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Why I hate conservatives.

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Well part of the reason. This is the time of year that conservatives pretend they admire MLK. I've said for years if they actually ever bothered to pay attention to his speeches or sermons modern conservatives would hate him. 


Even ones that used him as ammo against BLM are now coming for him on his own holiday. Lol 


White supremacy changes but it's always around. 




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Not sure who that is. But on the topic of MLK, imagine his reaction to everything thats going on if he was alive today.  All the fighting he did to end segregation and bring in a new era of equality, just to have the democratic party come along and tear everything down with their modern day segregation and policies that directly favor one race over the other. He would have been gutted to see his hard work undone like that.

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45 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Not sure who that is.


It doesn't matter. They're all the same. There is very little air between him, Fox, Pool, DailyMail, Shapiro, Bannon. He's a cringey Canadian bigot, so you'd love him. 


45 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

But on the topic of MLK, imagine his reaction to everything thats going on if he was alive today.  All the fighting he did to end segregation and bring in a new era of equality, just to have the democratic party come along and tear everything down with their modern day segregation and policies that directly favor one race over the other. He would have been gutted to see his hard work undone like that.


The funny shit is, I explained that this stupid ass train of thought you have is the same shit right wing media was peddling against BLM a few years back. Because they actually dont give a shit about MLK and never paid attention to the other stuff he said that they and you would hate today. Which is why Crowder was bashing King and why I posted a screenshot of his show two years to the date praising King to bash the modern left above the one after someone told his producers about more King speeches. So he decided to trash him on his own holiday. Then you some how stupidly do the same exact thing? Like are you special in the head or something? Yet again you are just making shit up out of thin air about things you have absolutely zero knowledge of. 


Please pause for a second and think about your worldview and how so much of it is bullshit you tell yourself or partially learn about from a google search made in haste or your alt-right news feed. 


I was going to be a dick and set a trap for you, but it's better to just predict your stupidity and address the next dumb thing you'll just make up yourself and assume  you're trying to elude to affirmative action since you have one of those unrealistic victim of AA stories.



King orchestrated and implemented "Operation Breadbasket," a civil rights boycott campaign that demanded racial quotas through the employment of Black American workers in proportion to their number in a workforce, neighborhood or city.




The exploitation of King's name, the distortion of his teachings for political gain, is an ugly development. The term "affirmative action" did not come into currency until after King's death "but it was King himself, as chair of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, who initiated the first successful national affirmative action campaign: "Operation Breadbasket."

In Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chicago and other cities, King staffers gathered data on the hiring patterns of corporations doing business in black communities, and called on companies to rectify disparities. "At present, SCLC has Operation Breadbasket functioning in some 12 cities, and the results have been remarkable," King wrote (quoted in Testament of Hope, James Washington, ed.), boasting of "800 new and upgraded jobs [and] several covenants with major industries."

King was well aware of the arguments used against affirmative action policies. As far back as 1964, he was writing in Why We Can't Wait: "Whenever the issue of compensatory treatment for the Negro is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree; but he should ask nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but it is not realistic."

King supported affirmative action";type programs because he never confused the dream with American reality. As he put it, "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro" to compete on a just and equal basis (quoted in Let the Trumpet Sound, by Stephen Oates).


LMFAO at "He would be gutted." lmfao you're a fucking psychopath. If you were alive in the 60's you'd be saying the same shit about King that you're saying about "the left" now. Let that sink in, Twincel Bates. 

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41 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


It doesn't matter. They're all the same. There is very little air between him, Fox, Pool, DailyMail, Shapiro, Bannon. He's a cringey Canadian bigot, so you'd love him. 



The funny shit is, I explained that this stupid ass train of thought you have is the same shit right wing media was peddling against BLM a few years back. Because they actually dont give a shit about MLK and never paid attention to the other stuff he said that they and you would hate today. Which is why Crowder was bashing King and why I posted a screenshot of his show two years to the date praising King to bash the modern left above the one after someone told his producers about more King speeches. So he decided to trash him on his own holiday. Then you some how stupidly do the same exact thing? Like are you special in the head or something? Yet again you are just making shit up out of thin air about things you have absolutely zero knowledge of. 


Please pause for a second and think about your worldview and how so much of it is bullshit you tell yourself or partially learn about from a google search made in haste or your alt-right news feed. 


