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CTV and other mainstream medias trying really hard to label the truckers convoy as extremists.

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KT MCFARLAND: The single most important thing that President Biden can do, forget the sanctions and all the others he could… tell the American people, I am reopening the American energy industry. In fact, Providence has given us the greatest stockpile and supplies of oil and natural gas of any other region in the world. I'm going to open that up, and then he could go to the Germans and the Europeans and say, I'm going to give you energy security. Buy cheap, clean American natural gas. Forget about the Russians. He could then go to the Asians and say, I'm going to supply you with energy as well. Not only would that take away the leverage of Russia and China, it would also drive the prices of energy down and bankrupt Russia. They need high revenues from oil, or they can't pay for anything else. 


This is exactly what the previous administration was working towards and this lady summed it up perfectly in a single paragraph. This is what should happen ASAP but unfortunately its not going to because it would disembowel Biden's pitiful climate agenda.

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4 hours ago, Saucer said:



they told russia and looked like an even worse cuck.


you do know that this conversation was about russia, right?


and they told them, with the explicit knowledge that Russia is going to tell Assad.


Wow, you actually think this is a winning talking point for you?



Cheating isn't cheating unless it's successful?  That's exactly the moral argument I'd expect from Team Worm. :D

And failure isn't failure unless they actually do something to break the treaty.


You just tried to give Trump credit to stopped Nord Stream 2.........for TRYING:lawl:


It was a treaty, not a program, Corky, and what a stupid argument. If there's no chance to restart the treaty, then no one can use it as a bargaining chip. Christ you're dumb. 

Yes, absolutely they can.


And the treaty completely fell apart under Trump.


And then they gave our nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia. Just amazing work, all around.


How did they deter "further cheating"


Russia almost certainly assisted North Korea with them progressing their nuclear program and intercontinental missile program.


I love how you pretended to not see that when I brought that up.


So, to recap, under Trump, Russia proceeded to accelerate their nuclear build-up, and Trump allowed Saudi Arabia and North Korea to get in, as well.


Why'd you like about Trump notifying Syria? :pavarotti:

But they did essentially notify Syria, by telling Russia.


DO you think semantics is going to help you at this point?


Even that bug-eyed weirdo Schiff for Brains pushed Obama to give Ukraine lethal aid.





The wording of the letter is crafted by the majority party of that committee, which are Republcians.


Nice try, didn't work.



And now you're trying to change the subject.  :pavarotti:


No, we are talking about the Trump white house committing foreign policy blunders that put the US and the rest of the world at more risk.


And then you accuse me of trying to change the topic, when you then proceed to try and change it over to me, which is already something you've tried multiple times.


So you don't have an answer for Trump literally trying to screw our own anti-missile program, because he's THAT STUPID that he was almost single-handedly responsible for the United States response time to a North Korean missile launch



From Bob Woodward's book, Fear:


North Korea ICBM missiles  now had the capability to carry a nuclear weapon, perhaps to the American homeland. A missile from North Korea would take 18 minutes to reach Los Angeles.


These programs enabled the United States to detect an ICBM launch in North Korea within seven seconds. The equivalent capability in Alaska took 15 minutes--an astonishing time differential.


The ability to detect a launch in seven seconds would the United States military the time to shoot down a North Korean missile. It is perhaps the most important and most secret operation in the United States government. The American presence in South Korea represents the essence of national security.


Withdraw from the KORUS trade agreement, which South Korea deemed essential to its economy, could lead to an unraveling of the entire relationship. [Trump White House advisor Gary] Cohn could not believe that President Trump would risk losing vital intelligence assets crucial to U.S. national security.




Despite almost daily reports of chaos and discord in the White House, the public did not know how bad the internal situation actually was. Trump was always shifting, rarely fixed, erratic. He would get in a bad mood, something large or small would infuriate him, and he would about the KORUS trade agreement, "We're withdrawing today."


But now there was the letter, dated September 5, 2017, a potential trigger to a national security catastrophe. Cohn was worried Trump would sign the letter if he saw it.


Cohn removed the letter draft from the Resolute Desk. He placed it in a blue folder marked "KEEP."


"I stole it off his desk," he later told an associate. "I wouldn't let him see it. He's never going to see that document. Got to protect the country."


Try finding an example of Obama wanting to commit a blunder so huge that the own members of his White House literally have to commit such things to trick him from doing the right thing.  C'mon, try finding some that equals this. I'll wait.















Gee, I wonder why that is.

