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CTV and other mainstream medias trying really hard to label the truckers convoy as extremists.

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5 hours ago, Ramza said:

The left really hates the word freedom these days. I wonder why. :rofl: 


 Some of the core members that organized the convoy in Ottawa are white supremacists and are using propaganda such as "freedom" to galvanize support.




Its really incredible to see the complete 180 they've done since the BLM riots. Trump and the people who opposed them were racists, bigots, tyrants, etc despite all the damage and loss of life


But a peaceful trucker protest? Clearly they're all just a bunch of swastika waving fascists & insurrectionists


Trudeau literally asked if they should 'tolerate these people', which sounds eerily similar to 'I will tolerate no opposition', an actual quote from Hitler. Thats the ideology that the supposedly freedom loving democrats are siding with.



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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Or, you just find yourself constantly defending or siding with racist? 



The topic, nothing. Your personality, everything. Including how warped your mentality is. 



"good" is relative. 



What's radical about it? I ask this even though you've displayed complete ignorance about what you're talking about but I want to be entertained. 



I already did. You've displayed the same intellectual dishonesty,  and ignorance they have. You're definitely smarter than they are but thats like being able to jump higher than a baby can. 

You guys only accuses people of racism when you have no real arguments to counter the points that have been made. Like how I posed a Tucker Carlson clip and instead of making counter points, you go ''he's a racist'', as if it magically discredit everything that has been said about a topic that had nothing to do with race in the first place. lol


What's radical about telling children to see everything through the lens of racial/gender identity and not the content of their characters, you ask? :rofl:


I'll leave this one up to you.  



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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

You guys only accuses people of racism when you have no real arguments to counter the points that have been made.



No, you literally said that black people fighting for their rights was a divisive issue.


And that you are one the OTHER SIDE of the black people.


That is why people accuse you of being racist.


That is what you specifically said, correct? You are on the OTHER SIDE of black people protestor against police unfairly brutalizing them in America? Correct?

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

You guys only accuses people of racism when you have no real arguments to counter the points that have been made. Like how I posed a Tucker Carlson clip and instead of making counter points, you go ''he's a racist'', as if it magically discredit everything that has been said about a topic that had nothing to do with race in the first place. lol


Neither does claiming someone isn't racist because of your personal raceometer where only card carrying Klan members are racist. 




What's radical about telling children to see everything through the lens of racial/gender identity and not the content of their characters, you ask? :rofl:


I'll actually defer to JonB who shocked me with the simple but effective point that "if we did accept people for who they were the need for these things wouldn't exist." 


This is what I mean when I say that you're a selfish asshole. You only care about things that immediately fit your agenda or world view that doesn't extend beyond what you personally have to gain. 


You're a straight white guy in Canada so you don't care about these issues and that is fine. But shut the fuck up and sit down if you can't actually add anything to the conversation other than ignorant and selfish whining points. 


When you go to a barber do you go to one that went to school to learn about cutting hair or someone who has been to a barber shop so they assume they know what to do? 


Also you're a gaslighter. 




I'll leave this one up to you.  




It's been up to me. You haven't added anything of merit. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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13 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Neither does claiming someone isn't racist because of your personal raceometer where only card carrying Klan members are racist. 



I'll actually defer to JonB who shocked me with the simple but effective point that "if we did accept people for who they were the need for these things wouldn't exist." 


This is what I mean when I say that you're a selfish asshole. You only care about things that immediately fit your agenda or world view that doesn't extend beyond what you personally have to gain. 


You're a straight white guy in Canada so you don't care about these issues and that is fine. But shut the fuck up and sit down if you can't actually add anything to the conversation other than ignorant and selfish whining points. 


When you go to a barber do you go to one that went to school to learn about cutting hair or someone who has been to a barber shop so they assume they know what to do? 


Also you're a gaslighter. 



It's been up to me. You haven't added anything of merit. 

Nice hyperbole, again.


Huh, no. There are better ways to fight racism than teaching kids to judge people by the color of their skins and gender. 


You morons are ruining it, the old liberal way of teaching to accept and tolerate people who are different than you was the only way to go. It was working, slowly but surely. Now the rhetoric is divisive, hateful and causes more damage than good. America is more racist now than it was just a decade ago. The wokesters are breeding hate and division. 


You're the one who doesn't want to face reality and is content with keeping this charade going because it's from your side of your radicalized political spectrum.

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

No, you literally said that black people fighting for their rights was a divisive issue.


And that you are one the OTHER SIDE of the black people.


That is why people accuse you of being racist.


That is what you specifically said, correct? You are on the OTHER SIDE of black people protestor against police unfairly brutalizing them in America? Correct?

I never said that word by word, that's your own entangled perception, so no.


I don't agree with burning down neighborhoods in protests. Go ask the black and hispanic store owners who got sacked how they feel about the BLM riots. Are they racists too?


