.   Bragg was elected not appointed and because he was ELECTED, he can and will make decisions independently of the Mayor. 


Like I said, at least pretend to understand what the fuck you're talking about... Lol

Edited by Goukosan
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11 hours ago, Twinblade said:


And? Eric Adams is in control and he publicly backed the DA's policies. Thats all anyone needs to hear when it comes to the direction he wants to take the city in.

Lmfao your entire point is incorrect and you simply say "and"? Like how are you this way?  You make these huffy threads where you are dead wrong (every fucking time) and still feel your impotent rage all the same. You goofy as fuck. 

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3 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Can you point to where the New Mayor actually endorsed what Bragg said in his new memo? :umad:



Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat and retired police officer who was sworn in on New Year’s Eve, campaigned on a platform of addressing the crime problem and bail reform issues that have outraged many residents and said during a press conference Tuesday he has not seen Bragg’s memo.


"I have not communicated with the DA," Adams said. "I have not looked over and analyzed exactly what he’s calling for."


This is his only comments about the Braggs new memo, where did he endorse the memo Singleblade? 



They're going to butt heads.   Bragg was elected not appointed and because he was ELECTED, he can and will make decisions independently of the Mayor. 


Like I said, at least pretend to understand what they fuck you're talking about... Lol

Twincel has been proven wrong in every single thread he's made in this place where anyone other than cocke replies. Like how the fuck can anyone be wrong almost every single time they speak? 

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11 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Twincel has been proven wrong in every single thread he's made in this place where anyone other than cocke replies. Like how the fuck can anyone be wrong almost every single time they speak? 

I haven’t said anything wrong or incorrect in this thread. If you actually think NYC is going to become the safe, clean, and prosperous paradise that it should be (and was years ago) then I’d love to see your reasoning for that. 

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

I haven’t said anything wrong or incorrect in this thread. If you actually think NYC is going to become the safe, clean, and prosperous paradise that it should be (and was years ago) then I’d love to see your reasoning for that. 

Nigga you fucking blind? Find me one thread on the front page you didn't get dunked on in like one reply? Even your stupid "new york city cesspool" comment when your bitch ass lives in CT with your momma and doesn't know shit about nyc. 


A look back: 2014 to 2021

A look back on the past eight years shows New York City has experienced significant crime reductions. Overall index crime has decreased by 11% since 2013, when 101,755 index crimes were recorded, and by 46% since 2000, when there were 169,424 index crimes.

Today, six of eight NYPD patrol boroughs have experienced overall index crime declines over the last eight-years – that are in large measure a reflection of the work developed and implemented by NYPD’s leaders as part of their real time management of ever-present public safety concerns.

These gains were part of a long-term strategy that began in 2014. Technology played a key role.


So if crime has been dropping for the past 7 years, please tell me of the good old days you're talking about that we'll never see again? From all of your time not living in NYC?

 I guess you mean when Giuliani was Mayor? Because that would be your idea of "paradise" for sure. 


I'm guessing you just assume crime has been constantly rising out of control because the last mayor didn't wage war against black people and all of the the right wing media you consume made it seem that way. 


It's a con job to make stupid people like you who can't think for themselves feel afraid by allowing their own biases to fill the space where logic, facts, and actual occurrences usually informs a person's decision. 



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8 hours ago, Twinblade said:

I haven’t said anything wrong or incorrect in this thread. If you actually think NYC is going to become the safe, clean, and prosperous paradise that it should be (and was years ago) then I’d love to see your reasoning for that. 


Still can't actually point to where Adam's endorsed Bragg's new memo huh? :umad:

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4 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Still can't actually point to where Adam's endorsed Bragg's new memo huh? :umad:

He can't even point out what he's mad about because at the end of the day he's just upset that less poor people will be going to jail for less time. Like that's the only thing he's worried about. 

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4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

He can't even point out what he's mad about because at the end of the day he's just upset that less poor people will be going to jail for less time. Like that's the only thing he's worried about. 

