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How can the mainstream media get away with lying so much?

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I just happened to have MSNBC on for a few minutes the other day (It was just in the background while I worked out) and they were running a segment covering one of Trump's recent interviews where he mentioned that he was boosted and talked about the positives of the vaccines, and all of a sudden the NBC anchor mentions something like 'despite the former president previously being against them' and I just couldn't believe how much of a blatant lie they could casually blurt out like that. Trump was NEVER against the vaccines, he is against mandates which is nowhere near the same thing. The fact that they can say such misleading shit like that in the span of a few minutes is shocking and makes me wonder what other bullshit they pump out over the course of a single day.



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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

I just happened to have MSNBC on for a few minutes the other day (It was just in the background while I worked out) and they were running a segment covering one of Trump's recent interviews where he mentioned that he was boosted and talked about the positives of the vaccines, and all of a sudden the NBC anchor mentions something like 'despite the former president previously being against them' and I just couldn't believe how much of a blatant lie they could casually blurt out like that. Trump was NEVER against the vaccines, he is against mandates which is nowhere near the same thing. The fact that they can say such misleading shit like that in the span of a few minutes is shocking and makes me wonder what other bullshit they pump out over the course of a single day.



To be anti mandate is to be against vaccines. There's no grey area anymore, no nuance. It's do what we say or you are an evil piece of shit grandma killer. It's this kind of shit that divides people and creates extremes on both ends of the political spectrum. 

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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

I just happened to have MSNBC on for a few minutes the other day (It was just in the background while I worked out) and they were running a segment covering one of Trump's recent interviews where he mentioned that he was boosted and talked about the positives of the vaccines, and all of a sudden the NBC anchor mentions something like 'despite the former president previously being against them' and I just couldn't believe how much of a blatant lie they could casually blurt out like that. Trump was NEVER against the vaccines, he is against mandates which is nowhere near the same thing. The fact that they can say such misleading shit like that in the span of a few minutes is shocking and makes me wonder what other bullshit they pump out over the course of a single day.




Im glad he is finally speaking publicly about the positives of the vaccine.  The virus shouldn't b political. 


Last summer when all the living past presidents and the current president was pushing the vaccine.... Trump refused to join them is the vaccine push..because he didn't want to help Biden politically. 


I'm glad he got past that for whatever reason.... Ok lets not kid ourselves... He is doing it for political gain against his biggest rival for the GOP nomination.. Ron DeSantis. 


But I digress.. Its good that he is now spreading a pro vaccine narrative :salute:



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7 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You watch and believe Fox News tho? 

Foxnews might be biased but they aren’t remotely in the same category. CNN and MSNBC are practically propaganda outlets with the way they distort the facts and mislead the public. Let’s not forget the years they spent pushing their Russian collusion bullshit despite it being completely baseless.

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34 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Foxnews might be biased but they aren’t remotely in the same category. CNN and MSNBC are practically propaganda outlets with the way they distort the facts and mislead the public. Let’s not forget the years they spent pushing their Russian collusion bullshit despite it being completely baseless.

Jesus christ, did EA cutting a 2 second butt shot out of Mass Effect really upset you this much? Like if you are stupid enough to actually believe this shit please do not procreate. 

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10 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Jesus christ, did EA cutting a 2 second butt shot out of Mass Effect really upset you this much? Like if you are stupid enough to actually believe this shit please do not procreate. 

What does Mass Effect have to do anything? Look at the Gallup poll just released, republican support is the strongest it’s been since 1995 while support for the Democratic Party is dropping like a brick. The media thinks it can control people and turn them into far left sheep but people are starting to see through the BS (which is why their ratings are also plummeting).  

I can’t wait to see your outbursts after the midterm elections later this year.

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22 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

What does Mass Effect have to do anything? Look at the Gallup poll just released, republican support is the strongest it’s been since 1995 while support for the Democratic Party is dropping like a brick. The media thinks it can control people and turn them into far left sheep but people are starting to see through the BS (which is why their ratings are also plummeting).  

I can’t wait to see your outbursts after the midterm elections later this year.

Because your politics are based on low hanging fruit like "wokeness" because in spite of the fact that you're whole grown ass man, you're worried sexual harassment sims and overly sexualized scenarios in fucking videogames are under fire or something. 


Like I could go on and post endless studies and articles that prove that Conservatives are grossly misinformed but do I really need to? Like your petty gaslighting shit aside, you're not that stupid. I mean you're a living example of being completely misinformed and unwilling to acknowledge reality. Did you claim you "had no idea" that like half of Fox New's evening host were texting Trump on January 6th that shit was getting out of hand and to say something? Remember when you boasted that Trump ended drone strikes? I mean you want to talk about credibility when Fox has like zero Peabodies, Pulitzers or any kind of excellence in journalism awards to speak of? I think Chris Wallace might have won an Emmy a few years back. Their two biggest stars admit they make shit up. 


This is a complete joke. 


As for midterms, I have news for you, stupid. The party that controls the Executive branch almost always loses seats in the midterms. So you wont be seeing "outburst" from me,  you arrogant cunt. It's not even that you're arrogant, I can dig that in some people, it's that you're arrogant for no fucking reason. You get folded in every single debate you get in and still you think you're clever for some reason. 

