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CTV and other mainstream medias trying really hard to label the truckers convoy as extremists.

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

yeah i do.


I just proved you're a completely hypocrite regarding mass violence in canadian cities.


and you faked your outrage over BLM protests.


And you even said other Canadians in major cities would also be willing to commit violence over a fucking sports game.


How did you prove anything? Where have I condoned mass violence? Wtf are you even talking about? When the riots happened in Vancouver I made a thread about it and I was definitely not condoning it. It was fucking stupid and I was pissed off! Destroying shit over a fucking hockey game?  Lol no 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

How did you prove anything? Where have I condoned mass violence?

you condoned it when you felt that it was more acceptable than the people of Boston saying a racist word.


So, literally, you are saying that you accept mass violence on the streets of your city before accepting the people of Boston saying racist chants.


You literally placed a value on it.


And you said that other Canadian cities would behave the same exact way as Vancouver.


Over a fucking SPORTS game. You are literally saying that you understand people potentially having their lives at risk, because other people got upset over a fucking SPORTS game. Not only is it understandable, you think it would happen everywhere within Canada with their sports team.


That's condoning.

Edited by jehurey
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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

So we should only appoint female judges on charges of sexual harassment? Like a man cannot comprehend a woman being sexually assaulted is bad or that a white man cannot understand victims of racism? Lol? 


I know you're simple, but there is more gray area cases than just clear cut, flat out rape. Lol fucking christ. 

It doesn't even matter. I can only imagine the level of gaslighting and bullshit you put women through. 



2 hours ago, Ramza said:

You're the one being entitled here trying to shut me out of the discussion because I'm not black or from the US.


Lol no motherfucker, you appointing yourself the final word on what can be considered racist in a country you don't live in and have no experience with. Like how the fuck is this not getting through to you? It's bonkers that you seem to take offense or something lol.



2 hours ago, Ramza said:

You've repeated that notion like 10 times to me. I got your message, which is why I dropped out. You don't think I can bring anything tangible to the table because I didn't experience racism first hand so whatever.



Again, how does this sound foreign to you? What makes you at all qualified to express such a self-important attitude about this? It's fucking ridiculous that you're saying it over and over and it's still going over your head some how. 

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5 hours ago, jehurey said:

you condoned it when you felt that it was more acceptable than the people of Boston saying a racist word.


So, literally, you are saying that you accept mass violence on the streets of your city before accepting the people of Boston saying racist chants.


You literally placed a value on it.


And you said that other Canadian cities would behave the same exact way as Vancouver.


Over a fucking SPORTS game. You are literally saying that you understand people potentially having their lives at risk, because other people got upset over a fucking SPORTS game. Not only is it understandable, you think it would happen everywhere within Canada with their sports team.


That's condoning.

Now you're just lying 

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5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I know you're simple, but there is more gray area cases than just clear cut, flat out rape. Lol fucking christ. 

It doesn't even matter. I can only imagine the level of gaslighting and bullshit you put women through. 




Lol no motherfucker, you appointing yourself the final word on what can be considered racist in a country you don't live in and have no experience with. Like how the fuck is this not getting through to you? It's bonkers that you seem to take offense or something lol.




Again, how does this sound foreign to you? What makes you at all qualified to express such a self-important attitude about this? It's fucking ridiculous that you're saying it over and over and it's still going over your head some how. 

How is that an answer to my question? Lol I'm putting women through bullshit now apparently. You gonna call me a rapist next?


I don't need to have experienced racism to make a statement such as: isolated cases of racism =/= systematic racism. It's just common sense. I could say communism is bad and you'd be like but you never lived in a communist country, you don't know. Lol, you're ridiculous.


Don't worry, it's not like I'm trying to take anything from you. Sometime I get the impression you think I'm trying to claim there are no cases of racism in America or something. lol 

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:



I don't need to have experienced racism to make a statement such as: isolated cases of racism =/= systematic racism.

you literally use the "well I didn't know" excuse on this very forum when you start arguing about a subject that you are ignorant about.


if there's anybody here who needs to "experience" something because they're incapable of actually learning about it through knowledge or empathy, its you.


you are literally talking about things you don't know about, and you talk about them as if you are knowledgeable about it.............and you aren't.


The United States literally created the single most important federally-backed home mortgage loan program in the 1940's...............and.............we................excluded...........blacks from it.


It literally created the concept that is known as "the middle class" and white people could own homes in the suburbs (it literally created the concept known as "suburbs") throughout all of America.


And blacks couldn't get those some exact loans as whites. It literally gave whites the ability to afford to own a home, while it kept blacks renting and therefore never being able to pass down a wealth investment to their future generations.