I was going to be a dick and set a trap for you, but it's better to just predict your stupidity and address the next dumb thing you'll just make up yourself and assume  you're trying to elude to affirmative action since you have one of those unrealistic victim of AA stories.



LMFAO at "He would be gutted." lmfao you're a fucking psychopath. If you were alive in the 60's you'd be saying the same shit about King that you're saying about "the left" now. Let that sink in, Twincel Bates. 


You're so off course its not even funny. Nothing I said was in reference to affirmative action. Let me remind you of the definition of segregation



Racial segregation is the systematic separation of people into racial or other ethnic groups in daily life.


Now compare that to what the Biden administration and other loony far left liberals are doing. Biden's cronies literally put out a memo that tells doctors to prioritize minorities when it comes to monoclonal antibody treatments for Covid. Please tell me how thats not the definition of segregation? And then there's the universities that are experimenting with the idea of separating white and black students into different dorms. Can you really tell me with a straight face that shit like that is ok? That is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Civil Rights movement was about.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


You're so off course its not even funny. Nothing I said was in reference to affirmative action. Let me remind you of the definition of segregation



Now compare that to what the Biden administration and other loony far left liberals are doing. Biden's cronies literally put out a memo that tells doctors to prioritize minorities when it comes to monoclonal antibody treatments for Covid. Please tell me how thats not the definition of segregation?


I believe you're talking about the priority point system? It's not as clear cut as denying white people treatments and giving all the shots to the blacks. Priority is the highest at-risk population. So people who have pre-existing conditions that have have negative outcomes in COVID cases like hypertension, obesity, age, immune issues and such receive a point or whatever each potential problem. COVID seems to have an disproportionate affect on Blacks and Latinos. So in the grading scale they would receive an additional point for their ethnicity. 


So a healthy, young black man might receive a point for his racial make-up but ultimately wouldn't be prioritized for a shot over a white man at higher risk. It's hardly the anti-white purge you're making it out to be. It's almost like it's a scientific method of allocating doses and not Biden working to undermine the white race under the orders of supreme BLM. 


It's like you have to scrape and claw for stuff to hate about the Left yet you have no problem with Qanon, Flat-Eathers, racist, bigots, political or corporate corruption at all. The only issues that matter to you is fighting woke SJWs. 




And then there's the universities that are experimenting with the idea of separating white and black students into different dorms. Can you really tell me with a straight face that shit like that is ok? That is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Civil Rights movement was about.

uh huh :roll: I love the guy who was crying about wanting Stop and Frisk to return is talking about MLK's dream. This is what I mean when I say you're a psychopath. Your mind is so fucking twisted. 


Edit: You're so sick that you ponder MLK's disappointment with the Left like he would be proud of having someone like Trump like President, or all of the voter suppression shit that's happening, or maybe he would be upset with the Mayor of NYC not profiling young black men. I'm sure he'd be ashamed of Colin Kaepernick as well. King would totally see things the way you see them. 


There was a tweet that went viral of some Republican congressmen saying that MLK would have made a great Marine. Like just think about that for a second, the war protesting pacifist minister would have made a great Marine. That's how depraved you people are. You pervert reality into some internal coping mechanism that allows you all to moralize your repugnant beliefs. 

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58 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I believe you're talking about the priority point system? It's not as clear cut as denying white people treatments and giving all the shots to the blacks. Priority is the highest at-risk population. So people who have pre-existing conditions that have have negative outcomes in COVID cases like hypertension, obesity, age, immune issues and such receive a point or whatever each potential problem. COVID seems to have an disproportionate affect on Blacks and Latinos. So in the grading scale they would receive an additional point for their ethnicity. 


So a healthy, young black man might receive a point for his racial make-up but ultimately wouldn't be prioritized for a shot over a white man at higher risk. It's hardly the anti-white purge you're making it out to be. It's almost like it's a scientific method of allocating doses and not Biden working to undermine the white race under the orders of supreme BLM. 


It's like you have to scrape and claw for stuff to hate about the Left yet you have no problem with Qanon, Flat-Eathers, racist, bigots, political or corporate corruption at all. The only issues that matter to you is fighting woke SJWs. 



uh huh :roll: I love the guy who was crying about wanting Stop and Frisk to return is talking about MLK's dream. This is what I mean when I say you're a psychopath. Your mind is so fucking twisted. 