Lol, you're a moron.

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

I never said that word by word, that's your own entangled perception, so no.


I don't agree with burning down neighborhoods in protests. Go ask the black and hispanic store owners who got sacked how they feel about the BLM riots. Are they racists too?


Lol, you're a moron.

You got him good! 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Nice hyperbole, again.


Well going by your past judgments of what qualifies as racism, it isn't hyperbolic at all. 



1 hour ago, Ramza said:


Huh, no. There are better ways to fight racism than teaching kids to judge people by the color of their skins and gender. 


Yes, that is exactly what it is. Like this is the laziest lie I've ever seen. 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:


You morons are ruining it, the old liberal way of teaching to accept and tolerate people who are different than you was the only way to go. It was working, slowly but surely.


Yes, the old ways. The way we do everything in the 21st century. We do everything as slow as possible too. Lol you sound like a fucking moron pretending to be intelligent. 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Now the rhetoric is divisive, hateful and causes more damage than good. America is more racist now than it was just a decade ago. The wokesters are breeding hate and division. 


Yes, the Obama effect of creating racism by just existing. This makes a lot of sense. You're really killing it. Like for a person who as admitted multiple times to not knowing what CRT is, your ability to assign yourself qualified to pick it apart (again based on your ignorance of it) is genius. 


It's like watching someone like with a traumatic brain injury play chess against themself. 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:

You're the one who doesn't want to face reality and is content with keeping this charade going because it's from your side of your radicalized political spectrum.


Lol you just learned the world radical or something? 

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4 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Well going by your past judgments of what qualifies as racism, it isn't hyperbolic at all. 




Yes, that is exactly what it is. Like this is the laziest lie I've ever seen. 



Yes, the old ways. The way we do everything in the 21st century. We do everything as slow as possible too. Lol you sound like a fucking moron pretending to be intelligent. 



Yes, the Obama effect of creating racism by just existing. This makes a lot of sense. You're really killing it. Like for a person who as admitted multiple times to not knowing what CRT is, your ability to assign yourself qualified to pick it apart (again based on your ignorance of it) is genius. 


It's like watching someone like with a traumatic brain injury play chess against themself. 



Lol you just learned the world radical or something? 

Here comes the CRT white knight. No wonder why you keep bringing up my race.


Teaching tolerance takes time as it comes down to the next generation and the current generation in schools are screwed. Good job you woke progressive pricks. Amazing results so far. 👍


SEATTLE, WA – In the category of offense and ignorance, a Seattle-area school board is defending its use of racially segregated meetings to select a new superintendent because “non-white parents feel more comfortable “surrounded by other people similar to them.”


Fight racism with racism. 🤡


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23 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You got him good! 

Yeah because I really needed to bring up long thoughtful argument to someone who think that disagreeing with the means mean I'm against black people equal rights and actively working against them. Lol, get the fuck outta here. 

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Imagine if BLM supporter bank accounts were frozen and all their personal info released on Twitter and Twitter doing nothing to stop hacked information from being used.


Weird how the hunter biden laptop was worth censoring the NY Post, even though the laptop wasnt hacked. 


The hypocrisy continues to reach new levels of absurdity 

Edited by Cooke
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12 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Imagine if BLM supporter bank accounts were frozen and all their personal info released on Twitter and Twitter doing nothing to stop hacked information from being used.


Weird how the hunter biden laptop was worth censoring the NY Post, even though the laptop wasnt hacked. 


The hypocrisy continues to reach new levels of absurdity 


I read the story about the cafe owner who had to close her business because of all the threats she received over her $250 GiveSendGo donation. Its sickening that the media is targeting regular people like her and destroying their livelihoods because they decided to support a peaceful movement. That is just plain wrong regardless of anyone's political affiliation.

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This protest is getting ugly, tactical units armed with automatic weapons, huge amount of cops, 70 arrests so far, horses mounted police trampled people amid the chaos, the trucks are getting towed. 


All this because Trudeau isn't willing to listen or negotiate and prefer to act like a dictator. 


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54 minutes ago, Ramza said:

So fucking true. Andrew Scheer points out Trudeau hypocrisy some more. Natives blocked trains and trade just last-year and somehow that was acceptable.



He's a fucking joke. Oh and that woman the police horses trampled was a Mohawk nation elder. 

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5 minutes ago, Cooke said:

He's a fucking joke. Oh and that woman the police horses trampled was a Mohawk nation elder. 

Wow. Hope it backfires on him.


All this because he's too stubborn to even negotiate or present a plan of action to calm things down. Instead he resorts to typical progressive insults, use of authoritarian measures of force, violence and coercion by blocking their bank accounts, permits, etc. I couldn't even make this shit up in my wildest imagination, it blows my mind.

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