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CTV and other mainstream medias trying really hard to label the truckers convoy as extremists.

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

I'm anti government overreach. What propaganda does someone who wants less government follow? Propaganda usually comes from the government and parroted by the media. 



Yes, we know. All you defenders against Government overreach and big bad technocrats terms of services. 

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9 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:



LMFAO this is how little Fox News and right wing media treats their plebs. Just keep hating the left, even Russian dictators are better. 


Look at that shit, disgusting. 


Trump isn't in office anymore, so now Fox has become the propaganda wing for Putin. 

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I don’t agree with tucker there but it’s clear that we’re only in this situation because of Biden and his democrat stooges. He and Obama were in charge when Russia took Crimea and sparked a war that killed thousands, and they didn’t do shit about it. Now that Biden is Back Putin knows he basically has free reign to do whatever he wants, especially after the embarrassment that was the Afghanistan withdrawal. 
If that’s not enough you know damn well China is taking notes and trying to figure out how they can use Putin’s tactics to take Taiwan. 

When the U.S President is this weak and incompetent the effects have worldwide repercussions. Shit will only get worse from here on out. 

but hey at least the big bad orange man isn’t sending out mean tweets anymore.

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14 hours ago, Twinblade said:

I don’t agree with tucker there but it’s clear that we’re only in this situation because of Biden and his democrat stooges. He and Obama were in charge when Russia took Crimea and sparked a war that killed thousands, and they didn’t do shit about it.

What did Trump do with Putin?


Besides kiss his ass?


And you are quite wrong about Obama. The Magnitsky act introduced sanctions that absolutely hurt Russia.


You do understand that the whole scandal regarding Trump's people meeting with the Russian Lawyer was because she was requesting that the Magnitsky Act could be repealed, right?


You're a dumbass..............are you saying you want American troops to engage in combat with Russian troops.

That's a straightforward Yes or No question.

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6 hours ago, jehurey said:

What did Trump do with Putin?


Besides kiss his ass?


And you are quite wrong about Obama. The Magnitsky act introduced sanctions that absolutely hurt Russia.


You do understand that the whole scandal regarding Trump's people meeting with the Russian Lawyer was because she was requesting that the Magnitsky Act could be repealed, right?


You're a dumbass..............are you saying you want American troops to engage in combat with Russian troops.

That's a straightforward Yes or No question.


Biden literally just re-imposed Trump's sanctions on Nord Stream 2 that he removed last year, and was just one of the many moves that emboldened Putin and made him realize he had nothing to fear from Biden


But the reality is that sanctions are not going to do shit overall. Force needs to be met with force. It sucks because many people will die, but the only way to hit back Putin is to the exact thing that he doesn't expect, and thats a retaliation against invading Russian forces. That sends a very clear message that this type of invasion isn't tolerated. The risk of a full scale war is there, but I don't even think someone as deranged as Putin wants that. He just needs to be shown that there are consequences when he invades a sovereign country, or else he is just going to slowly chip away at the rest of europe and there will be more chaos and death in the long run. 


edit: Unfortunately most of EU's oil would be held hostage by Russia in the event of a conflict like that, so that's another issue entirely. The benefits of being energy independent can't be underestimated, much like we were before Brandon took over....



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Cooke and TB, I'm going to finally say it. You two need to stop being so lazy with your research. Jerry doesn't have an original idea in his head. All he does is parrot DNC talking points he hears on CNN and MSNBC. He's also clinically retarded. You should be running rings around him. 


Like this idiocy:


9 hours ago, jehurey said:

What did Trump do with Putin?


Besides kiss his ass?




- When Russia broke the INF Treaty by developing new intermediate range missiles, Obama attempted to persuade them to stop, they refused, and he did nothing. When Trump took office, he countered Russia by developing mobile ground-launched missiles as the fgt Dems howled that he was breaking the INF Treaty too.


- When Syria crossed Obama's red line, Obama denied ever setting one and slapped light sanctions on Russia. Ben Rhodes later admitted the Administration didn't want to antagonize Russia and risk jeopardizing their Iran nuke deal, which we now know Iran was cheating on all along (who could've guessed). When Trump was in office and Syria once again used chemical weapons, Trump immediately bombed Syrian and Russian forces in Syria, while the fgt Dems whined that he should've sought Congressional approval first.


