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CTV and other mainstream medias trying really hard to label the truckers convoy as extremists.

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Everyone has been talking about this for the past week, don't try to downplay it because you don't care or haven't been up to speed on the subject as you say.


No doubt CNN had their propaganda take on the matter. You just forgot to tune in to Don Lemon that one time, it's okay.


You can take your smug attitude and shove it up your ass. You're in no position to be bragging about anything right now. 



Oh, I don't give a shit about Candada.


As you for your CNN commentary it's clear why  you would think something stupid but turns out that they seem to state that the protesters aren't just retarded MAGA wannabes, it's just the grifters here vocalizing support to rile up their plebs. 


So you made a fool of yourself because Tucker Carlson finessed you. 


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4 hours ago, Ramza said:

Everyone has been talking about this for the past week, don't try to downplay it because you don't care or haven't been up to speed on the subject as you say.


No doubt CNN had their propaganda take on the matter. You just forgot to tune in to Don Lemon that one time, it's okay.


You can take your smug attitude and shove it up your ass. You're in no position to be bragging about anything right now. 




I think everyone forgot to tune into Don Lemon given his viewer ratings recently :dead:

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5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Oh, I don't give a shit about Candada.


As you for your CNN commentary it's clear why  you would think something stupid but turns out that they seem to state that the protesters aren't just retarded MAGA wannabes, it's just the grifters here vocalizing support to rile up their plebs. 


So you made a fool of yourself because Tucker Carlson finessed you. 


This was at the very beginning when some people started to say there was an estimate of a 50k trucks convoy coming to Ottawa from B.C. (a ridiculous number if I do say so myself). You have no idea what you're talking about. It's now happening in almost every provincial capital simultaneously. 


Plus, since when was this about immigrants or the number of truckers in particular, did I ever say anything about that in particular? Or motherfucking Tucker Carlson? Talk about random arguments that has nothing to do with anything I've said.


Saying CNN makes propaganda pieces is anything but stupid. Please, go ahead and defend them so more while simultaneously denying that it's a source of news you actually care for. You don't come off as an hypocrite at all. lmao


Either way, the movement has far outgrown that, it keeps gaining steam and it's not ending anytime soon. It's more than just about Truckers now. I just witnessed 3 days of protest here in Quebec city while the same thing was going on in Ottawa.


Aren't you supposed to be the humble guy who can admit he doesn't know much about something? Now would be a good time for you to shut the fuck up before I embarrass your ignorance on the matter and your low intellect argumentations.


Of course you don't care about Canada, you only care about the US and how vile, racist and corrupted your own country is. Lmao, you're just another ignorant American idiot. Bet your low IQ ass can't even point out Canada or Mexico on a map. Go regurgitate your leftist victim propaganda like you always do and stick to something you actually sort-of understand. 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

How arent the ladies knocking on your mom's front door looking for a piece of you? 

Says the fgt vegan who gets fucked with a strap-on by his GF. 

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I've only discovered this forum a few weeks ago and here are the things I witnessed Soyboy over here defends or not care about.


Things Mr. Soy latte defended:


Woke SJW racial/genders and identity politics

Antifa and BLM violence during protests




Things Mr. Buttplug doesn't care about:


Any country but the US

Covid mandates and restrictions


Video games


Things Mr. I am a victim absolute hates:


Right wing people using MLK quotes

White people






Now here's a man with priorities in the right places and that's just the tip of the iceberg, I don't even want to know the rest at this point. Typical leftist clown. I'm out of here. 


Edited by Ramza
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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

I've only discovered this forum a few weeks ago and here are the things I witnessed Soyboy over here defends or not care about.


Things Mr. Soy latte defended:


Woke SJW racial/genders and identity politics

Antifa and BLM violence during protests




Things Mr. Buttplug doesn't care about:


Any country but the US

Covid mandates and restrictions


Video games


Things Mr. I am a victim absolute hates:


Right wing people using MLK quotes

White people






Now here's a man with priorities in the right places and that's just the tip of the iceberg, I don't even want to know the rest at this point. Typical leftist clown. I'm out of here. 



He gets so unreasonably angry over anything slightly right leaning, to the point where he can't have a civil conversation about anything. I hope he isn't like this in real life - he's probably the type of person who would assault a random stranger on the street because they happened to be wearing a Trump hat.

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14 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


He gets so unreasonably angry over anything slightly right leaning, to the point where he can't have a civil conversation about anything. I hope he isn't like this in real life - he's probably the type of person who would assault a random stranger on the street because they happened to be wearing a Trump hat.