All you do on this forum is defend crime and criminals. Thankfully most people don’t have  that laughable ‘progressive’ mentality and can view these things using common sense. If you commit a crime like armed robbery, which can traumatize someone for a long time, you deserve to go to prison for a long time. The constant slaps on the wrist, early releases, poorly thought out attempts at bail reforms, etc are part of the reason why crime is completely out of control in most major cities. The data is overwhelmingly in support of this. Progressive politics will create more crime, more victims of those crimes, and make the average citizen feel unsafe. The only thing Eric Adams can do to salvage his reputation and make NYC safer at this point is make good on his promise to bring back stop and search, which I’m going to assume you’re also against am I right?

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36 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

All you do on this forum is defend crime and criminals. Thankfully most people don’t have  that laughable ‘progressive’ mentality and can view these things using common sense. If you commit a crime like armed robbery, which can traumatize someone for a long time, you deserve to go to prison for a long time. The constant slaps on the wrist, early releases, poorly thought out attempts at bail reforms, etc are part of the reason why crime is completely out of control in most major cities. The data is overwhelmingly in support of this. Progressive politics will create more crime, more victims of those crimes, and make the average citizen feel unsafe. The only thing Eric Adams can do to salvage his reputation and make NYC safer at this point is make good on his promise to bring back stop and search, which I’m going to assume you’re also against am I right?


Where is Eric Adam's endorsement of Bragg's memo that you referenced in the OP?  You still can't find it....huh?


Just like how you can't seem to find any info about the Jan 6th txt messages :umad:


Mr. Impossible already provided data that shows crime in NYC decreased in the last 7 years. 


Like I said, you have no clue what you're talking about.  

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59 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

All you do on this forum is defend crime and criminals. Thankfully most people don’t have  that laughable ‘progressive’ mentality and can view these things using common sense. If you commit a crime like armed robbery, which can traumatize someone for a long time, you deserve to go to prison for a long time. The constant slaps on the wrist, early releases, poorly thought out attempts at bail reforms, etc are part of the reason why crime is completely out of control in most major cities. The data is overwhelmingly in support of this. Progressive politics will create more crime, more victims of those crimes, and make the average citizen feel unsafe. The only thing Eric Adams can do to salvage his reputation and make NYC safer at this point is make good on his promise to bring back stop and search, which I’m going to assume you’re also against am I right?

First of all you disingenuous little cunt, all I do is present context. This is the second or third separate thread about "crime" we've bumped heads and you've never actually posted anything statistical, factual, or even remotely objective. It's always some sound bite you get bent out of shape over, even at times where the actual article tells a different story than you're attempting to tell. 


How can you talk about common sense with a straight face and your ass is always wrong? Like how the fuck do you get the balls to say that I don't make sense and I'm beating you like a government mule every single time? 


This is the second thread where I pointed out crime stats dropping in areas you claimed to have "out of control" crime rates. No fucking numbers, no stats, no global data. Just right wing clickbait articles as your proof. The best you can do is posting one off stories of isolated incidents. 


Am I for racial profiling and stop and frisk? You are finally correct about something for the first time in two years, Twincel. I am so progressive that I don't support those initiatives. I'm not for creating a second class citizen mentality in cops... Again. You really got me for being such a soyboy progressive on that one. 


The fact that you want a black mayor to put boots to young black men in this city in 20-fucking-22, what does that say about you? Like to the people that act like you are a nice guy because you want to fuck videogames and women don't like you or whatever. 


We can pretend that you didn't turn Republican and a Trump cultists mostly because of BLM. I do have a hypothetical thought tho. A guy who believes in equality, a fair legal system, common sense government blah blah blah, and just because of BLM decides to counter all of that and switch parties. What does this person actually believe? 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

First of all you disingenuous little cunt, all I do is present context. This is the second or third separate thread about "crime" we've bumped heads and you've never actually posted anything statistical, factual, or even remotely objective. It's always some sound bite you get bent out of shape over, even at times where the actual article tells a different story than you're attempting to tell. 