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3 hours ago, Saucer said:

I have another hour to kill so it's time to read the edits Jerry made to his wimpy first response to butch it up. I'm that bored.


LOL wrong sanctions, Corky. These ones:


As news broke Friday that former British spy Sergei Skripal was no longer in critical condition, the Trump Administration announced they were issuing sanctions against 7 Russian oligarchs and 12 of their companies, 17 senior Russian government officials, a state-owned weapons trading company and a subsidiary bank related to that weapons company.




The new sanctions are “not in response to any single event,” a senior administration official said. Rather, they are “in response to the totality of the Russian government’s ongoing and increasingly brazen pattern of malign activities across the world.”


Specifically, administration officials called attention to aggressive Russian actions in annexing Crimea, their support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and  — “most importantly”  — Russia’s continued attempts to subvert western democracies.



The problem with being a retard who debates ad hoc using Google like you do is that you have no idea what your blind spots are. :pavarotti:


Except Trump did not introduce any new sanctions. Those already existed and were authorized under the Magnitsky Act.


And which presidency did the Magnitsky act was created under?


That's the beauty of a lying racist such as yourself..............you try to bury the lede, and give credit to the white guy.:drake:


And this occurred AFTER he didn't sign the congressional bill.


And the congressional bill sanctioned MORE Russians.:lawl:You've completely failed with this one.


After Putin invaded LOL!

So Trump failed, then. Right?


I love how you try and move goalpost.


Trump could not convince Germany to cut off Nord Stream 2.


Biden did.


Did you honestly think you were going to be able to talk around that?


The whole point of doing it now, is so that Russia faces immediate consequence. Not to mention that the U.S. and Germany probably needed time to coordinate and store sufficient supply for them to endure through the winter.


Something Trump wouldn't have been able to coordinate with Germany/Merkel.


Then again, a more logical question would be why was Trump treating Angela Merkel as his enemy, when she was the biggest opposer of Putin during those four years.  Gee, I wonder why don't bring that up.


3 hours ago, Saucer said:



It's established fact that Hillary and the DNC paid a foreign agent to compile the Steele Dossier using Russian agents as sources to frame Trump as a Russian stodge. 



No, Republican groups paid for Fusion GPS to begin compiling the Steele Dossier.

Sweetie, I've already bitchslapped you on this topic already, and caught you lying.


You're lying and burying the lede...............again.


You know that Republicans paid Fusion GPS to begin compiling what is now known as the Steele Dossier.


Fusion GPS was already receiving those payments, and Fusion GPS notified those Republicans of whom they were bringing in to compile the dossier.


Nice try. Didn't work back then. Doesn't work now.


Once again...............can you explain Trump 2016 Presidential Campaign Manager Paul Manafort PHYSICALLY HANDING OVER internal GOP polling information to head Russian GRU Agent Konstantin Kilminik during the middle of the 2016 election, in which our U.S. Intelligence agencies later said that Russia interfered with?


Explain to me how that does make Trump look like he's a Russian stooge?


Are you going to pretend to avoid this again, a third time???????????????

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On 2022-02-23 at 8:36 AM, Goukosan said:


Look at that shit, disgusting. 


Trump isn't in office anymore, so now Fox has become the propaganda wing for Putin. 



Putin ain't woke! Unsexy candy is just how the year started, buckle in. Lol these fucking ghouls are celebrating his intolerance of the queer community lol. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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20 hours ago, Saucer said:

Cooke and TB, I'm going to finally say it. You two need to stop being so lazy with your research. Jerry doesn't have an original idea in his head. All he does is parrot DNC talking points he hears on CNN and MSNBC. 


At least you finally got one thing right, Cooke and Twinblade are intellectually lazy.  They don't do any research besides Google a headline and not such much as even read the article or sources. 


The other reason they can't run circles around a snail or punch their way out of a paper bag is that all their opinions are formed from OAN, Fox news, daily mail and the like... They know nothing beyond what they have been told to think. :sabu:

  • Haha 1
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14 hours ago, jehurey said:

they told russia and looked like an even worse cuck.


You're not answering the questions, coward. The sperg-go-round can't save you. :pavarotti:


Why did you lie about the US about telling Syria about the attack and no planes being destroyed? 



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40 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


At least you finally got one thing right, Cooke and Twinblade are intellectually lazy.  They don't do any research besides Google a headline and not such much as even read the article or sources. 


The other reason they can't run circles around a snail or punch their way out of a paper bag is that all their opinions are formed from OAN, Fox news, daily mail and the like... They know nothing beyond what they have been told to think. :sabu:


You're black, Pot. Black. You're far more intellectually lazy than Cooke (not sure about TB's politics).  