Its literally as SYSTEMIC as it gets.

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

How is that an answer to my question? Lol I'm putting women through bullshit now apparently. You gonna call me a rapist next?


I specifically said harassment, not assault as one can be more murky than the other. Of course your caveman brain simply thinks rape which is something that is more black and white. 


I've been trying to find some angle to get your smoothbrain to understand some things aren't so binary. Many things men might not find that bothersome can be for women. 


Yet again we another republican politicians running for office who claims that women who get pregnant during a rape should feel like heros by having their rapists baby. I'm sure if men could get pregnant or have suffered a rape, they would have a bit of a different view on it. 


I'm not saying you would assault a woman but generally men who play the "my lady makes me miserable" card are assholes who make women unhappy and that misery is just a reflection of it. 


If you're even half as obtuse irl as you are in here, I genuinely feel bad for anyone in your personal life. 





I don't need to have experienced racism to make a statement such as: isolated cases of racism =/= systematic racism.


I already asked you when is something isolated and you never answered. Like you claim my situations were isolated, but they were also was wide spread enough that it went to the Supreme Court and found unconstitutional. It's almost like things are way more complex than you make them to be... Again. 




It's just common sense.


Lmfao uh huh. You're the common sense king Lmfao 



I could say communism is bad and you'd be like but you never lived in a communist country, you don't know. Lol, you're ridiculous.


Your type usually does and usually doesn't even know what it is. What's crazy is that you're not even humble enough to acknowledge you even slightly under informed or not familiar so there might be a some scopes you don't get. Nope, you're just the expert giving expert analysis. I'm fucking geeking at how cringe you are. 




Don't worry, it's not like I'm trying to take anything from you. Sometime I get the impression you think I'm trying to claim there are no cases of racism in America or something. lol 


Lol nope, you're just an idiotic asshole who is completely oblivious to how absurd you sound. Yes, you humbly admit there is some racism, but racism by your own internal racism index. Because you're the Racism Czar for a country you don't even live in and you decide what is racist or not. 


Like by your Ramza Race Index if you're eating dinner with 3 or 4 of your friends who are POC and some dude walks by and tells them to go back to their country, that's not racist on RRI. Lol 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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The headline is a hyperbole but a lot of interesting points mentioned. The "Liberal" party has become an authoritarian farce.


Can't wait for the Conservatives to regain power next-election. It can't come soon enough.

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On 2022-02-14 at 12:25 PM, Mr. Impossible said:


I specifically said harassment, not assault as one can be more murky than the other. Of course your caveman brain simply thinks rape which is something that is more black and white. 


I've been trying to find some angle to get your smoothbrain to understand some things aren't so binary. Many things men might not find that bothersome can be for women. 


Yet again we another republican politicians running for office who claims that women who get pregnant during a rape should feel like heros by having their rapists baby. I'm sure if men could get pregnant or have suffered a rape, they would have a bit of a different view on it. 


I'm not saying you would assault a woman but generally men who play the "my lady makes me miserable" card are assholes who make women unhappy and that misery is just a reflection of it. 


If you're even half as obtuse irl as you are in here, I genuinely feel bad for anyone in your personal life. 




I already asked you when is something isolated and you never answered. Like you claim my situations were isolated, but they were also was wide spread enough that it went to the Supreme Court and found unconstitutional. It's almost like things are way more complex than you make them to be... Again. 




Lmfao uh huh. You're the common sense king Lmfao 



Your type usually does and usually doesn't even know what it is. What's crazy is that you're not even humble enough to acknowledge you even slightly under informed or not familiar so there might be a some scopes you don't get. Nope, you're just the expert giving expert analysis. I'm fucking geeking at how cringe you are. 




Lol nope, you're just an idiotic asshole who is completely oblivious to how absurd you sound. Yes, you humbly admit there is some racism, but racism by your own internal racism index. Because you're the Racism Czar for a country you don't even live in and you decide what is racist or not. 


Like by your Ramza Race Index if you're eating dinner with 3 or 4 of your friends who are POC and some dude walks by and tells them to go back to their country, that's not racist on RRI. Lol 

Sexual harassment is pretty much a form of rape. Not sure why you're crying up a storm over the nuance here when I never said anything in particular about it. I'm pro abortion too so that kind of ridiculous statement is not something I would ever say or agree with, might be a shocker to you for being on the right and all but I always been pro choice. And just because I had a fallout in my relationship doesn't mean that I'm a bad partner. You have no idea what our relationship is like. You're grasping at straws and none of your ramblings still has relevancy to the question I asked you or your original argument.