Edit: You're so sick that you ponder MLK's disappointment with the Left like he would be proud of having someone like Trump like President, or all of the voter suppression shit that's happening, or maybe he would be upset with the Mayor of NYC not profiling young black men. I'm sure he'd be ashamed of Colin Kaepernick as well. King would totally see things the way you see them. 


There was a tweet that went viral of some Republican congressmen saying that MLK would have made a great Marine. Like just think about that for a second, the war protesting pacifist minister would have made a great Marine. That's how depraved you people are. You pervert reality into some internal coping mechanism that allows you all to moralize your repugnant beliefs. 


Uhh you clearly did not take a look at the grading scale. If a white person and a minority have the exact same pre-existing conditions, the treatment will go to the minority because they get extra points just based on their race. The average minority is likely to be more susceptible to Covid, but those additional health problems would already be taken into consideration on the scale, the bonus points they would get for being a minority is nothing less than segregation.



And you really like gaslighting huh? Somehow im the psychopath eventhough you happily live in a city thats falling apart due to crime and act like everything is fine and dandy. Not only are regular citizens unsafe but crime against police continues to break records. In fact we're only in january and 5 cops have already been shot in NYC. For comparison, 10 cops were shot in ALL OF NEW YORK during the ENTIRETY of last year :| (these are new statistics just released). You can thank BLM's anti-cop rhetoric for emboldening criminals and making them more likely to retaliate against police. If the people supposed to protect you aren't safe then what does that make the average joe who has to run the risk of being shot or pushed off the subway platform every time they leave their homes? The progressives who support movements that gimp police forces while simultaneously encouraging criminal justice reform that floods the street with violent offenders who should be jail, now those are the ones who i'd call true psychopaths :D  Conservatives may be weird with a lot of their beliefs but at least they're not ACTIVELY working towards policies that gets innocent people killed :|


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58 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Uhh you clearly did not take a look at the grading scale. If a white person and a minority have the exact same pre-existing conditions, the treatment will go to the minority because they get extra points just based on their race. The average minority is likely to be more susceptible to Covid, but those additional health problems would already be taken into consideration on the scale, the bonus points they would get for being a minority is nothing less than segregation.


You're just going to keep going on about anti-white discrimination despite the scientific reasons for this so there's no point discussing any further. You've made yourself clear you only care about racism you perceive as anti-white, even when it doesn't exist. Can't believe the ladies aren't knocking down your door. 


58 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

And you really like gaslighting huh?


Per usual your lack of self awareness is impressive. Like right after what you just previously wrote. Homeboy,  90% of the shit you say is nonsense you make up and isn't at all in sync with reality. Please tell us more about how MLK would be MAGA and condemn BLM and the left while holding a tiki torch. 



58 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Somehow im the psychopath eventhough you happily live in a city thats falling apart due to crime and act like everything is fine and dandy. Not only are regular citizens unsafe but crime against police continues to break records. In fact we're only in january and 5 cops have already been shot in NYC. For comparison, 10 cops were shot in ALL OF NEW YORK during the ENTIRETY of last year :| (these are new statistics just released). You can thank BLM's anti-cop rhetoric for emboldening criminals and making them more likely to retaliate against police. If the people supposed to protect you aren't safe then what does that make the average joe who has to run the risk of being shot or pushed off the subway platform every time they leave their homes? The progressives who support movements that gimp police forces while simultaneously encouraging criminal justice reform that floods the street with violent offenders who should be jail, now those are the ones who i'd call true psychopaths :D  Conservatives may be weird with a lot of their beliefs but at least they're not ACTIVELY working towards policies that gets innocent people killed :|



Whatever keeps your rat faced family out of my city is Ok with me. I wonder how many innocent people have died because of the Iraq war conservatives fought and lied so hard for. I wonder how many idiots died of COVID because conservatives needlessly made it a political issue. I believe another 2 anti-vax influencers died of COVID this year so far. Speaking of innocent lives, did you ever see the OSHA data that tracked the increase in work related deaths after Trump took office and began slashing regulations dealing with worker safety? 


