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CTV and other mainstream medias trying really hard to label the truckers convoy as extremists.

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I was going to respond but you calling me racist is fucking hilarious. Your shameless and lack of self awareness is either a blessing or a curse. 

You're the only one making racist rhetoric here as far as I can see.


Meanwhile you consider me racist by default because I'm white and supposedly privileged. lmao

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

You're the only one making racist rhetoric here as far as I can see. 


Lol you say that like you have any credibility. 


2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Meanwhile you consider me racist by default because I'm white and supposedly privileged. lmao


Here you go being dishonest again (shocking-not-all) 

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31 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Lol you say that like you have any credibility. 



Here you go being dishonest again (shocking-not-all) 

You literally said one page ago that white people are fine with cops beating and killing black people. Your words, not mine. If lumping an entire race group into one disgusting view such as this isn't a racist remark then I don't know what is and you've done this more than once on other matters. 


Look, deep down I know you're not that kind of racist person but I have to call you out when you make statements like this. This kind of hateful comments isn't going to get us anywhere.

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5 hours ago, Ramza said:

You literally said one page ago that white people are fine with cops beating and killing black people. Your words, not mine. If lumping an entire race group into one disgusting view such as this isn't a racist remark then I don't know what is and you've done this more than once on other matters. 


Look, deep down I know you're not that kind of racist person but I have to call you out when you make statements like this. This kind of hateful comments isn't going to get us anywhere.



No, I said the right, not white people. You, the "non-racist" one taking that as me stating white people is your own thing. It's  interesting and telling at the same time. 


Edited by Mr. Impossible
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7 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:



No, I said the right, not white people. You, the "non-racist" one taking that as me stating white people is your own thing. It's  interesting and telling at the same time. 


Oops, sorry. But it wouldn't have been your first racist remark anyway.


I'm definitely not a racist. Not adhering to your victim culture doesn't make me racist. You'd be hard pressed to find an actual racist statement from me, pal.

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Oops, sorry. But it wouldn't have been your first racist remark anyway.


Uh huh.




I'm definitely not a racist. Not adhering to your victim culture doesn't make me racist.

You'd be hard pressed to find an actual racist statement from me, pal.


Tries to dismiss legitimate issues regarding race,  claims not to be racist. Ok, I'll just get to the point. Do I think you're a Klan member, or hate people of different races, or even dislike them? No. However you exude a level of privilege simply by using the "victim culture" card. Like you whine about how bad unvaxxed people have it, and it's mostly dumb people just being shitheads. So aren't you exuding victim culture? 


Wait, aren't you the same motherfucker who asked me in January of 20fucking22 "Why is Trump racist?" lmfao

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Uh huh.



Tries to dismiss legitimate issues regarding race,  claims not to be racist. Ok, I'll just get to the point. Do I think you're a Klan member, or hate people of different races, or even dislike them? No. However you exude a level of privilege simply by using the "victim culture" card. Like you whine about how bad unvaxxed people have it, and it's mostly dumb people just being shitheads. So aren't you exuding victim culture? 


Wait, aren't you the same motherfucker who asked me in January of 20fucking22 "Why is Trump racist?" lmfao

I don't have any privileges. It's a false rhetoric that only serve to amplify the new woke culture of victimization and further divide racial harmony.


You have failed to provide any legitimate issues. Some idiot in public mocking you for your race is not a privilege for me. I could easily be mocked for my physical appearance or other things I can't change and that doesn't make you privileged either. Unfortunately, there will always be hateful idiots out there and it's not specifically tied to racial injustice. Jews are white and they are one of the most hated religious/cultural group in the world. The notion that your country is systematically racist is a lie.


I love how you immediately brush off actual systematic oppression on the unvaccinated because they are ''dump people and shitheads''. You clearly don't care about social justice and have no respect for people outside your narrative and point of view.


I wanted to know why you think Trump is racist and you failed to provide satisfactory answers as expected. 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

I don't have any privileges. It's a false rhetoric that only serve to amplify the new woke culture of victimization and further divide racial harmony.


You have failed to provide any legitimate issues. Some idiot in public mocking you for your race is not a privilege for me. I could easily be mocked for my physical appearance or other things I can't change and that doesn't make you privileged either. Unfortunately, there will always be hateful idiots out there and it's not specifically tied to racial injustice. Jews are white and they are one of the most hated religious/cultural group in the world. The notion that your country is systematically racist is a lie.