It doesn't matter how widespread it is, that's racists being racists, not the system and governence of law. It's considered a form of hate crime in the eyes of the law, is it not? Jehurey brought a much better argument and it's not the first time I heard of it. I need to look more into it before saying anything.


Great hyperboles there, pal. I don't like the new divisive woke racial identity politics, if that and making the difference between the nuance between racism and systematics racism makes me the racist Czar in your eyes then so be it.


 Of course that's racist behavior but that's not systematic racism. :trump:



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51 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Look at the destruction the truckers have caused... :mroff:




oh...........they're trying to convince us that a Liquor store is more important than a deadly attack on our nation's capitol.


Speaking of these truckers.....what's your response to this?



The same convoy defaced the statue of Terry Fox.[3]



They desecrated and urinated on the War Memorial and the Tomb of the Unknown Solider while chanting freedom.[4]



Furthermore, the convoy repeatedly harassed an entire city and it's people. Besides the constant honking that left residents without a good night's rest for over a week, they went to a homeless shelter demanding to be fed while harassing staff.[5]



A protest that saw many of its members coming into stores without masks, looking for fights, insulting staff, and terrorizing locals that wore masks.[6]



They racially abused and physically assaulted an ice cream shop worker.[7]



They physically assaulted a resident who simply raised their camera while walking near the protesters.[8]


They assaulted healthcare workers, racially abused them, and threw rocks at ambulances in Ottawa.[9]



Moreover, the protest has spiraled towards violence. In Coutts, Alberta the RCMP arrested 13 protesters and seized guns.[10] Three have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder.[11]


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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Sexual harassment is pretty much a form of rape.


No, it's not. Like what is even your deal? Why is it impossible for you to acknowledge there's degrees to things. Complimenting a coworkers body is different than sexually assaulting them. How are you this fucking dense? 


2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Not sure why you're crying up a storm over the nuance here when I never said anything in particular about it. I'm pro abortion too so that kind of ridiculous statement is not something I would ever say or agree with, might be a shocker to you for being on the right and all but I always been pro choice. And just because I had a fallout in my relationship doesn't mean that I'm a bad partner. You have no idea what our relationship is like. You're grasping at straws and none of your ramblings still has relevancy to the question I asked you or your original argument.


No, you specifically talk about it like it's all on her and none of it is your fault. 


2 hours ago, Ramza said:


It doesn't matter how widespread it is, that's racists being racists, not the system and governence of law. It's considered a form of hate crime in the eyes of the law, is it not? Jehurey brought a much better argument and it's not the first time I heard of it. I need to look more into it before saying anything.


Great hyperboles there, pal. I don't like the new divisive woke racial identity politics, if that and making the difference between the nuance between racism and systematics racism makes me the racist Czar in your eyes then so be it.


 Of course that's racist behavior but that's not systematic racism. :trump:




Oooh I love those buzz words. It really makes you sound like you know what you're talking about. 

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:


The headline is a hyperbole but a lot of interesting points mentioned. The "Liberal" party has become an authoritarian farce.


Can't wait for the Conservatives to regain power next-election. It can't come soon enough.

lmfao It's interesting how Tucker Carlson (another racist btw) has become the conscience for you guys. 

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7 hours ago, jehurey said:

oh...........they're trying to convince us that a Liquor store is more important than a deadly attack on our nation's capitol.


Speaking of these truckers.....what's your response to this?









Who is they? And why are you talking about your nations capital?  

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8 hours ago, Cooke said:

Who is they? And why are you talking about your nations capital?  

why are you talking about protests that you have nothing to do with?


"they?" are the subject of this thread, sweetie.

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

why are you talking about protests that you have nothing to do with?


"they?" are the subject of this thread, sweetie.

answer my question honey

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18 hours ago, jehurey said:

oh...........they're trying to convince us that a Liquor store is more important than a deadly attack on our nation's capitol.


Speaking of these truckers.....what's your response to this?









lol defaced the terry fox statue.. defaced means something a little more permanent than a flag


this happened in vancouver yesterday. 




this is defacing a fucking statue you tit. What does the government or police do.. absolutely nothing, because they are antifa blm type people and thats OK for some reason. DO you condone this jehurey

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2 minutes ago, Cooke said:

lol defaced the terry fox statue.. defaced means something a little more permanent than a flag


this happened in vancouver yesterday. 




this is defacing a fucking statue you tit. What does the government or police do.. absolutely nothing, because they are antifa blm type people and thats OK for some reason. DO you condone this jehurey

what more violence from canadians?


so you just hurt your BLM argument.............you do know that, right?

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