You're a psychopath because you pretend to care about things that actually do matter,  but when reality disagrees with your beliefs your great pretend conscience doesn't budge. You dont even pause, you just make a lateral move to another topic you equally dont really care about, but think makes you seen like a reasonable person. That usually backfires as well then we're back to square one again. This forum is a monument to your bufoonery, misinformed views, flat out lies, stupidity, and self delusion. 

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35 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


You're just going to keep going on about anti-white discrimination despite the scientific reasons for this so there's no point discussing any further. You've made yourself clear you only care about racism you perceive as anti-white, even when it doesn't exist. Can't believe the ladies aren't knocking down your door. 



Per usual your lack of self awareness is impressive. Like right after what you just previously wrote. Homeboy,  90% of the shit you say is nonsense you make up and isn't at all in sync with reality. Please tell us more about how MLK would be MAGA and condemn BLM and the left while holding a tiki torch. 




Whatever keeps your rat faced family out of my city is Ok with me. I wonder how many innocent people have died because of the Iraq war conservatives fought and lied so hard for. I wonder how many idiots died of COVID because conservatives needlessly made it a political issue. I believe another 2 anti-vax influencers died of COVID this year so far. Speaking of innocent lives, did you ever see the OSHA data that tracked the increase in work related deaths after Trump took office and began slashing regulations dealing with worker safety? 


You're a psychopath because you pretend to care about things that actually do matter,  but when reality disagrees with your beliefs your great pretend conscience doesn't budge. You dont even pause, you just make a lateral move to another topic you equally dont really care about, but think makes you seen like a reasonable person. That usually backfires as well then we're back to square one again. This forum is a monument to your bufoonery, misinformed views, flat out lies, stupidity, and self delusion. 


Whatever, you can disagree all you want but the truth is progressives like yourself are becoming a bigger minority with each passing day. Conservatives being against you is one thing, but more and more moderate Democrats and independents are waking to the absolute insanity that is progressive politics. It’s no surprise Biden’s presidency has been a complete failure considering that’s the direction he’s been trying to take the country in.

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14 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Whatever, you can disagree all you want but the truth is


Here you go being a psychopath again. You're FUCKING WRONG ALMOST ALL OF THE TIME. What the fuck truth are you telling? You often are completely misinformed or underinformed about all of the points you make. You dont even fucking read your own sources FFS. But what you're saying is the truth right? See why it's hilarious you would accuse anyone of gaslighting? You sound like a delusional child. 



progressives like yourself are becoming a bigger minority with each passing day. Conservatives being against you is one thing, but more and more moderate Democrats and independents are waking to the absolute insanity that is progressive politics. It’s no surprise Biden’s presidency has been a complete failure considering that’s the direction he’s been trying to take the country in.


True progressives are always the minority. What you're doing is what you always do. Take your complete lack of knowledge of something, mix in your bias, and buzzwords you see on right wing websites. Which is why for all the shit you talk, it's always like two or three topics of outrage that you can barely articulate because you are looking to justify what a shitty person you by reverse engineering something a liberal did. Actual context, data, or history be damned. You know whats real and true because you're so damn special. 


You act like progressives suddenly fell out of flavor when historically progressives always rubbed the status quo the wrong way. It's easy to pretend you approve of previous cultural issues because they have become more acceptable but I would be my soul during the Civil Rights era you wouldn't be rooting for progress. You'd be wishing black people would be quiet and behave themselves. There is NO CULTURAL progression in US history that Conservatives supported. Conservatism is always about upholding the status quo. and the status quo is what spineless people like you prefer. You'd sign this country off to a racist corrupt businessman who is a credible sexual assaulter with a smile on your face, but BLM is the biggest boogeyman in your life. 


Oh, Dont think I didnt notice your lateral move over to Biden's approval numbers when you pretended to care about innocent deaths until that worked against you. Now you dont mention innocent lives lost due to partisan law making. Because you never actually gave a shit, you just thought it was solid ammo to use against the left. Again you use vague bullshit like "Insanity of progressive politics!" because pretty much anytime you go into a specific situation you end up being wrong. 




Oh, also here's an MLK quote regarding healthcare.



"Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhuman.”