I love how you immediately brush off actual systematic oppression on the unvaccinated because they are ''dump people and shitheads''. You clearly don't care about social justice and have no respect for people outside your narrative and point of view.


I wanted to know why you think Trump is racist and you failed to provide satisfactory answers as expected. 


Lmfao this post is a gold mine. On both macro and micro levels, the staggering amount of hypocrisy, stupidity, entitlement, lack of self awareness, and what you would call "victim culture" or whatever stupid ass alt right Facebook buzzwords you learned this week is actually kind of impressive. 


There's so much to unpack there but it's like what's the point really. This is just a compilation of stupid shit you said in the past so most of it has already been addressed. I'll just say I can see why you make your wife miserable and it's not on her like you probably think. 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Lmfao this post is a gold mine. On both macro and micro levels, the staggering amount of hypocrisy, stupidity, entitlement, lack of self awareness, and what you would call "victim culture" or whatever stupid ass alt right Facebook buzzwords you learned this week is actually kind of impressive. 


There's so much to unpack there but it's like what's the point really. This is just a compilation of stupid shit you said in the past so most of it has already been addressed. I'll just say I can see why you make your wife miserable and it's not on her like you probably think. 

There isn't so much to unpack here. That's just a sleazy deflection. 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

There isn't so much to unpack here. That's just a sleazy deflection. 

There's no reason for deflection. Like I stated, I have addressed all of this this multiple times already. This place is like a reverse - groundhogs day. You 3 idiots making the same debunked points over and over again. 


You're one to talk with your side stepping ass lol. 

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On 2022-02-11 at 8:11 PM, Ramza said:


Thanks for proving you're still a racist bitch. No one is fine with cops beating or killing anyone unjustified regardless of their skin color. 


The video I posed in an unlawful display of power abuse. Cops have no rights to steal fuel from citizens, especially not during the winter when not having propane and fuel can be a life or death situation. That doesn't mean I think we should shoot cops or defund the police.


What I'm saying is so obvious it shouldn't even have to be said. You're an idiot.


Blue lives came in and restored Law and Order :salute:

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19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Lmfao this post is a gold mine. On both macro and micro levels, the staggering amount of hypocrisy, stupidity, entitlement, lack of self awareness, and what you would call "victim culture" or whatever stupid ass alt right Facebook buzzwords you learned this week is actually kind of impressive. 


There's so much to unpack there but it's like what's the point really. This is just a compilation of stupid shit you said in the past so most of it has already been addressed. I'll just say I can see why you make your wife miserable and it's not on her like you probably think. 

You haven't addressed jack shit. About the only legit argument you guys brought forward is that black people in general gets harsher sentences for similar crimes than white people does. Which on a case to case basis can most likely be explained by previous criminal offense records or not having access to good lawyers. Statistics without context can give the wrong impression.


Who the fuck in their right mind think that as soon as a black person accused of a crime enters a court automatically gets a worse sentence because he's black. At the end of the day, no actual laws permits a judge to give harsher sentences based on the color of the skin of the accused and as far as I know there are a lot of black people working as judges. There is no systematic oppression and they are no privilege in the eyes of the law, except maybe for rich people but that's a topic for another time. 


You think I'm racist because I disagree with your far left ideologies. What if I was a black man disagreeing with you, would that also make me a racist and white supremacist? You're ridiculous and your arguments are weak.

Edited by Ramza
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48 minutes ago, Ramza said:

You haven't addressed jack shit. About the only legit argument you guys brought forward is that black people in general gets harsher sentences for similar crimes than white people does. Which on a case to case basis can most likely be explained by previous criminal offense records or not having access to good lawyers. Statistics without context can give the wrong impression.


Who the fuck in their right mind think that as soon as a black person accused of a crime enters a court automatically gets a worse sentence because he's black. At the end of the day, no actual laws permits a judge to give harsher sentences based on the color of the skin of the accused and as far as I know there are a lot of black people working as judges. There is no systematic oppression and they are no privilege in the eyes of the law, except maybe for rich people but that's a topic for another time. 


You think I'm racist because I disagree with your far left ideologies. What if I was a black man disagreeing with you, would that also make me a racist and white supremacist? You're ridiculous and your arguments are weak.


Its funny you mention that because its literally already happened before




Far left progressives are truly one of a kind....