He's always been miserable since the day I started posting here in 2006. Never once said anything nice to anyone, basically finds things he can hate on or hate on specific posters non-stop. That's what happens when it's the wifey fucking you, you take your anger on everyone else.

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20 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


He gets so unreasonably angry over anything slightly right leaning, to the point where he can't have a civil conversation about anything. I hope he isn't like this in real life - he's probably the type of person who would assault a random stranger on the street because they happened to be wearing a Trump hat.


Speaking of civil conversations that you have been dodging. 


Have you found where Eric Adam's supported Brags memo like you claimed?.. 


Have you caught up on the news about the Fox hosts txts with the Whitehouse before, during and right after Jan 6th?  With them directly being the propaganda wing for the Whitehouse? 


What about the fake electors plot to steal the election?


Or how about the donors being scammed out of over 75 million with ZERO refunds.... That must have been appalling... 


Nothing on those things as yet? Damn.. What's taking you so long? :umad:

Edited by Goukosan
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Ottawa declared state of emergency, 7 arrests so far from police armed to the teeth and they are taking control of the fuel for the truckers. Sold out media shills and Karens who can't support the noise are happy about this.


This country is becoming more authoritarian each and every year. It's beyond shameful, Canada is supposed to be an example to the rest of the world.



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14 hours ago, Ramza said:

I've only discovered this forum a few weeks ago and here are the things I witnessed Soyboy over here defends or not care about.


Things Mr. Soy latte defended:


Woke SJW racial/genders and identity politics

Antifa and BLM violence during protests



lol I understand that you're a little butt hurt but I'll humor you.


I discovered this forum a couple of months ago and here's what I noticed.


You guys love to complain about black people... Like all of the time. The amount of complaints about BLM ruining the world outpaces most floating topics in here. BLM comes up in topics that have nothing to do with race, police, or whatever. It's like a catch phrase boogey man in here. You guys complaining about black people getting vaccines that yall dont even want, unqualified black people getting prestigious jobs only yall are qualified for. 


The first half or I guess latter half in the queue is full of Dynocuck just going in on the racist shit. Even posting racist memes, just dehumanizing language about people of color...the kind of shit a white nationalist would post on a racist reddit and in one case, literally was a racist meme floating on white power boards. Not once was he called out by cucke or twincel or anyone else (maybe jerry once or whatever) but as much as I get called a racist on here for posting simple facts. Not once did the white right-wing angel force call out his anti-color racism. In fact, on this board only perceived racism towards white people is acknowledged by most of the people posting here. 


You, a white man in Canada who compares fucktard anti-vaxxers with being an ethnic, religious, or gender minority is calling me racist? Cucke, another white male Canadian who thinks white people are at a disadvantage to people of color in Canada thinks I'm racist....ok. :roll:  Twincel, the Trump loving coward of CT who wants racist, unconstitutional policing tactics brought back to a city he doesn't even fucking live in is agreeing with you. hmmmmmm.


This board where most of it's members go out of their way to present Donald fucking Trump as not racist. In fact, there is more energy spent in this place trying to whitewash, discredit, or decontextualize racism..again only racism or bigotry against people of color. Twincel asked for proof that Trump was racist then just shoots down any evidence of it. For what end actually? Now I know that collectively you morons are too dumb, and too self unaware to unpack any of this and actually think on it.


Yes, I fully admit that I am all for such woke ideology as Trans people should be treated like....people? That states that allow trans-panic defense in murder cases, stop doing that? That LGBTQ people be allowed on television? That gay couples should be allowed to be married and adopt children? All those crazy SJW fever dreams things that some how keep bigots like Cooke up at night.



14 hours ago, Ramza said:


Things Mr. Buttplug doesn't care about:


Any country but the US

Covid mandates and restrictions


Video games


I said I didnt care about Canada.

I dont care about COVID mandates or restrictions, true.

lol nigga said "freedom". It's funny how stupid people are easily whipped into a frenzy when "freedom" is dropped. It's like catnip for morons. 

I lie videogames just fine, but I'm a grown ass man so like it would be kind of pathetic to be concerned about videogames at this point. 


14 hours ago, Ramza said:


Things Mr. I am a victim absolute hates:


Right wing people using MLK quotes

White people






I hate


  • Bullies
  • Liars
  • Racist
  • Bigots
  • Profiteers
  • Grifters
  • Abusers
  • DKs / Dunning-Kruger heads (ie: Twincel, Cucke) Basically stupid people who think they are smart.

This also pretty much covers the entire right-wing actually, so you're pretty spot on here. I proudly hate these people. 