So now that you're wrong about MLK, and he was way more "woke" than you thought he was. I assume he is now on your list of "loony lefties" 


*time out* Have to point out how fucking pathetic you say shit like "looney lefties" as it's probably someone you saw on Jeanine Perro or whatever. Like do you watch Fox News with your parents and shit or something? 


Ok, I'm done being petty after dunking on you again. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Ramza said:

News flash from Mr. Cuck, right wing conservatives cannot agree with or use MLK words because they are all white supremacists. 



Lol another idiot enters the chat and immediately makes his stupidity known. I've listed several actual valid points and none of them were accusations of racism. It's funny how you talk about your wife making you miserable when it's more likely you make her unhappy and that's why she's always on your case. 

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19 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol another idiot enters the chat and immediately makes his stupidity known. I've listed several actual valid points and none of them were accusations of racism. It's funny how you talk about your wife making you miserable when it's more likely you make her unhappy and that's why she's always on your case. 

Your thread is titled why I hate conservatives and then proceed to post two screenshots of Crowder about MLK, what a nice generalization. I haven't read anything you said to Twinblade and I don't care to. Your thread and opening post says everything, especially ''white supremacy changes but it's always around'' but I guess I must have imagined that as well. lol


If your gonna make dumb statements like that then you need to man up to what you just said. Not amount of spinning and damage control will change that.

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Your thread is titled why I hate conservatives and then proceed to post two screenshots of Crowder about MLK, what a nice generalization.

It's not really a generalization. Pretty much every single conservative talking head has spent the last 4 or 5 MLK days using their white washed, lite-version of MLK to use against and try to discredit modern day leftists. 


I will actually give Crowder credit for retroactively bashing MLK because that's exactly what they would do now and did say about him during his era. Conservatives hate everything he stands for but have to pretend he's a hero to them one day a year and in the most pervese manner possible. 



I haven't read anything you said to Twinblade and I don't care to.


Too bad, you would have learned something and might not have made a stupid response. 



Your thread and opening post says everything, especially ''white supremacy changes but it's always around'' but I guess I must have imagined that as well. lol


If your gonna make dumb statements like that then you need to man up to what you just said. Not amount of spinning and damage control will change that.


And that is a mistake on my part. I didn't go into weeds of white supremacy in this thread and instead focused on Healthcare, housing, economic development, and wars. But in my defense I also didn't just call all conservatives racist. That's more of your white aggrievement syndrome. 


So yes, I mentioned white supremacy in once sentence out of way way too many paragraphs and post. Congrats, you were right for once. How's it feel? 

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18 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

It's not really a generalization. Pretty much every single conservative talking head has spent the last 4 or 5 MLK days using their white washed, lite-version of MLK to use against and try to discredit modern day leftists. 


I will actually give Crowder credit for retroactively bashing MLK because that's exactly what they would do now and did say about him during his era. Conservatives hate everything he stands for but have to pretend he's a hero to them one day a year and in the most pervese manner possible. 



Too bad, you would have learned something and might not have made a stupid response. 



And that is a mistake on my part. I didn't go into weeds of white supremacy in this thread and instead focused on Healthcare, housing, economic development, and wars. 


So yes, I mentioned white supremacy in once sentence out of way way too many paragraphs and post. Congrats, you were right for once. How's it feel? 

If you think all whites on the right wing of the political spectrum can't see MLK as a genuine social hero and unifier then I don't know what to tell you. There's some hypocrites out there no doubt but that's just a small portion, to think otherwise is bordering on racism. I don't want to call you that but it comes off as such.

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

If you think all whites on the right wing of the political spectrum can't see MLK as a genuine social hero and unifier then I don't know what to tell you.


I would say it's the majority. King is glossed over in most curriculums. Most people only know about the bus boycotts and that one speech. Conservatives said the same things about him then as they do about BLM and "the left" now. 


I hadn't seen a bigger look at what his take on the broader issues until my 20s and most people never do. That in itself isn't their fault but that doesn't make it any less true. Twincel said MLK would be ashamed of the point system for vaxes but he wouldn't be by his own beliefs of the Healthcare system that hasnt gotten much better since. 


King said many times that equality would have certain unfavorable outcomes so it wasn't like he lived in some dream world where you can just yell "equality" and all is well like dumb ass Cucke thinks. 




There's some hypocrites out there no doubt but that's just a small portion, to think otherwise is bordering on racism. I don't want to call you that but it comes off as such.