How can you talk about common sense with a straight face and your ass is always wrong? Like how the fuck do you get the balls to say that I don't make sense and I'm beating you like a government mule every single time? 


This is the second thread where I pointed out crime stats dropping in areas you claimed to have "out of control" crime rates. No fucking numbers, no stats, no global data. Just right wing clickbait articles as your proof. The best you can do is posting one off stories of isolated incidents. 


Am I for racial profiling and stop and frisk? You are finally correct about something for the first time in two years, Twincel. I am so progressive that I don't support those initiatives. I'm not for creating a second class citizen mentality in cops... Again. You really got me for being such a soyboy progressive on that one. 


The fact that you want a black mayor to put boots to young black men in this city in 20-fucking-22, what does that say about you? Like to the people that act like you are a nice guy because you want to fuck videogames and women don't like you or whatever. 


We can pretend that you didn't turn Republican and a Trump cultists mostly because of BLM. I do have a hypothetical thought tho. A guy who believes in equality, a fair legal system, common sense government blah blah blah, and just because of BLM decides to counter all of that and switch parties. What does this person actually believe? 


Yes, the statistics you posted did indicate that crime was dropping.... BEFORE woke, progressive politics took over. And for your information im not some kind of hardcore republican either. In fact, im more of a right leaning centrist. But the reality is that most democrats don't support those politics either, which is why they voted in Eric Adams who promised to be tougher on crime. Most black democrats supported him because they're the ones who are being directly affected by the rampant crime in their areas.


The NYPD's new commissioner, a black woman, just came out and said that the DA's policies are going to put both her police officers and the general public in more danger, but somehow just like many of Eric Adam's voters she is also trying to oppress black people? riiiiight.....


I live less than 2 hours from NYC as does most of my family, and we have all refused to visit it recently because of the crime. Shit, you can't even walk around Times Square anymore without running the risk of being shot at. Yet somehow you're trying to push a narrative that everything is sunshine and rainbows over there.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


Yes, the statistics you posted did indicate that crime was dropping.... BEFORE woke, progressive politics took over. And for your information im not some kind of hardcore republican either. In fact, im more of a right leaning centrist. But the reality is that most democrats don't support those politics either, which is why they voted in Eric Adams who promised to be tougher on crime. Most black democrats supported him because they're the ones who are being directly affected by the rampant crime in their areas.


The NYPD's new commissioner, a black woman, just came out and said that the DA's policies are going to put both her police officers and the general public in more danger, but somehow just like many of Eric Adam's voters she is also trying to oppress black people? riiiiight.....


I live less than 2 hours from NYC as does most of my family, and we have all refused to visit it recently because of the crime. Shit, you can't even walk around Times Square anymore without running the risk of being shot at. Yet somehow you're trying to push a narrative that everything is sunshine and rainbows over there.


His Stats covered 7 out of the 8 Years that Deblasio was mayor doofus,  crime dropped significantly while he was Mayor.  You have yet to post any facts what so ever. 



And You're so full of shit.  You somehow can't provide the evidence that Eric Adams endorsed what Bragg said..... Why are you spreading false information? 



Also I live in NYC and so does Mr. Impossible..... You live two hours away in Connecticut in your mom's basement. 


You have no idea of the day to day life in NY, you actually think it's something out of a drug torn, gang banging, crime infested city from a movie or some shit. 


What's worse is that even when the facts are presented to you with evidence you still continue to Parade your false narratives. 


What ever happened to that rule that information presented on the political boards must be accompanied by FACTS AND SOURCES? :umad:



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3 hours ago, Goukosan said:


His Stats covered 7 out of the 8 Years that Deblasio was mayor doofus,  crime dropped significantly while he was Mayor.  You have yet to post any facts what so ever. 



And You're so full of shit.  You somehow can't provide the evidence that Eric Adams endorsed what Bragg said..... Why are you spreading false information? 



Also I live in NYC and so does Mr. Impossible..... You live two hours away in Connecticut in your mom's basement. 