14 hours ago, Ramza said:


Now here's a man with priorities in the right places and that's just the tip of the iceberg, I don't even want to know the rest at this point. Typical leftist clown. I'm out of here. 



I'll say in history the right has always been in the wrong and it has been the leftist that has made any sort of social progress possible. It wasn't conservatives that were pushing for civil rights. Conservatives weren't the ones who wanted women to vote, Conservatives are still fighting against gay people, let alone trans people. There hasn't been a modern war that wasn't pushed by conservatives. Conservatives stopped caring about the environment back in the 60s. Conservatives aren't pro-labor, They've  been decimating work rights for decades. 


Its funny when you DKs go on about shit you dont understand (which seems to be fucking everything outside of videogames) and complain out loud about something and it's like...that's corporatism.  That's the goal of a particular group of people and here's the kicker, it aint the left. 

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13 hours ago, Twinblade said:


He gets so unreasonably angry over anything slightly right leaning, to the point where he can't have a civil conversation about anything. I hope he isn't like this in real life - he's probably the type of person who would assault a random stranger on the street because they happened to be wearing a Trump hat.

No, I think I respond in a reasonable manner at all times. Despite the fact that you're always lying, making shit up, or just repeating lies someone else made up, I still do respond with evidence, stats, polls, or whatever. Something either scientific or data driven. "Unreasonable" is someone arguing in bad faith, like you do. How many times do you get proven wrong only to respond "I dont care" or "It doesn't matter". 


Am I nice? Probably not, but I'm fair. If you weren't such a spineless piece of shit I wouldn't point it out. I mean arent you 30 fucking years old and without shame admit to being too much of a coward to go to Manhattan in broad daylight. Like am I supposed to pretend that's not pathetic? Or that seemingly have some cult trance thing with Donald Trump? Do I pretend that you're smart when you're wrong almost all of the time? 


I've seen people with Trump hats irl and just shook my head. I'm not risking my health or freedom (used correctly @Ramza) For idiots or racist that support Trump. The only physical altercation I've had in over a decade was chasing down two teenagers (who happened to be black) who sucker punched a homeless man (that happened to be white) Because I'm such a white person hating racist amirite guys? 

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13 hours ago, Ramza said:

He's always been miserable since the day I started posting here in 2006. Never once said anything nice to anyone, basically finds things he can hate on or hate on specific posters non-stop. That's what happens when it's the wifey fucking you, you take your anger on everyone else.

lol Dont you and your wife hate each other? 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

lol I understand that you're a little butt hurt but I'll humor you.


I discovered this forum a couple of months ago and here's what I noticed.


You guys love to complain about black people... Like all of the time. The amount of complaints about BLM ruining the world outpaces most floating topics in here. BLM comes up in topics that have nothing to do with race, police, or whatever. It's like a catch phrase boogey man in here. You guys complaining about black people getting vaccines that yall dont even want, unqualified black people getting prestigious jobs only yall are qualified for. 


The first half or I guess latter half in the queue is full of Dynocuck just going in on the racist shit. Even posting racist memes, just dehumanizing language about people of color...the kind of shit a white nationalist would post on a racist reddit and in one case, literally was a racist meme floating on white power boards. Not once was he called out by cucke or twincel or anyone else (maybe jerry once or whatever) but as much as I get called a racist on here for posting simple facts. Not once did the white right-wing angel force call out his anti-color racism. In fact, on this board only perceived racism towards white people is acknowledged by most of the people posting here. 


You, a white man in Canada who compares fucktard anti-vaxxers with being an ethnic, religious, or gender minority is calling me racist? Cucke, another white male Canadian who thinks white people are at a disadvantage to people of color in Canada thinks I'm racist....ok. :roll:  Twincel, the Trump loving coward of CT who wants racist, unconstitutional policing tactics brought back to a city he doesn't even fucking live in is agreeing with you. hmmmmmm.


This board where most of it's members go out of their way to present Donald fucking Trump as not racist. In fact, there is more energy spent in this place trying to whitewash, discredit, or decontextualize racism..again only racism or bigotry against people of color. Twincel asked for proof that Trump was racist then just shoots down any evidence of it. For what end actually? Now I know that collectively you morons are too dumb, and too self unaware to unpack any of this and actually think on it.


Yes, I fully admit that I am all for such woke ideology as Trans people should be treated like....people? That states that allow trans-panic defense in murder cases, stop doing that? That LGBTQ people be allowed on television? That gay couples should be allowed to be married and adopt children? All those crazy SJW fever dreams things that some how keep bigots like Cooke up at night.