- Wimp Obama refused to provide lethal arms to Ukraine even after Russia stole Crimea. Trump said fuck that and gave them the arms.


- When Russia refused to honor the Minsk agreements, Trump expanded the Obama sanctions. When Russia responded by kicking out US diplomats, Trump comically thanked Russia for helping the US cut down its diplomatic payroll, and then kicked out more Russian diplomats and shut down multiple Russia facilities in the US.


- When Russia tried to blackmail Europe over its dependence on Russian energy, Trump increased US energy production and cut deals with countries like Ukraine and Poland to free them from Russian energy dependence.


- And of course, Trump tried to stop Nordstream 2 from coming online by placing sanctions on it.


Meanwhile Hillary and the DNC, in the slimiest political hitjob in modern US history, tried to frame Trump as a Russian asset, thereby hurting the US' ability to act effectively on the world stage. Absolute revolting traitors who deserve to rot in jail. Make it happen President Desantos.

Then there's the barely sentient cabbage currently sitting in the Whitehouse who's fucked up our foreign policy at every turn.


You commie faggots suck at everything you do.  :camby:

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11 minutes ago, Saucer said:


- When Russia broke the INF Treaty by developing new intermediate range missiles, Obama attempted to persuade them to stop, they refused, and he did nothing. When Trump took office, he countered Russia by developing mobile ground-launched missiles as the fgt Dems howled that he was breaking the INF Treaty too.


So, in other words...........Trump did nothing either and both sides regressed, which means the program failed entirely.


Was that supposed to be a BOAST of some sort?


You listing an entire program failing?????????????


11 minutes ago, Saucer said:


- When Syria crossed Obama's red line, Obama denied ever setting one and slapped light sanctions on Russia. Ben Rhodes later admitted the Administration didn't want to antagonize Russia and risk jeopardizing their Iran nuke deal, which we now know Iran was cheating on all along (who could've guessed). When Trump was in office and Syria once again used chemical weapons, Trump immediately bombed Syrian and Russian forces in Syria, while the fgt Dems whined that he should've sought Congressional approval first.


No, Iran wasn't cheating all along.


Post your source for this.


And no, Trump notified Syria hours before on where they are bombing, and they bombed an empty airfield, and destroyed no aircraft.


The airfield was back in use by that weekend.


In fact, it was so effective....................Assad used chemical weapons a SECOND TIME during Trump's tenure. LOL you literally typed that, as well.


And, then Trump ordered US forced back in northern Syria, and abandon the Kurds, to let Assad and Russian squeeze that entire area, where there were women and children.


Wow...........you, uh...............left ALOT OUT when it comes to Trump and Syria.


11 minutes ago, Saucer said:


- Wimp Obama refused to provide lethal arms to Ukraine even after Russia stole Crimea. Trump said fuck that and gave them the arms.


You are literally peddling a Trump/Fox News talking point.


I love how you tried to slip the word "lethal" in there as your qualifier:



During a joint press conference Wednesday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Donald Trump took a shot at former President Barack Obama, claiming that while the Trump administration provided Ukraine with “anti-tank busters,” Obama simply sent “pillows and sheets.”

Facts First: Trump is being hyperbolic here. While the Obama administration was criticized for its refusal to provide lethal assistance to Ukraine, it did provide more than $100 million in security assistance, as well as a significant amount of defense and military equipment.


By March 2015, the US had committed more than $120 million in security assistance for Ukraine and had pledged an additional $75 million worth of equipment including UAVs, counter-mortar radars, night vision devices and medical supplies, according to the Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency.

That assistance also included some 230 armored Humvee vehicles.




- When Russia refused to honor the Minsk agreements, Trump expanded the Obama sanctions. When Russia responded by kicking out US diplomats, Trump comically thanked Russia for helping the US cut down its diplomatic payroll, and then kicked out more Russian diplomats and shut down multiple Russia facilities in the US.