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

You haven't addressed jack shit. About the only legit argument you guys brought forward is that black people in general gets harsher sentences for similar crimes than white people does. Which on a case to case basis can most likely be explained by previous criminal offense records or not having access to good lawyers. Statistics without context can give the wrong impression.


Who the fuck in their right mind think that as soon as a black person accused of a crime enters a court automatically gets a worse sentence because he's black. At the end of the day, no actual laws permits a judge to give harsher sentences based on the color of the skin of the accused and as far as I know there are a lot of black people working as judges. There is no systematic oppression and they are no privilege in the eyes of the law, except maybe for rich people but that's a topic for another time. 


You think I'm racist because I disagree with your far left ideologies. What if I was a black man disagreeing with you, would that also make me a racist and white supremacist? You're ridiculous and your arguments are weak.

Lol Nigga, who the fuck are you that you require to be convinced and place verdicts on whether or not something or someone is racist? The arbiter or racism? 


This is what I mean by lack of self awareness. You're a white guy in Canada and deeming there is no racism in America. Like you even gave Trump a no-racist verdict despite being found guilty of racial discrimination and you know, the racist shit he said out loud. Lmfao


You're that guy. Like when women talk about sexual assault, you're the one who brings up "that women lie too". It's some sort of desire your type have to be a hero or victim in every situation. Meanwhile you act like fucking Moses for unvaxxed people or something lol 


Lol my "far left idealogy" is...? Explain how it's far left please? I don't think you're racist, just an asshole who is tolerant of racism because it doesn't affect you in any way. I mean you have appointed yourself to some position where you judge how racist something is and its on a pass/fail scale so... 


It really doesn't matter to me if you are black or not. The fact that you even used that hypothetical shows how fucking backwards and out dated your mentality is. Like I think you're more dumb than you are racist. 

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48 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Its funny you mention that because its literally already happened before




Far left progressives are truly one of a kind....


This rat race incel enters the chat. Remember when you were complaining that nyc stopped the unconstitutional stop and frisk program because it targeted black people despite the fact that on paper it doesn't specifically say "Black people"?


Lol this is how fucking dumb Twinblade is. Dramza is on his high horse because of the lack of literal people of color being wittten into laws and you can't put 1 and 1 together about the law that thank God is keeping you out of New York city was racist. Critical thinking isn't for you I guess. 



Yeah, Larry Elder is an uncle ruckus sell out and grifter. It's a funny how this stuff is so f

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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


That blue lives matter fuck your protest you cry baby :umad:

This is retarded. Who the fuck said cops lives doesn't matter? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.


Are you one of those loons who'd think we live in lala land and we would be better off without cops to enforce the law? Or if a few cops do bad things that means they're all corrupt and bad? You do realize plenty of cops have spoken in favor of the protest, right?


Lmao, fuck off with your childish shit. I thought you were better than this.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol Nigga, who the fuck are you that you require to be convinced and place verdicts on whether or not something or someone is racist? The arbiter or racism? 


This is what I mean by lack of self awareness. You're a white guy in Canada and deeming there is no racism in America. Like you even gave Trump a no-racist verdict despite being found guilty of racial discrimination and you know, the racist shit he said out loud. Lmfao


You're that guy. Like when women talk about sexual assault, you're the one who brings up "that women lie too". It's some sort of desire your type have to be a hero or victim in every situation. Meanwhile you act like fucking Moses for unvaxxed people or something lol 


Lol my "far left idealogy" is...? Explain how it's far left please? I don't think you're racist, just an asshole who is tolerant of racism because it doesn't affect you in any way. I mean you have appointed yourself to some position where you judge how racist something is and its on a pass/fail scale so... 


It really doesn't matter to me if you are black or not. The fact that you even used that hypothetical shows how fucking backwards and out dated your mentality is. Like I think you're more dumb than you are racist. 

Huh, you're the one who assume because you're black and I'm white that your OPINION is worth more than mine on the matter. Like your anecdotal evidence is proof enough that everything you say is factual truth. Sit your ass down.


Everything you say is radical leftist ideologies and neo woke crap. You've never strayed from the path ever and you double down every time I say your country isn't systematically racist. This is a far left ideology, you clown. 


It is a likely scenario because not every black person adhere to your opinion but please call me racist some more while you generalize your whole race into one basket. Lol, you dumb pos. 

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