I said I didnt care about Canada.

I dont care about COVID mandates or restrictions, true.

lol nigga said "freedom". It's funny how stupid people are easily whipped into a frenzy when "freedom" is dropped. It's like catnip for morons. 

I lie videogames just fine, but I'm a grown ass man so like it would be kind of pathetic to be concerned about videogames at this point. 



I hate


  • Bullies
  • Liars
  • Racist
  • Bigots
  • Profiteers
  • Grifters
  • Abusers
  • DKs / Dunning-Kruger heads (ie: Twincel, Cucke) Basically stupid people who think they are smart.

This also pretty much covers the entire right-wing actually, so you're pretty spot on here. I proudly hate these people. 




I'll say in history the right has always been in the wrong and it has been the leftist that has made any sort of social progress possible. It wasn't conservatives that were pushing for civil rights. Conservatives weren't the ones who wanted women to vote, Conservatives are still fighting against gay people, let alone trans people. There hasn't been a modern war that wasn't pushed by conservatives. Conservatives stopped caring about the environment back in the 60s. Conservatives aren't pro-labor, They've  been decimating work rights for decades. 


Its funny when you DKs go on about shit you dont understand (which seems to be fucking everything outside of videogames) and complain out loud about something and it's like...that's corporatism.  That's the goal of a particular group of people and here's the kicker, it aint the left. 

Complaining about BLM violent protests =/= complaining about black people as a whole. Get your facts straight. Not every black people adheres to your shit views like defunding the police is an actual viable solution to hate crime. Thinking otherwise and lumping the whole race into a radicalized group is racist in of itself. I bet you're the type of guy who calls right wing black people as uncle toms or race traitors.


I'm not seeing anyone defending Dynocop racist comments anywhere. It's all in your head. Boohoo, someone called you out on your racism towards white people. Deal with it or think before you post next-time.


Yes I'm white (is that an issue?) and I never said vaccines septic are an ethnic or religious group. What your retard ass can't comprehends is that this group is being persecuted right now, persecutions isn't necessarily always about races or religions by default. Once again you have everything backward in your head and can't comprehend basic logic. Like when I made an analogy about you using trans people as an example and you immediately lost your shit because you thought I was making a remark about them, when I was actually making a remark about you. 


Oh no, someone defended the big bad orange man. They must be racists and bigots! 


No one is trying to dehumanize trans people or other minorities. It was never the issue in question, it goes way beyond that and you know it. Like forced pronouns and other idiotic neo woke SJWs ideologies enforced by the law and state level education indoctrination on children with parents that are labeled as domestic terrorists when they disagree and think this trash shouldn't be thought in school. It's becoming such an issue that even some actual trans people openly spoke against it. 


This isn't the 60s anymore and the political shift happened a long time ago, we aren't at the same place we used to at all and neither political parties are an exact copy of what they used to be. Get with the time. Now the left is the establishment and they went so far left that the conservatives are actually the sane ones here.


History will prove you wrong but keep thinking that just because you are on the left that everything the far left hivemind say or think is in the right by default. It show your level of individual and critical thinking... basically, it's non existent. I might lean on the right but I don't always agree with everything the right stands for. I'm not a tool, like you.


You are the one who had no understanding of anything about the truckers movement and you still had to put your ignorant opinions on the matter. Like I said before, take your smug attitude (I have the moral high ground) and shove it. Your wife can help you with that if you need help.


Now, fuck off.



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25 minutes ago, Ramza said:



Complaining about BLM violent protests =/= complaining about black people as a whole.


It kind of is when it's the only take you have on a such a complex issue. Like BLM itself isn't built around violent protest. When Jan 6 happened the same people in here who love to whine about BLM all the time were saying shit like the FBI instigated it with fake protestors. So like BLM violence is all them doing what they want, but when it's a white mob it's the CIA and FBI making MAGA idiots look bad. Fucking Twincel made a thread complaining that one of the BLM founders house is too nice. Like come the fuck on already. 


25 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Get your facts straight.



Facts? Things that you and your retard posse never post and ignore when they dont agree with you? 


25 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Not every black people adheres to your shit views like defunding the police is an actual viable solution to hate crime. Thinking otherwise and lumping the whole race into a radicalized group is racist in of itself. I bet you're the type of guy who calls right wing black people as uncle toms or race traitors.


These responses are getting long enough already without you 'tardy boys always spinning out and making up strawman shit people didn't say in a desperate attempt to make a valid point. 