No he didn't


he didn't sign those sanctions into law. He allowed the time period to pass for them to become law.

Congress was the one who passed those sanctions.


Holy shit............I caught you in a full blown lie with this one.:lawl:



When Russia tried to blackmail Europe over its dependence on Russian energy, Trump increased US energy production and cut deals with countries like Ukraine and Poland to free them from Russian energy dependence.

LOL Biden is already doing that now. Except this time he's gotten Germany to cut off the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.


Did Trump accomplish that?????????



- And of course, Trump tried to stop Nordstream 2 from coming online by placing sanctions on it.

:lawl::lawl::lawl::lawl::lawl: yup, you ran out of gas there.



Meanwhile Hillary and the DNC, in the slimiest political hitjob in modern US history, tried to frame Trump as a Russian asset,

No she didn't


Explain your theory.


Did Hillary cause Paul Manafort to give internal GOP polling data to Kostantin Kolminik? Head Russian GRU agent????

During the 2016 election?????



You commie faggots suck at everything you do.  :camby:

Its funny how you don't even know what a commie is, even though authoritarians like you share more in common with them than liberals do.


you also share more in common with faggets, as well, for that matter.

Edited by jehurey
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12 minutes ago, jehurey said:

So, in other words...........Trump did nothing either and both sides regressed, which means the program failed entirely.


Matching Russia measure-for-measure is the opposite of doing nothing, you retarded pathological liar.


12 minutes ago, jehurey said:

No, Iran wasn't cheating all along.


Post your source for this.




"With the ink barely dry on the deal between the U.S. and Iran to prevent the Islamic Republic from securing nuclear weapons, a new German intelligence document charges that Iran continues to flout the agreement.


Germany’s domestic intelligence agency said in its annual report that Iran has a “clandestine” effort to seek illicit nuclear technology and equipment from German companies “at what is, even by international standards, a quantitatively high level.” The findings by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Germany’s equivalent of the FBI, were issued in a 317-page report last week.


Merkel said Iran is actively seeking missile and nuclear technology, and that NATO must guard against attack by the Islamic Republic.

Merkel said Iran is actively seeking missile and nuclear technology, and that NATO must guard against attack by the Islamic Republic. (Reuters)


German Chancellor Angela Merkel underscored the findings in a statement to parliament, saying Iran violated the United Nations Security Council’s anti-missile development regulations.

“Iran continued unabated to develop its rocket program in conflict with the relevant provisions of the UN Security Council,” Merkel told the Bundestag."



16 minutes ago, jehurey said:

And no, Trump notified Syria hours before on where they are bombing, and they bombed an empty airfield, and destroyed no aircraft.


All you do is lie.


Trump notified Russia, not Syria, the US Defense Department stated the missile attack severely damaged or destroyed 20 planes, and even Russia who tried to downplay the damage said it destroyed 6 planes.


All you do is lie.


And that's more than Obama did.


25 minutes ago, jehurey said:

I love how you tried to slip the word "lethal" in there as your qualifier


The entire debate was over giving Ukraine lethal weapons, you retard. No one debated giving them helmets.


Go clean your room, Stinky. 



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Now that Jerry got vaporized he'll try to get on the sperg-go-round and bore everyone to death.


Jer, go do your long-suffering parents a favor and set yourself on fire. Just make sure to do it in an open field so no one gets overwhelmed by the stench.

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Just now, Saucer said:


Matching Russia measure-for-measure is the opposite of doing nothing, you retarded pathological liar.





"With the ink barely dry on the deal between the U.S. and Iran to prevent the Islamic Republic from securing nuclear weapons, a new German intelligence document charges that Iran continues to flout the agreement.


Germany’s domestic intelligence agency said in its annual report that Iran has a “clandestine” effort to seek illicit nuclear technology and equipment from German companies “at what is, even by international standards, a quantitatively high level.” The findings by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Germany’s equivalent of the FBI, were issued in a 317-page report last week.


Merkel said Iran is actively seeking missile and nuclear technology, and that NATO must guard against attack by the Islamic Republic.