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Government here just extended vaccine passports for another 6 months based off of zero evidence they do anything to curb the spread. Not a single news outlet journalist questioned this during the news conference. What the fuck happened to journalists? All they do is parrot what the government says, even if it's incorrect. They don't fact check, they don't investigate. It's so depressing. 

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7 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Because your politics are based on low hanging fruit like "wokeness" because in spite of the fact that you're whole grown ass man, you're worried sexual harassment sims and overly sexualized scenarios in fucking videogames are under fire or something. 


Like I could go on and post endless studies and articles that prove that Conservatives are grossly misinformed but do I really need to? Like your petty gaslighting shit aside, you're not that stupid. I mean you're a living example of being completely misinformed and unwilling to acknowledge reality. Did you claim you "had no idea" that like half of Fox New's evening host were texting Trump on January 6th that shit was getting out of hand and to say something? Remember when you boasted that Trump ended drone strikes? I mean you want to talk about credibility when Fox has like zero Peabodies, Pulitzers or any kind of excellence in journalism awards to speak of? I think Chris Wallace might have won an Emmy a few years back. Their two biggest stars admit they make shit up. 


This is a complete joke. 


As for midterms, I have news for you, stupid. The party that controls the Executive branch almost always loses seats in the midterms. So you wont be seeing "outburst" from me,  you arrogant cunt. It's not even that you're arrogant, I can dig that in some people, it's that you're arrogant for no fucking reason. You get folded in every single debate you get in and still you think you're clever for some reason. 


LMAO you are such a clown. Bringing up the Pulitzer and acting like its not just one of the many awards that have been politicized to the point where its laughably irrelevant.


Your pathetic excuse of a party is going to lose more than a few seats, Biden is going to be handicapped with no real power for the rest of his presidency and im going to sit back and laugh as your progressive pipe dreams become even more of a fantasy than they originally were.

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21 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Foxnews might be biased but they aren’t remotely in the same category. CNN and MSNBC are practically propaganda outlets with the way they distort the facts and mislead the public. Let’s not forget the years they spent pushing their Russian collusion bullshit despite it being completely baseless.


How can you say this with a straight face when the text messages from the fox hosts cleary show they were LITERALLY THE PROPAGANDA WING of the Trump administration. 


Oh yea... I forgot... You "haven't heard" about the text messages as yet right? :umad:

Edited by Goukosan
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13 hours ago, Twinblade said:


LMAO you are such a clown. Bringing up the Pulitzer and acting like its not just one of the many awards that have been politicized to the point where its laughably irrelevant.


Your pathetic excuse of a party is going to lose more than a few seats, Biden is going to be handicapped with no real power for the rest of his presidency and im going to sit back and laugh as your progressive pipe dreams become even more of a fantasy than they originally were.

No nigga, you're the clown. You're the only person I've ever seen who uses Google and still loses arguments because you're too lazy or stupid to read what you post. Please find me a thread where I'm out right proven wrong or can't actually back up my claims with credible information. 


This is where you are make shit up out of thin air, again. We all know that you don't know shit about any of those awards so you go with your stupid "they are politicized" as your excuse for everything. Reality has been politicized. 


The reality is that Fox has never tried to be a legit news station. For all of the resources they have they don't have an investigative arm, they barely have "houses" in global markets, and the entire network only has one credible host or on screen personality and he's leaving. 


You talk about propaganda yet they had the previous President calling in nearly daily and he kept in consistent contact with Fox News host for their input and to affirm his claims. Many of whom were even at his rallies. It's the literal definition of propaganda. Or have his kids come on daily to talk about how awesome their dad is doing. 


I'm sure you will be laughing. Watching voting rights be restricted, abortion get chipped away, worker's rights further reduced, no comprehensive health care reforms, and endless corporate give aways, and disproportionate wealth distribution, but hey you can jerk off to Tomb Raider in your mom's basement knowing the woke people didn't win. Great priorities. 


I forgot who asked how America can be this way, and it's because of people like you. Insecure, small people who gladly support authoritarian and regressive regimes. 

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57 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

No nigga, you're the clown. You're the only person I've ever seen who uses Google and still loses arguments because you're too lazy or stupid to read what you post. Please find me a thread where I'm out right proven wrong or can't actually back up my claims with credible information. 


This is where you are make shit up out of thin air, again. We all know that you don't know shit about any of those awards so you go with your stupid "they are politicized" as your excuse for everything. Reality has been politicized. 


The reality is that Fox has never tried to be a legit news station. For all of the resources they have they don't have an investigative arm, they barely have "houses" in global markets, and the entire network only has one credible host or on screen personality and he's leaving. 


You talk about propaganda yet they had the previous President calling in nearly daily and he kept in consistent contact with Fox News host for their input and to affirm his claims. Many of whom were even at his rallies. It's the literal definition of propaganda. Or have his kids come on daily to talk about how awesome their dad is doing. 