You have no idea of the day to day life in NY, you actually think it's something out of a drug torn, gang banging, crime infested city from a movie or some shit. 


What's worse is that even when the facts are presented to you with evidence you still continue to Parade your false narratives. 


What ever happened to that rule that information presented on the political boards must be accompanied by FACTS AND SOURCES? :umad:




There is no false narrative. DeBlasio was actually doing a OK job until he bowed to the wokies and now the rest of NYC's leadership is following suit


But hey I guess thats what happens when your party is filled with people like George Soros. Guy managed to find a way to legally fund crime through his funding and donations. Just a couple of more appointments and we'll be back to the early 90s where practically every city was a warzone





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7 hours ago, Twinblade said:


There is no false narrative. DeBlasio was actually doing a OK job until he bowed to the wokies and now the rest of NYC's leadership is following suit


But hey I guess thats what happens when your party is filled with people like George Soros. Guy managed to find a way to legally fund crime through his funding and donations. Just a couple of more appointments and we'll be back to the early 90s where practically every city was a warzone





I honestly don't even know where to start with your bullshit. How about you present us with some sort of timeline of DeBlasio going woke? Because you sound like a kid making shit up as he goes along. 


Iirc and I do, cops hated him before he even took office because he vowed to weed out the very shit you're advocating for. 


You are constantly called out for being dishonest, incorrect, and ignorant of facts and the best you can do is post some shitty gif you lifted from the dailymail? Like it's not just that you're dumb as shit, you have to be the first person even on the internet that I've seen calling for Stop and Frisk to come back. 


Like what kind of fucking worm are you? 

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12 hours ago, Twinblade said:


There is no false narrative. DeBlasio was actually doing a OK job until he bowed to the wokies and now the rest of NYC's leadership is following suit


But hey I guess thats what happens when your party is filled with people like George Soros. Guy managed to find a way to legally fund crime through his funding and donations. Just a couple of more appointments and we'll be back to the early 90s where practically every city was a warzone






Where is your data to back up your BS about Debalsio and crime. 


The last 7 years under Debalsio saw a huge drop on Crime... Those are the FACTS. 


Where is your proof that Eric Adams supported Brag's new memo?  You still can't seem to provide actual evidence to back up what you're claiming. 


So yes, both of those are false narratives. 

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13 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Yes, the statistics you posted did indicate that crime was dropping.... BEFORE woke, progressive politics took over.


LMFAO you're the worst bullshit artist I've seen in a while. Your constant, pathetic attempts to debunk information you dont even know anything about is fucking juvenile. It's like how Tucker Carlson says in court, and rare moments of honesty that he makes stuff up to fit a narrative or to avoid looking like he's wrong. Except he's on TV, and doesn't actually have other people on screen to call him out. It's not a good look. 


NYC saw 7 straight years of crime reduction. Crime rose in 2021 vs 2020, it's true. But also NYC was on lockdown for the majority of 2020. 



From NYone


The police commissioner tied the issue of repeat offenders to bail reform, which he has repeatedly blamed for crime increases, saying that laws that release nonviolent offenders have led to more crime in general. Yet an analysis by the New York Post of arrest data in 2020 showed that just a fraction of people released under bail changes were subsequently arrested in relation to a shooting.




Hey look, it's the Fox owned, right wing rag NYP debunking your shit too. I guess they're getting woke too huh? 



Also from NYone


NEW YORK — In his first year, the goal for Mayor Bill de Blasio was to reduce violence and improve police community relations. But things didn't turn out that way in 2014.

Eric Garner died after being placed in a police chokehold, and massive protests demanded the mayor hold NYPD officers accountable. Police unions were outraged with de Blasio, saying they didn't believe he supported them after the mayor admitted he warned his son, who is biracial, to be careful around cops.

"We've literally had to train him, like families have all over this city for decades, in how to take special care with any encounters he has with police officers," de Blasio said.   


His first year in office ended with the assassinations of NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu by a man in revenge for Garner's death. Hundreds of officers turned their backs on the mayor during the funerals.