25 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I'm not seeing anyone defending Dynocop racist comments anywhere. It's all in your head. Boohoo, someone called you out on your racism towards white people. Deal with it or think before you post next-time.


God, more made up bullshit. I never said they did, I said no one once complained or called him a racist. Please show me a single anti-white racist remark I've made in here. I'm far from boo-hooing. Hand to God, you Cucke, and Twincel are the intellectual bottom of the barrel on this site. 


25 minutes ago, Ramza said:


Yes I'm white (is that an issue?) and I never said vaccines septic are an ethnic or religious group. What your retard ass can't comprehends is that this group is being persecuted right now, persecutions isn't necessarily always about races or religions by default. Once again you have everything backward in your head and can't comprehend basic logic. Like when I made an analogy about you using trans people as an example and you immediately lost your shit because you thought I was making a remark about them, when I was actually making a remark about you. 


No you did. What you said was that I empathized with marginalized groups, but not Anti-vaxxers. As if being Asian, Gay, or disabled is the same as some retard who doesn't want a vaccine because Joe Rogan wont. It's kind of the cowardly and intellectually dishonest way to compare them. 


25 minutes ago, Ramza said:


Oh no, someone defended the big bad orange man. They must be racists and bigots! 


Yes, non bigots and racist tend to defend racist and bigots for their racism and bigotry. 


I want to point out that all of people who claim they're down the middle, common sense, independent thinkers all say all and use the right-wing buzzwords. Like "looney left", or "big bad orange man". I pointed out  nearly two years ago how Cooke's stupid ass was sliding down the alt-right path but was too dumb to realize it. Now you guys are sputting out that Pepe shit left and right lol. 


25 minutes ago, Ramza said:

No one is trying to dehumanize trans people or other minorities. It was never the issue in question,



There's like no less than 2 or 3 threads in this place where Cucke and Twincel complain about queer or trans people they wont fuck. I'll clear this up. There are no flagrant, plain vanilla bigotry on this site. Even Dynocuck mostly uses veiled racism. So while the smooth brain trust that built this city is mostly morons, they're not the comical bigots that only exist in movies anymore. Most shit is a spectrum. This is the part you guys have the most trouble realizing. 


25 minutes ago, Ramza said:

it goes way beyond that and you know it. Like forced pronouns and other idiotic neo woke SJWs ideologies enforced by the law and state level education indoctrination on children with parents that are labeled as domestic terrorists when they disagree and think this trash shouldn't be thought in school. It's becoming such an issue that even some actual trans people openly spoke against it. 



Got any examples? 


25 minutes ago, Ramza said:


This isn't the 60s anymore and the political shift happened a long time ago, we aren't at the same place we used to at all and neither political parties are an exact copy of what they used to be. Get with the time. Now the left is the establishment and they went so far left that the conservatives are actually the sane ones here.


Oh, the left is the establishment? Like when did that happen? LMFAO "It's not the 60s anymore" Yet all of the current topics are nearly identical to what they were in the 60s outside of COVID. Even abortion is back on the table after 40 years. This is why I think you're a moron. Like, you might be smart in your own special way or whatever but you by into the most surface shit and you lack any intellectual curiosity to examine it. 


25 minutes ago, Ramza said:

History will prove you wrong but keep thinking that just because you are on the left that everything the far left hivemind say or think is in the right by default. It show your level of individual and critical thinking... basically, it's non existent. I might lean on the right but I don't always agree with everything the right stands for. I'm not a tool, like you.


You are the one who had no understanding of anything about the truckers movement and you still had to put your ignorant opinions on the matter. Like I said before, take your smug attitude (I have the moral high ground) and shove it. Your wife can help you with that if you need help.


Now, fuck off.




lol I stopped here. You motherfuckers play too much. 

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^Those rants are cringeworthy. With people like you out there its no surprise the country is as divided as it is. Imagine calling almost half the population bullies, liars, racist, bigots, profiteers, Grifters, and Abusers because they simply think differently than you do. I find leftists (particularly progressives) woefully ignorant and I may vehemently disagree with them, but im not going to think of them as shitty people.

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I will answer you later, Liquid. Don't have enough time right now. I must say I enjoy this clip of Tucker Carlson quite a lot tonight and I'm not saying this to get Liquid riled up. lol



Also Singh, the leader of the NPD is a fucking tool. Not like his party matters but wow, the smearing campaign is in full force. Absolutely shameful. Really hope Pierre Poilievre becomes leader of the conservative party and win the next election. Someone save us from these clowns.



Jagmeet Singh Says The Freedom Convoy's Goal Is To 'Overthrow The Government'

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