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I can't believe the Beijing Olympics are still happening

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Like seriously? Has nobody been paying attention to the shit China has done lately?



- They unleashed COVID on the world and lied about it, contributing to a pandemic that has killed millions

- They 'disappeared' many of their own citizens that have disagreed with them or spoken against their regime, including Tennis player Peng Shuai who is still missing

- The ongoing Uyghur Genocide that is seeing many of them killed, others imprisoned in labor camps in horrible conditions, and their women undergoing forced sterilization.

- Their constant threats against Taiwan and refusal to acknowledge it as its own sovereign country.

- Their increased carbon emissions and contribution to climate change. they produce more CO2 than every other country on earth but somehow this hasn't riled up the lefties yet.


The IoC and athletes that are competing should really be ashamed of themselves.


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Please stop already. It's not that you're dumb as shit, its that you keep acting like we don't know how dumb you are. When you try to throw shade at "the left" you just sound like a child who learned a big word but keeps using it incorrectly. 


Conservatives LOVE capitalism, it's all they can talk about. Yet you guys always hate what it actually does, yet always blame the commy left for shit. The real reason China doesn't get held to the fire is that they make everyone's shit and industry is what pollutes more and damages the environment the most. 


The right doesn't even acknowledge fucking emissions or man made climate change so what the fuck are you even talking about? This isn't even gas lighting, it's absurd fiction. Aren't you the bitches whining about lefties not wanting everyone eating a hamburger with every meal?


Didn't your daddy Trump claim that windmills cause cancer by sound? One of the biggest and dumbest lies told in the history of the world? Well after his claim that people have to flush 15 times because of eco friendly toilets? When was the last time you had to flush any toilet 15 times? The Motherfucker is pro asbestos. 


All of the fake outrage the right has for China and being honest it ain't that much doesn't have shit to do with human rights as they don't give a shit about human rights in any country unless said nation can be a financial gain or a threat. 


You're ignorant in general but especially ignorant about "lefties" outside of Tucker Carlson monologs. It's iike people ask how are people stupid enough to be a part of QAnon but it's people like you that are so delusional and mean spirited that you convince yourself that bullshit makes sense or is real. You'll side with anyone that shares your grievances disguised as some moral threshold you've reached. 


This is all about you being worried videogames will be less and less sexually gratifying or some dumb shit. 

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14 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Please stop already. It's not that you're dumb as shit, its that you keep acting like we don't know how dumb you are. When you try to throw shade at "the left" you just sound like a child who learned a big word but keeps using it incorrectly. 


Conservatives LOVE capitalism, it's all they can talk about. Yet you guys always hate what it actually does, yet always blame the commy left for shit. The real reason China doesn't get held to the fire is that they make everyone's shit and industry is what pollutes more and damages the environment the most. 


The right doesn't even acknowledge fucking emissions or man made climate change so what the fuck are you even talking about? This isn't even gas lighting, it's absurd fiction. Aren't you the bitches whining about lefties not wanting everyone eating a hamburger with every meal?


Didn't your daddy Trump claim that windmills cause cancer by sound? One of the biggest and dumbest lies told in the history of the world? Well after his claim that people have to flush 15 times because of eco friendly toilets? When was the last time you had to flush any toilet 15 times? The Motherfucker is pro asbestos. 


All of the fake outrage the right has for China and being honest it ain't that much doesn't have shit to do with human rights as they don't give a shit about human rights in any country unless said nation can be a financial gain or a threat. 


You're ignorant in general but especially ignorant about "lefties" outside of Tucker Carlson monologs. It's iike people ask how are people stupid enough to be a part of QAnon but it's people like you that are so delusional and mean spirited that you convince yourself that bullshit makes sense or is real. You'll side with anyone that shares your grievances disguised as some moral threshold you've reached. 


This is all about you being worried videogames will be less and less sexually gratifying or some dumb shit. 


Of course, the one topic that everyone should be united on you manage to find a way to take China's side. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, as a communism loving progressive you can't help but be on the morally wrong side of everything (despite your constant virtue signaling).


Maybe you and your progressive buddies should move over there, Im sure they'd welcome you with open arms.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


Of course, the one topic that everyone should be united on you manage to find a way to take China's side. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, as a communism loving progressive you can't help but be on the morally wrong side of everything (despite your constant virtue signaling).


Maybe you and your progressive buddies should move over there, Im sure they'd welcome you with open arms.

Lol nice try. You're too stupid to gaslight anyone here other than Cuuke and Dynocuck. Nothing I said was a defense of China or Communism.


This is your one sad pivot move to avoid acknowledging how hypocritical, factually incorrect, and/ or disingenuous your statements are. To be honest with you, you're probably not even smart enough to be doing this as a tactic and it's just your bitch made coping mechanism. 


You only pretend to care about the environment, human rights issues, drone strikes, when you think you use it against the left and every time it backfires you do this stupid shit like you're fucking 7 years old. 


Lol "the one topic" 


How many fucking topics exist that "everyone should agree on" like kids shouldn't have to worry about being shot at school, kids shouldn't go hungry in a country with a food surplus, people should have clean running water in their homes in a fucking 21st century first world nation, rape victims shouldn't be forced to have their rapists' baby, health care shouldn't be for-profit, SOUND DOESN'T CANCER, PEOPLE  DON'T FLUSH THEIR TOILETS 15 FUCKING TIMES PER SITTING. You're such a dishonest little cunt you couldn't comment if you believe people flush 15 times. Fucking Trump would go on tirades about energy efficient lightbulbs. 


You defend people who made Rittenhouse their favorite hero for killing two people with a gun he shouldn't have had possession of, in a city he doesn't live in, but bullied a 15 year old girl for loving the environment too much. Those are the pro-environment people? 

You're a fucking clown. 





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