Merkel said Iran is actively seeking missile and nuclear technology, and that NATO must guard against attack by the Islamic Republic. (Reuters)


German Chancellor Angela Merkel underscored the findings in a statement to parliament, saying Iran violated the United Nations Security Council’s anti-missile development regulations.

“Iran continued unabated to develop its rocket program in conflict with the relevant provisions of the UN Security Council,” Merkel told the Bundestag."






So, you even admit to posting a Fox news article:drake:

And the report is: they TRIED.


So in other words................they didn't have an actual nuclear enrichment program in place at the time of the treaty.


Do you actually sit and think about what you are posting?


LOL, this story only existed on right-wing news outlets,



“More generally, the IAEA has reported that Iran continues to implement its nuclear-related commitments under the deal,” he added. “We understand that Germany shares this view and is not suggesting that Iran has violated its JCPOA commitments … We have no indication that they are violating the deal, and the deal has never been about trust, it’s never been about spirit it’s never been about how we feel about Iran, it’s about them meeting their commitments and they are meeting theirs and we are meeting ours…this is not about touchy feely.”

All of this one just ONE intelligence report, not corroborated anywhere else.


6 minutes ago, Saucer said:


Matching Russia measure-for-measure is the opposite of doing nothing, you retarded pathological liar.




No, its a complete abandonment of the program, with no chance to restart it.


It is a FAILURE, simple as that.

Trump gives Putin back a bargaining chip that he can now play.


You really don't know anything............or you're spinning this as hard as you can as some sort of strategic victory.  Which it isn't


Speaking of Iran.................what did Trump do about EXPLOSIONS GOING OFF ON OUR AMERICAN SOLDIERS BASE.


Upwards of 100 soldiers injured?


Our soldiers.




At our own base, in their own barracks?


And Trump didn't respond, correct?


8 minutes ago, Saucer said:




Trump notified Russia, not Syria,



Ah so Trump and the US Military looks even MORE like a cuck?


8 minutes ago, Saucer said:




Trump notified Russia, not Syria, the US Defense Department stated the missile attack severely damaged or destroyed 20 planes





None of them in active service. The removed those from the base with the ample time they had.


10 minutes ago, Saucer said:




And that's more than Obama did.




No, Obama literally put boots on the ground to protect our allies in Northern Syria.


Trump abandoned them, and left them to die, correct?


11 minutes ago, Saucer said:



The entire debate was over giving Ukraine lethal weapons, you retard. No one debated giving them helmets.



No, that's your own personal qualifier that you (and Trump) tried to add to try and make Obama look bad.


And you're still downplaying it now, even though I gave you a detailed rundown of the military equipment.


Not to mention that Trump wanted to remove our VERY OWN anti-missile system in South Korea because he wanted to do a mob shakedown from the South Koreans, even though the missile protection system is to reduce reaction time for protectiong OUR OWN coastline from an attack in North Korea.


Oh..............and under which presidency did North Korea suddenly make massive progress in developing and testing intercontinental ballistic missiles?


You really wanna play this game sweetie?


Because I'm going to give you High School flashbacks of those cholos slapping the everloving shit out of you.  Except I'll be doing it with factual news headlines of Trump's failures.

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1 minute ago, Saucer said:

Now that Jerry got vaporized he'll try to get on the sperg-go-round and bore everyone to death.


Jer, go do your long-suffering parents a favor and set yourself on fire. Just make sure to do it in an open field so no one gets overwhelmed by the stench.

He tried to escape out of this thread.


It didn't work.

Edited by jehurey
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5 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Biden literally just re-imposed Trump's sanctions on Nord Stream 2 that he removed last year, and was just one of the many moves that emboldened Putin and made him realize he had nothing to fear from Biden


But the reality is that sanctions are not going to do shit overall. Force needs to be met with force. It sucks because many people will die, but the only way to hit back Putin is to the exact thing that he doesn't expect, and thats a retaliation against invading Russian forces. That sends a very clear message that this type of invasion isn't tolerated. The risk of a full scale war is there, but I don't even think someone as deranged as Putin wants that. He just needs to be shown that there are consequences when he invades a sovereign country, or else he is just going to slowly chip away at the rest of europe and there will be more chaos and death in the long run. 


edit: Unfortunately most of EU's oil would be held hostage by Russia in the event of a conflict like that, so that's another issue entirely. The benefits of being energy independent can't be underestimated, much like we were before Brandon took over....



