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MS: COD will still be on PlayStation in the future. Wants to add Nintendo.

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Just now, ghostz said:

Gamepass is without a doubt going to be on PS, it’s only a matter of time. Whether it’s native or not doesn’t really matter.

No, it does matter.


Because that's Playstations requirement.


That's not going to be negotiable.  Phil Spencer has to adhere to those requirements.


There is zero chance...........zero...........that GamePass works on Playstation unless Sony is getting a percentage of the monthly subscription payment.

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Lemtards like Vini and Ghostz who thought a big series like CoD would be exclusive to Xbox.     I tried telling them, their fanboys hopes and dreams have been crushed.

The Nintendo part is interesting.. depending on which games they're talking about.  Probably Diablo and stuff like that that can actually run decently on the hardware.   I wonder if they mig

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

No, it does matter.


Because that's Playstations requirement.


That's not going to be negotiable.  Phil Spencer has to adhere to those requirements.


There is zero chance...........zero...........that GamePass works on Playstation unless Sony is getting a percentage of the monthly subscription payment.

MS just announced a new, open store policy method and mentioned that it was due to “talks with Sony”. Watch for the Sony announcement soon. 

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3 minutes ago, ghostz said:

MS just announced a new, open store policy method and mentioned that it was due to “talks with Sony”. Watch for the Sony announcement soon. 

What's the "open store policy"?



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1 minute ago, Remij said:

so within the first paragraph:



Today we’re announcing a new set of Open App Store Principles that will apply to the Microsoft Store on Windows and to the next-generation marketplaces we will build for games. We have developed these principles in part to address Microsoft’s growing role and responsibility as we start the process of seeking regulatory approval in capitals around the world for our acquisition of Activision Blizzard. This regulatory process begins while many governments are also moving forward with new laws to promote competition in app markets and beyond. We want regulators and the public to know that as a company, Microsoft is committed to adapting to these new laws, and with these principles, we’re moving to do so.

this appears to be inconsequential to everybody doing business outside of Microsoft and Windows.

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Just now, jehurey said:

so within the first paragraph:


this appears to be inconsequential to everybody doing business outside of Microsoft and Windows.


No keep reading..



Second, some may ask why today’s principles do not apply immediately and wholesale to the current Xbox console store. It’s important to recognize that emerging legislation is being written to address app stores on those platforms that matter most to creators and consumers: PCs, mobile phones and other general purpose computing devices. For millions of creators across a multitude of businesses, these platforms operate as gateways every day to hundreds of millions of people. These platforms have become essential to our daily work and personal lives; creators cannot succeed without access to them. Emerging legislation is not being written for specialized computing devices, like gaming consoles, for good reasons. Gaming consoles, specifically, are sold to gamers at a loss to establish a robust and viable ecosystem for game developers. The costs are recovered later through revenue earned in the dedicated console store.


Nonetheless, we recognize that we will need to adapt our business model even for the store on the Xbox console. Beginning today, we will move forward to apply Principles 1 through 7 to the store on the Xbox console. We’re committed to closing the gap on the remaining principles over time. In doing so, we will incorporate the spirit of new laws even beyond their scope, while moving forward in a way that protects the needs of game developers, gamers, and competitive and healthy game-console ecosystems.



Basically, in the future they envision the console store to be open as well.

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yeah, this appears to be Microsoft saying that, for the time being, Windows is still (mostly) open to any developer who wants to create a program to run on windows.:


Quality, Safety, Security & Privacy

  1. We will enable all developers to access our app store as long as they meet reasonable and transparent standards for quality and safety.
  1. We will continue to protect the consumers and gamers who use our app store, ensuring that developers meet our standards for security.
  1. We will continue to respect the privacy of consumers in our app stores, giving them controls to manage their data and how it is used.


  1. We will hold our own apps to the same standards we hold competing apps.
  1. We will not use any non-public information or data from our app store to compete with developers’ apps.