I'm sure you will be laughing. Watching voting rights be restricted, abortion get chipped away, worker's rights further reduced, no comprehensive health care reforms, and endless corporate give aways, and disproportionate wealth distribution, but hey you can jerk off to Tomb Raider in your mom's basement knowing the woke people didn't win. Great priorities. 


I forgot who asked how America can be this way, and it's because of people like you. Insecure, small people who gladly support authoritarian and regressive regimes. 


So why is it that Biden (who's pushing some of those especially hard including voting rights) have such a low approval rating?


And why are republicans gaining more support than they've had since 1994?


I wonder those 'fears' are completely unfounded and based in completely misleading bullshit (pushed by the mainstream media)?


Take voting rights for example. I don't care if anyone thinks the 2020 election was or wasn't stolen, but actually thinking that somehow expanding mail in voting and making that the way forward for future elections is laughable. There is NO way that drop feeding votes like that over the course of several days is somehow going to make for fair and free elections. 


If you want to vote, you show up with the appropriate ID and vote. Which is how its ALWAYS been before Covid. Mail in voting should be restricted to only people who really can't make it to their local polling station.


Acting like Biden and his cronies are somehow doing something righteous with their voting bill just shows how easily manipulated you are. All they're doing is making it easier for non-citizens (maybe like the millions of migrants the Biden administration is flooding the country with, just a hunch...) and other unqualified people to get involved in our election process which is clearly not constitutional.

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42 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


So why is it that Biden (who's pushing some of those especially hard including voting rights) have such a low approval rating?


This has nothing to do with the topic. This is yet another tactic, you, Cocke, Ramza and your type always fall back on. When you can't argue the topic, you argue something unrelated just to give some sort of response. 


42 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


And why are republicans gaining more support than they've had since 1994?


Again, what does this have to do with Fox's credibility and dishonest reporting? 


42 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


I wonder those 'fears' are completely unfounded and based in completely misleading bullshit (pushed by the mainstream media)?


Or lies and disinformation from right wing sources and elected officials? Whatever happened to the Obama death panels? Or his recruitment camps to convert students into Muslims? Why hasn't Fox News produced a blockbuster expose of Democratic voter fraud and cleared dear leader Trump's name? Why are you always wrong? Today was the first time I think you made a valid point in 2 years. 2 fucking years. 


42 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Take voting rights for example. I don't care if anyone thinks the 2020 election was or wasn't stolen, but actually thinking that somehow expanding mail in voting and making that the way forward for future elections is laughable. There is NO way that drop feeding votes like that over the course of several days is somehow going to make for fair and free elections. 


How so? Where is the historic statistical data that shows any sort of mass voter fraud before? The truth is voting has always been to low in this country and our election system is antiquated the say the best. Everything from banking to shopping for groceries has been modernized. Yet voting should still be done in the same process as 50 years ago? 


42 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


If you want to vote, you show up with the appropriate ID and vote. Which is how its ALWAYS been before Covid. Mail in voting should be restricted to only people who really can't make it to their local polling station.


Except it hasn't. Maybe the country's power structure shouldn't rely on one day between the hours of 7am to 9am for an entire country to vote. This is incredibly inconvenient for millions of Americans which is why voting has exploded in the past couple of elections. This is like saying businesses or schools shouldn't allow virtual attendance. Again, our entire society should continue in the 21st century while voting remains as it did for our grandparents? You're only saying this because the right wing tells you this. 


42 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Acting like Biden and his cronies are somehow doing something righteous with their voting bill just shows how easily manipulated you are. All they're doing is making it easier for non-citizens (maybe like the millions of migrants the Biden administration is flooding the country with, just a hunch...) and other unqualified people to get involved in our election process which is clearly not constitutional.


Again, we're talking about network credibility and you keep talking about Biden. Again, fuck your life with your stupid "You're easily manipulated" when you literally have to make shit up because you dont know what you're talking about, and even when you present information to back up what you say it backfires because you're so fucking stupid and submissive you accept anything at face value instead of using any critical thinking. 


What's funny is almost all of the election fraud in the past couple of cycles were Republican voters. One of the first things Trump did when he became President was create a commission to investigate voter fraud and that commission was quickly disbanded because they could only find very small amounts, too small to even sway smaller elections and most of it was in favor of Republican candidates. 


How you continue to keep this smug act when you get destroyed stopped being cute in 2020. Like Gak said, do better. 

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22 hours ago, Twinblade said:





If you want to vote, you show up with the appropriate ID and vote. Which is how its ALWAYS been before Covid. Mail in voting should be restricted to only people who really can't make it to their local polling station.




Speaking of easily manipulated, you're so intellectually lazy you don't take the 2 seconds needed to verify information and instead you let fox news and Co feed you misinformation that you swallow without question. 


"according to data collected by the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), about 43.2% of Americans who voted in the 2018 election did so outside of the traditional Election Day context, either casting a ballot at an early in-person polling place or by mail" 


For the 2018 midterms only 56.8% of people voted in person on election day and 43.2% voted by mail or by early voting.  Specifically over 25% of people voted by mail as recent as 2018, but overall as stated above only 56.8% of people voted in person. 


It might be hard for you.... But do better. 



Edited by Goukosan
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