Like Jerry all you do is parrot DNC talking points you hear on CNN and MSNBC, and you never go off the DNC reservation. I've never heard an original idea from either one of you. Arguing with you two is literally like arguing with spam-quality DNC bots. You have no minds of your own. :umad:

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48 minutes ago, Saucer said:


You're black, Pot. Black. You're far more intellectually lazy than Cooke (not sure about TB's politics).  


Like Jerry all you do is parrot DNC talking points you hear on CNN and MSNBC, and you never go off the DNC reservation. I've never heard an original idea from either one of you. Arguing with you two is literally like arguing with spam-quality DNC bots. You have no minds of your own. :umad:


I've served you so many Ls that you resorted to strait up posting disingenuous shit (because you were getting curb stomped).. Caught your ass... Then you drop it and tried to change the topic with a random straw man.. Rinse and repeat. 



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6 hours ago, Saucer said:


You're not answering the questions, coward. The sperg-go-round can't save you. :pavarotti:


Why did you lie about the US about telling Syria about the attack and no planes being destroyed? 



He's now avoided all the things I've asked about him, and he's clinging on to the only detail about my response that he could find a flaw.


And he's portraying it as if me saying Syria instead of Russia was an attempt to "lie".

Even though this topic is who is more of a cuck for Russia.................and him correcting me makes Trump look like more of a cuck.


Trump telling Russia, who was going to tell Syria.................is the same as telling Syria.


And it makes Trump look like a cuck for Russia.


There's no way he's getting out of that. He seems to think he's got me in checkmate. LOL




Lets list the things you have avoided answering:

  • Except Trump did not introduce any new sanctions. Those already existed and were authorized under the Magnitsky Act.


    And which presidency did the Magnitsky act was created under?

  • Trump could not convince Germany to cut off Nord Stream 2.


    Biden did.

  • Then again, a more logical question would be why was Trump treating Angela Merkel as his enemy, when she was the biggest opposer of Putin during those four years.  Gee, I wonder why you don't bring that up.

  • Republican groups paid for Fusion GPS to begin compiling the Steele Dossier.


    You're lying and burying the lede...............again.


    You know that Republicans paid Fusion GPS to begin compiling what is now known as the Steele Dossier.


    Fusion GPS was already receiving those payments, and Fusion GPS notified those Republicans of whom they were bringing in to compile the dossier.

  • can you explain Trump 2016 Presidential Campaign Manager Paul Manafort PHYSICALLY HANDING OVER internal GOP polling information to head Russian GRU Agent Konstantin Kilminik during the middle of the 2016 election, in which our U.S. Intelligence agencies later said that Russia interfered with?


    Explain to me how that doesn't make Trump look like he's a Russian stooge?

  • How did they deter "further cheating"?


    Russia almost certainly assisted North Korea with them progressing their nuclear program and intercontinental missile program.


    So, to recap, under Trump, Russia proceeded to accelerate their nuclear build-up, and Trump allowed Saudi Arabia and North Korea to get in, as well.

  • The wording of the letter is crafted by the majority party of that committee, which are Republcians.


    Nice try, didn't work.

  • So you don't have an answer for Trump literally trying to screw our own anti-missile program, because he's THAT STUPID that he was almost single-handedly responsible for the United States response time to a North Korean missile launch



    From Bob Woodward's book, Fear:

    Cohn removed the letter draft from the Resolute Desk. He placed it in a blue folder marked "KEEP."


    "I stole it off his desk," he later told an associate. "I wouldn't let him see it. He's never going to see that document. Got to protect the country."

  • Try finding an example of Obama wanting to commit a blunder so huge that the own members of his White House literally have to commit such things to trick him from doing the right thing.  C'mon, try finding some that equals this. I'll wait.















    Gee, I wonder why that is.


Are you aware that this is the biggest bitchslapping I've administered to you thus far in the entire 17 years I've been on this forum?


And I've administered some massive bitchslaps to you before, but you are absolutely crumbling here.


Because you somehow thought "YEAH...........I'm gonna run into this thread to prove that Trump wasn't a Russian lapdog for Putin, but rather Obama"


Like..............what type of delusional hatred must you have in order to rush into argument and take a position so bad, you already know you can't win?  How strong must your HATE be for black people and liberals in order for you to actually attempt this?


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22 hours ago, Goukosan said:


I've served you so many Ls that you resorted to strait up posting disingenuous shit (because you were getting curb stomped).. Caught your ass... Then you drop it and tried to change the topic with a random straw man.. Rinse and repeat. 