Lol this cringe lord legit calls Biden, "Brandon"


Forever alone 

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2 hours ago, jehurey said:

And the report is: they TRIED.


Cheating isn't cheating unless it's successful?  That's exactly the moral argument I'd expect from Team Worm. :D


2 hours ago, jehurey said:

No, its a complete abandonment of the program, with no chance to restart it.


Trump gives Putin back a bargaining chip that he can now play.


It was a treaty, not a program, Corky, and what a stupid argument. If there's no chance to restart the treaty, then no one can use it as a bargaining chip. Christ you're dumb. 


Meanwhile Obama encouraged Putin to cheat further by not penalizing him for violating the treaty. Trump deterred further cheating by finally penalizing him for it.


2 hours ago, jehurey said:

Ah so Trump and the US Military looks even MORE like a cuck?


Why'd you like about Trump notifying Syria? :pavarotti:


2 hours ago, jehurey said:

None of them in active service.


Why did you like about no planes being destroyed? :pavarotti:


2 hours ago, jehurey said:

No, that's your own personal qualifier that you (and Trump) tried to add to try and make Obama look bad.


Even that bug-eyed weirdo Schiff for Brains pushed Obama to give Ukraine lethal aid.






2 hours ago, jehurey said:

Not to mention that Trump wanted to remove our VERY OWN anti-missile system in South Korea because he wanted to do a mob shakedown from the South Koreans


And now you're trying to change the subject.  :pavarotti:


Also leave it to the jobless loser who doesn't pay taxes to argue that South Korea shouldn't pay its fair share for its own self-defense and instead the US tax payers should foot the bill. :pavarotti:


Also LOL at you going back and editing you first post to put in more smilies and more arguments because you knew your original post came off wimpy. :pavarotti:



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I have another hour to kill so it's time to read the edits Jerry made to his wimpy first response to butch it up. I'm that bored.

4 hours ago, jehurey said:

No he didn't


he didn't sign those sanctions into law. He allowed the time period to pass for them to become law.

Congress was the one who passed those sanctions.


Holy shit............I caught you in a full blown lie with this one.:lawl:


LOL wrong sanctions, Corky. These ones:


As news broke Friday that former British spy Sergei Skripal was no longer in critical condition, the Trump Administration announced they were issuing sanctions against 7 Russian oligarchs and 12 of their companies, 17 senior Russian government officials, a state-owned weapons trading company and a subsidiary bank related to that weapons company.




The new sanctions are “not in response to any single event,” a senior administration official said. Rather, they are “in response to the totality of the Russian government’s ongoing and increasingly brazen pattern of malign activities across the world.”


Specifically, administration officials called attention to aggressive Russian actions in annexing Crimea, their support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and  — “most importantly”  — Russia’s continued attempts to subvert western democracies.



The problem with being a retard who debates ad hoc using Google like you do is that you have no idea what your blind spots are. :pavarotti:


4 hours ago, jehurey said:

LOL Biden is already doing that now.


After Putin invaded LOL! If the cabbage-headed fool hadn't continuously signaled to Putin that he was soft on Russian aggression, things may very well have played out differently. Instead he killed the Nordstream 2 sanctions, gave Putin a list of US infrastructure not to target with cyberattacks signaling it was sorta okay to hit everything else, and then telling him it was sorta okay to do incursions into Ukraine as long it wasn't a full-blown invasion. How stupid can you be? Well we have you to set that bar I guess.


4 hours ago, jehurey said:

Explain your theory.


It's established fact that Hillary and the DNC paid a foreign agent to compile the Steele Dossier using Russian agents as sources to frame Trump as a Russian stodge. 


I hope that drunken hag burns in Hell. :love:


Jesus Jer, those edits you made didn't help your cause at all. :pavarotti:


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