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New Standalone Gwent SP campaign releasing later this year

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I thought Thronebreaker was the single player game. But in the article they mention its not a "Witcher Tales" type of game. So, its not top-down RPG?


Whatever happened to the developer of Puzzle Quest. I tried to play Puzzle Quest 2 on my phone like 5 years ago, the sequel sucked bigtime.


EDIT: Oh shit, I just discovered that the original developer is making a Puzzle Quest 3, first sequel since 2010, and they've been in early access on the phone since last year. Its a 500MB download on android phones. I have to at least try this.

Edited by jehurey
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Thronebreaker could have been good but the puzzle missions that had to be done in a certain order ruined the game for me.


And the actual Gwent online game was also shit, the thing I liked the most about Gwent in Witcher 3 was how easy and fast it was to play, adding new rules and cards ruined that pick up and play feeling. 

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But the problem with Gwent in Witcher 3 is that the game had a cieling with its strategy. Once you collected enough cards, there was really on one surefire strategy to win each time.


So it can't get any more challenging unless you introduce new cards and new rules. I also hesitate at getting into Thronebreaker or online Gwent because I'd have to re-learn stuff again.


Hey, I've been trying out this Puzzle Quest 3 free-to-play thing that is in Early Access on Android phones, at least the first tutorial chapter, its pretty decent.


Its miles better than Elder Scrolls Blades free-to-play that I probably put like 20 hours in that back when that came out. At the end of the day, I don't like Elder Scrolls combat, at all.  But I like Puzzle Quest's core match-3 mechanic.


Haven't hit their pay wall yet, I'm sure its going to be there. But this is a nice diversion, and thankfully entering and exiting battles is quick and pleasant.


Apparently, the game has stalled in Early Access, and the community is starting to abandon them unless they get moving. Except those are people that have been playing for like 8 months already.

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21 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Thronebreaker could have been good but the puzzle missions that had to be done in a certain order ruined the game for me.


And the actual Gwent online game was also shit, the thing I liked the most about Gwent in Witcher 3 was how easy and fast it was to play, adding new rules and cards ruined that pick up and play feeling. 

Yeah I wasn’t a fan of the puzzle missions either but thankfully there weren’t too many of them 


but the standalone version is still pretty simple to play, there’s just more cards, content, and abilities but I don’t think they hurt the pick up and play aspect.

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4 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Yeah I wasn’t a fan of the puzzle missions either but thankfully there weren’t too many of them 


but the standalone version is still pretty simple to play, there’s just more cards, content, and abilities but I don’t think they hurt the pick up and play aspect.

Well, I didn't spent too much time on Gwent online to be honest.


4 hours ago, jehurey said:

But the problem with Gwent in Witcher 3 is that the game had a cieling with its strategy. Once you collected enough cards, there was really on one surefire strategy to win each time.

Lol definitely, once you had a good deck, the same strategy would win most games. And spy cards made it too easy to fool the AI with.

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15 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Well, I didn't spent too much time on Gwent online to be honest.


Lol definitely, once you had a good deck, the same strategy would win most games. And spy cards made it too easy to fool the AI with.

That’s the cool thing about the standalone one. As you play and collect more cards you mix and match them to create builds that completely change your playstyle and strategy. 

I think I’m gonna try and get back to it. I sucked and was in a cycle where I would rank up a bit in the competitive multiplayer just to encounter way better players who would shit all over me and knock me down several pegs. If you treat it as a casual pick up and play game and stick to the regular mp it’s definitely more enjoyable though.

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