When have you owned anyone on here? LOL You're maybe the blandest poster left on here. :umad: 

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When you lie about a bunch of shit as usual but your aspinger's won't let you admit it in public:


17 hours ago, jehurey said:

He's now avoided all the things I've asked about him, and he's clinging on to the only detail about my response that he could find a flaw.


And he's portraying it as if me saying Syria instead of Russia was an attempt to "lie".

Even though this topic is who is more of a cuck for Russia.................and him correcting me makes Trump look like more of a cuck.


Trump telling Russia, who was going to tell Syria.................is the same as telling Syria.


And it makes Trump look like a cuck for Russia.


There's no way he's getting out of that. He seems to think he's got me in checkmate. LOL




Lets list the things you have avoided answering:

  • Except Trump did not introduce any new sanctions. Those already existed and were authorized under the Magnitsky Act.


    And which presidency did the Magnitsky act was created under?

  • Trump could not convince Germany to cut off Nord Stream 2.


    Biden did.

  • Then again, a more logical question would be why was Trump treating Angela Merkel as his enemy, when she was the biggest opposer of Putin during those four years.  Gee, I wonder why you don't bring that up.

  • Republican groups paid for Fusion GPS to begin compiling the Steele Dossier.


    You're lying and burying the lede...............again.


    You know that Republicans paid Fusion GPS to begin compiling what is now known as the Steele Dossier.


    Fusion GPS was already receiving those payments, and Fusion GPS notified those Republicans of whom they were bringing in to compile the dossier.

  • can you explain Trump 2016 Presidential Campaign Manager Paul Manafort PHYSICALLY HANDING OVER internal GOP polling information to head Russian GRU Agent Konstantin Kilminik during the middle of the 2016 election, in which our U.S. Intelligence agencies later said that Russia interfered with?


    Explain to me how that doesn't make Trump look like he's a Russian stooge?

  • How did they deter "further cheating"?


    Russia almost certainly assisted North Korea with them progressing their nuclear program and intercontinental missile program.


    So, to recap, under Trump, Russia proceeded to accelerate their nuclear build-up, and Trump allowed Saudi Arabia and North Korea to get in, as well.

  • The wording of the letter is crafted by the majority party of that committee, which are Republcians.


    Nice try, didn't work.

  • So you don't have an answer for Trump literally trying to screw our own anti-missile program, because he's THAT STUPID that he was almost single-handedly responsible for the United States response time to a North Korean missile launch



    From Bob Woodward's book, Fear:

    Cohn removed the letter draft from the Resolute Desk. He placed it in a blue folder marked "KEEP."


    "I stole it off his desk," he later told an associate. "I wouldn't let him see it. He's never going to see that document. Got to protect the country."

  • Try finding an example of Obama wanting to commit a blunder so huge that the own members of his White House literally have to commit such things to trick him from doing the right thing.  C'mon, try finding some that equals this. I'll wait.















    Gee, I wonder why that is.


Are you aware that this is the biggest bitchslapping I've administered to you thus far in the entire 17 years I've been on this forum?


And I've administered some massive bitchslaps to you before, but you are absolutely crumbling here.


Because you somehow thought "YEAH...........I'm gonna run into this thread to prove that Trump wasn't a Russian lapdog for Putin, but rather Obama"


Like..............what type of delusional hatred must you have in order to rush into argument and take a position so bad, you already know you can't win?  How strong must your HATE be for black people and liberals in order for you to actually attempt this?


Why did you lie about the US about telling Syria about the attack and no planes being destroyed? :pavarotti:


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53 minutes ago, Saucer said:


When have you owned anyone on here? LOL You're maybe the blandest poster left on here. :umad: 


You're so traumatized your coping mechanism is to pretend it didn't happen. If that makes you feel better then keep telling yourself that :umad:

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8 hours ago, Goukosan said:


You're so traumatized your coping mechanism is to pretend it didn't happen. If that makes you feel better then keep telling yourself that :umad:


You're so generic you're literally using the cope meme. Boomer housewife. :umad:

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9 hours ago, Saucer said:

When you lie about a bunch of shit as usual but your aspinger's won't let you admit it in public:




You've easily lost this argument.


You have nothing, don't you?


I love how you say "a bunch of shit"...........and you've only been repeating one thing.


Which isn't even a lie, because US told Russia knowing full well Russia was telling Syria.


You're literally telling me that this is the best you can do.


I've completely demolished you.

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