Ok, I'll play along. At what point did the Mayor "switch it up" to be more "woke"? Because it seems he came into office with plans to restructure the NYPD. Including decriminalizing certain drugs, lessen arrest, and building bridging apparatuses between the police and the community. l



13 hours ago, Twinblade said:

And for your information im not some kind of hardcore republican either. In fact, im more of a right leaning centrist. But the reality is that most democrats don't support those politics either, which is why they voted in Eric Adams who promised to be tougher on crime. Most black democrats supported him because they're the ones who are being directly affected by the rampant crime in their areas.


Ah.... the old "center thinking" bullshit your type convinces themselves is a reality.  I think I've commented that you're alt-right. Either directly or indirectly. It's some self delusion sold by people like Tim Pool for false credibility. Like Cocke, you're both dumb and harbor grievances and just align with any culture that embraces it. I keep asking what your values are, and you never answer. I ask for ask evidence to support your beliefs and you never have any or whatever you present is almost always wrong and you never acknowledge it. You're center yet exclusively only whine about "woke" politics. How many times can a person say "I didn't know this widely known thing" before self awareness kicks in? 




From the NYT:

Nearly 70 percent of voters did not choose Mr. Adams, the Brooklyn borough president, as their first choice, and the final outcome will depend on how many of those voters listed him lower on their ballots.

Under the city’s new system of ranked-choice voting, where voters select as many as five candidates in order of preference, thousands of votes will be shifted among the candidates before a final winner is declared. Tens of thousands of absentee ballots must also be counted, and the entire process may take until July 12.



You make it sound like a Reagan like tidal wave of support when in reality the new voting process when he narrowed out far more progressive primary candidates through lower ranked voting position. He won, it's fine but you make it seem like New York spoke out and Adams was the chosen one. Also he had an ambitious campaign regarding housing, jobs, private sector courting, as well as "improved" policing. You make this whole thing sound like Gotham City electing Batman mayor after the Joker blew up half of the city or something. 




While anecdotal and not all scientific, Here are voters from Crown Heights talking about their support of Adams and why. The most common answers are housing, economic security, and business/employment opportunities. Only one person mentioned policing as a secondary issue and hardly in the hard edge way you portray. It's not at all black people crying for him to save them from the Purge City shit you're pulling. 



13 hours ago, Twinblade said:


The NYPD's new commissioner, a black woman, just came out and said that the DA's policies are going to put both her police officers and the general public in more danger, but somehow just like many of Eric Adam's voters she is also trying to oppress black people? riiiiight.....


A cop said that? Really? Cops are always defensive and over dramatic.  Fucking cops blamed Deblasio for their suicide rates a few years back. IDGAF what any cops says about anything. Even my friends who are cops say stupid shit and stand up for toxic internal bullshit that happens in their houses.  You'll never see a cop or soldier advocate for less power and more accountability.  More importantly, your smug comment about "oppressing black people" and wishes for Stop and Frisk be expanded means you actually dont see a problem with it. Which is telling but not surprising given all of your other shit. 


13 hours ago, Twinblade said:


I live less than 2 hours from NYC as does most of my family, and we have all refused to visit it recently because of the crime. Shit, you can't even walk around Times Square anymore without running the risk of being shot at. Yet somehow you're trying to push a narrative that everything is sunshine and rainbows over there.


LOl I can only imagine the brood that produced you. Not a single person here cares if your Ron Weasly ass family never steps foot in NYC again. In fact, move further away. New York has never been sunshine and rainbows but it's not the fucking purge like you make it seem to the point where your pointdexter family is too afraid to even come here  now.

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Im pretty sure there are statistics showing that Stop and Frisk did reduce crime, and Eric Adams did support it at one point




But anyway, if you really want to believe that continued efforts to defund the police, and drop/downgrade charges for violent crimes are somehow going to make the city safer, then you're free to have those misguided beliefs. Im going to continue staying away from NYC until liberals start thinking with common sense.

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