And how is it not hypothetical to assume the opposite? Seeing as King had a favorable rating lower than GWB and Trump had and he was assassinated and the FBI tried to blackmailing him to commit suicide? 


Twincel keeps proclaiming he wants the return of police tactics deemed racist and unconstitutional so he and his hobbit family can go to the time Square Olive Garden. Yes, just like the great Dr King would have wanted. 


Twincel also thinks CRT will bring destruction to America even though his stupid ass doesn't even know what it is. Are any conversatives saying any positive about CRT? CRT actually covers alot of the historical governmental inconsistences that conservatives pretend don't exist. 


You think King would be in favor of the voter suppression moves of the Republicans? You claim that I am generalizing but no elected officials stand for what he preached, no influencial pundits, and no grassroots organizations, hell the conversatives on this site .sure as hell don't. So if there zero representation how am I supposed to conclude its how the majority of them feel? 


I love this place where white guys are constantly complaining about racism or the discrimination against white men are always so hesitant to acknowledge discrimination happens to other groups. 



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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I would say it's the majority. King is glossed over in most curriculums. Most people only know about the bus boycotts and that one speech. Conservatives said the same things about him then as they do about BLM and "the left" now. 


I hadn't seen a bigger look at what his take on the broader issues until my 20s and most people never do. That in itself isn't their fault but that doesn't make it any less true. Twincel said MLK would be ashamed of the point system for vaxes but he wouldn't be by his own beliefs of the Healthcare system that hasnt gotten much better since. 


King said many times that equality would have certain unfavorable outcomes so it wasn't like he lived in some dream world where you can just yell "equality" and all is well like dumb ass Cucke thinks. 




And how is it not hypothetical to assume the opposite? Seeing as King had a favorable rating lower than GWB and Trump had and he was assassinated and the FBI tried to blackmailing him to commit suicide? 


Twincel keeps proclaiming he wants the return of police tactics deemed racist and unconstitutional so he and his hobbit family can go to the time Square Olive Garden. Yes, just like the great Dr King would have wanted. 


Twincel also thinks CRT will bring destruction to America even though his stupid ass doesn't even know what it is. Are any conversatives saying any positive about CRT? CRT actually covers alot of the historical governmental inconsistences that conservatives pretend don't exist. 


You think King would be in favor of the voter suppression moves of the Republicans? You claim that I am generalizing but no elected officials stand for what he preached, no influencial pundits, and no grassroots organizations, hell the conversatives on this site .sure as hell don't. So if there zero representation how am I supposed to conclude its how the majority of them feel? 


I love this place where white guys are constantly complaining about racism or the discrimination against white men are always so hesitant to acknowledge discrimination happens to other groups. 



I don't want to go into details on how MLK would see current day issues and what his stance would be. You said it yourself anyway, most people are ignorant of how MLK would perceive these issues today so it has no real bearing on the discussion we're having.


I think most republicans in 2022 stands for racial justice and equality, the main message we got from King, to not judge your fellow man by his skin color. You think most conservatives disagree with such a notion and are a bunch of comic book villains actively planning the demise of other races in America? That's just nonsense, it's like you live in the 60s. 

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19 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I don't want to go into details on how MLK would see current day issues and what his stance would be. You said it yourself anyway, most people are ignorant of how MLK would perceive these issues today so it has no real bearing on the discussion we're having.


I think most republicans in 2022 stands for racial justice and equality, the main message we got from King, to not judge your fellow man by his skin color. You think most conservatives disagree with such a notion and are a bunch of comic book villains actively planning the demise of other races in America? That's just nonsense, it's like you live in the 60s. 

He basically implied that if republicans had their way we would be back to full on 1960s era segregation in which blacks were separated from the rest of the population and treated worse. Imagine being that delusional, this is a new low even by liquid’s standards.

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Just now, Twinblade said:

He basically implied that if republicans had their way we would be back to full on 1960s era segregation in which blacks were separated from the rest of the population and treated worse. Imagine being that delusional.

Probably got that idea from reading CRT. :lul: 

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21 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You two retards are peas in a pod. Twincel hasn't been right about anything in two years so that should give you some context as to where you stand. 

Can you stop with Twinblade for one second? You're obsessed, man.

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