Fairness and Transparency

  1. We will treat apps equally in our app store without unreasonable preferencing or ranking of our apps or our business partners’ apps over others.
  1. We will be transparent about rules for promotion and marketing in our app store and apply these consistently and objectively.

Developer Choice

  1. We will not require developers in our app store to use our payment system to process in-app payments.
  1. We will not require developers in our app store to provide more favorable terms in our app store than in other app stores.
  1. We will not disadvantage developers if they choose to use a payment processing system other than ours or if they offer different terms and conditions in other app stores.
  1. We will not prevent developers from communicating directly with their customers through their apps for legitimate business purposes, such as pricing terms and product or service offerings.

We also recognize that emerging legislation will apply new rules to companies that both run an app store and control the underlying operating system like Windows. Therefore, we are also committing today that:

  • We will continue to enable developers to choose whether they want to deliver their apps for Windows though our app store, from someone else’s store, or “sideloaded” directly from the internet.
  • We will enable Windows users to use alternative app stores and third-party apps, including by changing default settings in appropriate categories.


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1 minute ago, Remij said:


No keep reading..


Basically, in the future they envision the console store to be open as well.

again, this affects only people who wish to run apps on Windows


this news is probably more reassuring to Gabe Newell and Tim Sweeney and GOG than anybody else.

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Just now, jehurey said:

again, this affects only people who wish to run apps on Windows


this news is probably more reassuring to Gabe Newell and Tim Sweeney and GOG than anybody else.

Did you not read what they said?



"Nonetheless, we recognize that we will need to adapt our business model even for the store on the Xbox console. Beginning today, we will move forward to apply Principles 1 through 7 to the store on the Xbox console. We’re committed to closing the gap on the remaining principles over time. In doing so, we will incorporate the spirit of new laws even beyond their scope, while moving forward in a way that protects the needs of game developers, gamers, and competitive and healthy game-console ecosystems."


The MS/Windows store will remain open, actually be more open than ever before.. but also that they are transitioning the console store to be open as well, 1-7 now, and then the following policies coming over time.


It's quite clear they are doing this as a way of reassuring regulators that they don't plan on cutting out gamers on competing platforms, as well as allowing other companies to do better business on their own platforms..


And they're doing this because they plan on purchasing more and more developers/publishers in the future.



Of course, this doesn't mean that Sony is following suit, or has to... however this all goes towards making MS look open to allowing business to be done anywhere... and if other companies wont allow it on their platforms, then MS looks like the good guy, and it's the others who are causing harm to their userbases at that point.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  MS WILL force Sony to play their game.. because at the end of the say, shareholders and boards of directors will be asking "why are we limiting ourselves with this when our competitors aren't?"


And no fanboy rationale will have a sufficiently acceptable answer for that question.

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Yeah, you're right on that. I just thought you saw something that confirmed it.


I'm still waiting for that SMTV PC release announcement... :meh: 


Triangle strategy may happen on PC in a year or so. 


SMTV, that depends on what deal Nintendo worked out with Atlus.  SMTV was one of the fiest games announced for Switch, might be long term exclusivity. 

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1 hour ago, Remij said:

The Nintendo part is interesting.. depending on which games they're talking about.  Probably Diablo and stuff like that that can actually run decently on the hardware.


I wonder if they might have worked out a cloud solution which isn't "GamePass" but might be specially sectioned off for Nintendo?  Basically just MS first party games and nothing else.  Every cloud version of 3rd party Nintendo games goes through a specific company which I can't remember the name of, so it would be surprising if that was the case.


CoD on PS.. yep, just makes sense.  No reason to pull it off completely.  It's too well established of a franchise on multiple platforms, just like Minecraft.


Make dat money MS.


As Ike mentioned mostly all of Activision and Blizzard games are already on Switch... Except for COD. 


Most like this is for Warzone on Switch. 

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It's definitely clear that MS are going all 3rd party.  Basically anything that sells anywhere will continue to sell there.  However if you want to play those games through a subscription service, it's only GamePass.


I don't think Sony or Nintendo would ever allow GP on their consoles.  The only way would be if it was modified to be Xbox first party games only, and of course Sony/Nintendo would get a percentage of every subscription.



That kind of a future, is cool... but also kind of messy for MS marketing.  Having all these different versions of GamePass with different games, as well as the cloud version.. will definitely lead to some confusion.


I'm sure it's doable, but they just have to have the right marketing scheme to eliminate any confusion.

Edited by Remij
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12 minutes ago, Remij said:

Did you not read what they said?



The MS/Windows store will remain open, actually be more open than ever before.. but also that they are transitioning the console store to be open as well, 1-7 now, and then the following policies coming over time.


It's quite clear they are doing this as a way of reassuring regulators that they don't plan on cutting out gamers on competing platforms, as well as allowing other companies to do better business on their own platforms..


And they're doing this because they plan on purchasing more and more developers/publishers in the future.


That absolutely does not help them with regulators, or make them appear as "open and fair" platform holders.


This only applies for Windows or Xbox devices (which is running Windows).


They're basically saying "if Sony and Nintendo want to develop and put games on OUR Xbox, we'll let them!"


Wow, what an amazing concession from Microsoft.  They're announcing something that Sony and Nintendo could already do with previous Xbox consoles if they wanted to.


Nintendo allowed Rare to make a Diddy Kong Kart Racing game on the DS, I guess Nintendo has that same amazing policy as well.


This means jackshit for Playstation and Nintendo hardware. Those are relatively closed systems (or highly regulated systems, to explain it another way), as they have always been.

Edited by jehurey
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8 minutes ago, Remij said:

Did you not read what they said?



The MS/Windows store will remain open, actually be more open than ever before.. but also that they are transitioning the console store to be open as well, 1-7 now, and then the following policies coming over time.


It's quite clear they are doing this as a way of reassuring regulators that they don't plan on cutting out gamers on competing platforms, as well as allowing other companies to do better business on their own platforms..


And they're doing this because they plan on purchasing more and more developers/publishers in the future.



Of course, this doesn't mean that Sony is following suit, or has to... however this all goes towards making MS look open to allowing business to be done anywhere... and if other companies wont allow it on their platforms, then MS looks like the good guy, and it's the others who are causing harm to their userbases at that point.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  MS WILL force Sony to play their game.. because at the end of the say, shareholders and boards of directors will be asking "why are we limiting ourselves with this when our competitors aren't?"


And no fanboy rationale will have a sufficiently acceptable answer for that question.


Share holders look at revenue, profits etc. 


Currently Nintendo's and Sony's models are doing better than MS.  Gamepass and MS strategy are the current loss leader, until that starts churning out ridiculous profits you won't see Sony or Nintendo go full on and follow MS. 


They might add bits and pieces to supplement their current models but not to replace what they're are currently doing anytime soon. 

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


Share holders look at revenue, profits etc. 


Currently Nintendo's and Sony's models are doing better than MS.  Gamepass and MS strategy are the current loss leader, until that starts churning out ridiculous profits you won't see Sony or Nintendo go full on and follow MS. 


They might add bits and pieces to supplement their current models but not to replace what they're are currently doing anytime soon. 

Sony and MS profits in gaming are essentially equal with the acquisition of Activision. 

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9 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


As Ike mentioned mostly all of Activision and Blizzard games are already on Switch... Except for COD. 


Most like this is for Warzone on Switch. 

I think they might port the campaigns now if they are bi-annual instead of annual. More time to port.


Though I'm not really sure if bi-annual campaigns was even an MS decision, seems like it was Activision's idea with the release of Warzone.

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@ghostz on suicide watch.





I like how he tried to move the goalposts after all the shit talking he’s been doing on this topic for weeks. Tried to tell the clown that COD would remain multiplat like Destiny remained multiplat but he didn’t wanna have none of it. What an idiot. They really thought a franchise as huge as COD was gonna be exclusive to Xbox and PC :sabu: 

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